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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Everything posted by Roy: Marquess of Pherae

  1. Hi. Getting support from parents and a few close friends. I might pull through after all :)
  2. Ninian's my mom. Not that scumbag bitch, Fio-I mean Sain's wife.
  3. How hard is taking care of a dog? I only have had cats.
  4. So I started playing the metroid series. I luv it :3
  5. Charivari has really become a poster Pokemon. And that's okay! :D
  6. This step alone has become an impossibly daunting task.
  7. Emotions are your greatest weapon. But they are very destructive.
  8. I will shame them. But yes. It must be done tonight.
  9. A girl who promised me things of your wildest imagination. Looked me in the eye. Was serious. Originally, the only one who knew of my past insanity. Swore to keep it away. She left. I'm sure she knows I'm literally dying, growing weaker and more detached from the world day after day. I am 15. I understand a relationship like this was not healthy. However, I am in dire need. I'm a high level athlete. I've done great things. I've fought many battle for many people. Love is such a powerful kindle for the fire. Now I can no longer function. I am one of the strongest and weakest people you know.
  10. In my past I have created a void of complete sense. No emotion. No judgement. No pain. No bliss. Only logic. It is... The most unsatisfying feeling in existence. You become painfully weak.
  11. Severe depression. Post break up. It's been a month. No change. Clearly there is something horribly wrong with me. School starting soon. Can't bear to see the girl who promised to never leave my side.
  12. I disagree... An emotionless life leads to no satisfaction. It is anything, but enlightenment. For me, its a self defense mechanism to save me from psychological hell. And Glac, honestly, I've been doing very badly.
  13. I've entered this state. But it is much weaker. I...I need to be strong right now...people are depending on me... But I can't be strong anymore because I don't love or have passion for anything. I try to, but I can't.And hi Glaceon.
  14. Never I don't think. But I've read much. I'm having difficulty in my life right now and I like to go back and look for good memories. But everyone is having problems similar to mine.
  15. *remembers when this thread was innocently happy* Times sure have changed :/
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