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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Everything posted by Roy: Marquess of Pherae

  1. In a competitive environment, Ike is better suited for a free for all. 1v1 Ike's don't go far in the big world.
  2. Together we ride campaign. I'm not doing well to be honest. But I want to get stronger. And I can see others have important goals, too. Like I said before, I need all the support I can get. So "Together We Ride" has the purpose of a pack of people pushing each other along so we can all become great.
  3. Ok... so Duck, John, Vida, Me, Hero King Am I missing anyone, or is this the crew?
  4. Pelleas it is. I'll call you... um... either Loca or LLVL
  5. Well first... We need to plan this out. Pic of Roy: Young Lion (Or should I be rutger I don't even know anymore lol) Pic of Lyn?: John Pic of Oujay: Duck Pic of Zelots?(I forget): Living La Vida Loca (Does he have a nickname) Pic of Marth: Hero King And of course anyone else who is joining the campaign to a better tomorrow.
  6. making this sig is a pain because the images have white background and im too suckish to photoshop
  7. I did. Recovery run. Pretty easy. It's really easy to overtrain if you have an attitude like mine, so I'm carefully monitored... Had to say goodbye to one of my closest friends. He's graduated and tomorrow is the first official practice. It's against the rules for him to show up tomorrow. I think I have a couple weeks before school starts for me.
  8. Many are suspicious I am I'm sorry to say. I assure you I'm not. It's just that, I used love to fuel me. And I became too close to this person who betrayed me. Now I struggle to do anything. I am pathetic and weak, but one day I want to be strong again.
  9. It's how I am. I was strong before this. Now I've become so reckless. Damn... if only I hadn't been foolish enough to trust her.
  10. I can be blinded by my angry so easily. I'm very bitter about my breakup. I'm very sorry.
  11. Physical pain doesn't bother me so much anymore. After what I've seen, it feels so insignificant. Do as you please.
  12. Still wouldn't hurt anything like relationships do. Yeah sorry, I get angry when this subject comes up.
  13. More trouble than they're worth. Morning everybody!
  14. Running tomorrow morning. Better try to sleep. Let's keep the enthusiasm rolling. Probably going to be dreaming of marching forward. Goodnight! Tomorrow is the start to a brighter future!
  15. Tomorrow... I want to make a sig with together we ride and all the people joining this campaign. It will be like: Together we ride! *pic of lyn-john* *pic of ray-duck* *pic of roy-young lion* and more to come
  16. "Together we ride!" I think this is like our theme for 2014-2015. Let's make this a thing.
  17. I believe you, you know.And you can count on me, Duck. I'm very... Well weak and strong. My emotional ties are amplified. In a way, one of the strongest people you know, and the weakest. I take nasty falls. But I'm fiery, too. If you want support and you catch me on a good day, I'll start a war for you if that's what it takes. Never given up on anything in my life. Never will.
  18. I promise everyone... Help me get back on my feet while I'm weaker than ever... And I'll come back stronger than ever.
  19. It's amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it. Duck... I'm a very passionate person. My emotions rage like the angsty teenager I am but even more. I forced myself to undergo harsh training because I wanted to prove someone wrong. I did. Then I fought for a girl I loved. Left me and without her, it's devastating. I never have had much natural talent. Not trying to be humble, either. It's the truth. I took a month off running, gained 20 pounds! I don't even have the right attitude for pacing. I power through every run. That 2:04 800m... I was in tears during that one. It's a double edged sword. With my kind of ambition, you rise to amazing heights...but you fall down so low. It's been a month and I'm still completely miserable over a break up. Running has been a battle to run at all. When my drive is back, I know I'll do great things. But finding myself again is the most daunting if tasks I've ever taken on.
  20. Thank you! :$ My roll model ran a 4:16 his senior year. As a freshman, I am running faster times than he was. I'm going into sophomore year. If I follow this path for the next three years... Well I'm hoping to become the next one of him. :)
  21. 16:30 three mile. But that was last year. I got better for track. 10:10 two mile 4:42 mile 2:04 half mile I was one of the fastest 800m freshmen in Illinois. I hope all that lifting during track won't make me a worse xc runner. I'm getting ready for the season.
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