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Everything posted by Chen

  1. play a single player game once in your life pls
  2. yeah QOTD 1511 - Untranslated games you want translated?
  3. im the government and i also control the banks, (((chen)))
  4. (nervous laughter) QOTD 1510 - Would you go to Mars? submitted by not a Martian.
  5. Uhhh anything eurobeat QOTD 1509 - Were you into Naruto at some point in your life? Be honest. submitted by I was during my grade school days.
  6. That youtuber that makes videos about video games by just showing clips from developers or comparisons from prototype builds and current builds of games + a suggestive title
  7. anyone remember that one VR video crowbcat did
  8. well this is barely qotd anymore since i go days without updating it
  9. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ok then? it's the fucking questions thread lol. you are not obligated to answer any of the questions in the thread, i just put up questions for the thread whenever. but sure im a fucking dick lol
  10. real talk: play more games or don't answer the question buddy
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