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Everything posted by Chen

  1. hey, only 7.4? i feel offended! also that porn thing was to leave my mark on people gotta make first impressions, right?
  2. this is on a much higher level than simple judgement threads
  3. with this amount of charisma i could be the next genghis khan
  4. "i say, yo she ded but dat ass is still fresh turn evil if yo gurl's ass stay fresh"
  5. i have... 6 followers good enough for me
  6. i'd rather people ask me questions than me give them my impressions on them!
  7. >8.8 if you don't give me a 0/10, i will riot
  8. 1). first and last expressos of me 2). no double interview? 3). what do you put on your hot dog 4). how do you see the community of the site? 5). have you been caught up in any trouble in the past 5 years? (such as hitting your toe against a table too hard?)
  9. you've been hit by you've been struck by a smooth pride
  10. are atomic wings supposed to make your stomach feel like hell!?
  11. fun fact: it's cheaper to get a gateway card than the entirety of this game
  12. aging is a wonder and so are emotions! don't let anything tell you otherwise, or deck them
  13. age is a sign of ganbatte'ing the whole way!! as in, you didn't rng out anywhere or fuck up!
  14. it's okay, i know tons of people older than you!
  15. if you liked speedruns, probably
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