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Everything posted by Chen

  1. young at heart, indeed you seem like a good person
  2. any kind of desire is natural, right? you can't help it, but as long as you don't like kill your wife that lego thing is coming along COOL btw
  3. k-kirei apologist? well, acting out of your own desires is not bad i-in any way!
  4. i'm always watching, waiting, and hoping
  5. i still can't get over how this guy does unavoidable 9999 damage attacks to you i DO have a tablet, it's worth every penny thanks for the compliments guys
  6. if james bond approves, then i am doing something very right do i just draw clothes on everything, then
  7. yes i would post it but i would probably get 200 warning points
  8. yes that's the teacher from huniepop lol i guess this counts as big too '3'
  9. green also great pun makaze i give you a rofl
  10. i would post something but i fear it's a bit too ranchy
  11. not very impressive "breast done i've done in months. thanks chen"
  12. i hope my mother doesn't think i'm a porn artist i would only do that for money
  13. maybe my mom has a complex and i'm terrorizing her with it but no she's fine with this a bit awkward to see your mother mention how big you draw breasts though
  14. my mom thinks i draw lots of big breasts
  15. relatively virgin weeb? that's what i'm getting from your avatar and signature
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