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Everything posted by Chen

  1. Mmm. I'd love to visit many places. Among them, I'd wanna visit the moon. Not just the plain moon, just a modernized moon with glowing cities and parties every day. A moon with hedonism as its philosophy! And lots of food! If I could, I would make myself immortal and live on the moon forever, provided that civilization can begin there and that I could breathe/breed. Do you think objective morality is real?
  2. you like tea without milk! YES! a person with a taste of gold, not saying tea with milk is bad though
  3. this doujin i want on sale, but shipping is expensive. thanks japan
  4. red saber is only good one, she has the pride and honor that rulers need!
  5. so jelly, my favorite series don't get any figures except for rare shit ;_;
  6. i should play more old wrpgs on my backlog
  7. is arcanum a good game? give your opinions
  8. if i can't have it all, i'll burn it all baby!

  9. we bring them cookies for christmas, they bring us cookies for christmas, we help them when their roof is broken, they help us when i accidentally kick the ball into their yard, but we don't really talk!
  10. 6/10 I think it's a pretty generic one. You shouldn't even be caring about the whole fandom, geez. I'd just care about the fun people.
  11. 1. what brand of toothpaste is the most acceptable? 2. should tea ever have milk? 3. what about coffee? 4. missed an essential question: what do you think of me? '3'
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