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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Banned for smashing eardrums with that..... noise.
  2. I think Ewan has one with Amelia. That being said, probably should throw mine in: (Out of the paired endings, except Ephraim/L'Arachel, because I still find it weird that they don't have one) Colm/Neimi Ephraim/L'Arachel Natasha/Joshua Kyle/Syrene Artur/Lute
  3. Gonna agree on the least favourite (and I think worst) being Chapter 7. Once you get past the desert, you have Melgen and Ishtor to face. Then you get Darna on the counter attack with Aless (good luck if you want to kill him in melee), while more mages and armours come from Alster. Leaf, Nanna and Fin have to deal with all the troops from there if you're not in position, and you have to also pick up a unit from Darna, which frankly is a dick move at this point. And you end with a holy warrior at a point where most of your army are one-shotted. Yeah, this chapter sucks. I'm going to split my favourite, as chapter 5 isn't the best gameplay wise, but the story and what it leads to is excellent. Marching your army through two holy warriors at the end game, seeing the Yied massacre, getting Tyrfing, and managing to return to Grandbell, only for the end of that chapter to happen might be the best in the series, and Doors of Destiny is actually my favourite map music because of all this. It's dragged down by the desert and the merely distracting bandits near the start though. Gameplay wise, I'm going with chapter 10. Despite the staves (in a game with 1 restore staff), everything else is good for this point in the game, and having to solve the puzzle of fighting Julius and Ishtar, and then the final wall at Chalphy is tough, but far from insurmountable. It gives plenty of experience for the endgame, and it's a solid chapter overall imo. 3 is similar, but the one bridge tile between Augustra and Orgahill is a giant pain to get past with that many pirates.
  4. Good few choices here, the Legendary Dogs, the theme for Lugia/Ho-oh in the remakes, the Tao trio, Giratina, Arceus, Super-Ancient Pokemon Awaken, DPP/BW's Legendary tracks.... Gonna pick Lugia/Ho-oh. Honestly have always been a fan of the soundtracks for this series. Though yes, the trainer tracks are better overall.
  5. Hmm. Favourite Christmas cavs as a group.... Just going to go over it and put it in a spoiler tag.
  6. Least they didn't get the same cloak. Though a couple are chancers and picked very similar ones. Death to rebel scum, glory to the Clone Army the Republic Thracia!
  7. That's true. It's just that seeing this new word as the region name and as a greeting/farewell means it is going to be a very common word in game. And personally, that just clicked while playing the demo as something irksome. Of course, there is too little to tell from this and I could just be guessing wrong as to the occurrence in the full game. Again, it is an impression of the game that was made to show certain things about Sun/Moon.
  8. And for those items on certain days, it does say from initial play. So you might be stuck there. (Though I won't be able to change back from DST for something like 12 days if that's the case.)
  9. Also, I might just get hype after playing the demo (I have not yet done so).
  10. Poorly. Ross can work in the early game, but he still needs a new class before he gets good, and a harder game will make that harder. Ewan coming as late as he does would be doomed in a harder game. Amelia... Yeah, just does not go well. No tower on top of that, and they'd be utterly useless. (except possibly Ross)
  11. Preferred class: Mage (Probably focused on wind to be honest, really just magic is the obvious case of "DO WANT.") Likely class: Archer (Followed by Fighter. More used to bows.) Quote: "I'll have blow you away." "Time to wreck your day!" "You'll have to back down." "I guess this is necessary." Affinity: Anima (Wind if you count Blood type)
  12. As a unit, Shanna has availability over Tate, but Tate is a better unit overall imo. Especially for hard mode. Still, Zeiss is better than both, but availability is worse again. And his level is particularly low for that point. Juno unfortunately is a terrible unit. (Edit: probably should be clarifying hard mode for Tate and Zeiss. Otherwise, there's pretty much no benefit. And even then, everyone else has made the case for Thany being better overall.)
  13. Well, I assume it's Gen 6 EXP share. And I'm ok with using it, mostly because it gives the opportunity to use more pokemon in a playthrough, which I did find fun the last 2 times. Also, not really sure what to think about what little has been leaked otherwise.
  14. >Looking in fan projects >Finds this >squee ....THANK YOU! Seriously, this is the one thing that bugs me the most about this game. Now I can replay this game without tearing my hair out. What did you have to edit in order for this to work?
  15. Ask if I'm disturbing anything. And ask myself why I'm there in the first place.
  16. I definitely think FE4 is worth playing, and certainly less clunky than 3 in all ways but trading (i.e. trading items without selling them is not in this game). Though I have to say that if you know what you're doing, it can be a bit too easy except for in certain moments. Avoid reading on the story, and as for pairing, you can ask around if you want and while certain pairs are better than others, you are able to beat the game with any arguably.
  17. Pokemon. Started with Yellow, though certainly borrowed my brother's copy of Red before that. Not a surprise sure. The only thing that might be argued as sooner is Spyro, and that's kinda long since drifted.
  18. Banned for inciting a skeleton riot.
  19. Well, it's that you have 8 units to do a prison break, with whatever other units to get out as well, so you'll be needing door keys/thieves. There'll also a lot of units, who can be warped in to wherever from certain places. There are some chests too. The boss has Blizzard, so that's not fun. Oh, and if you take too long powerful dark mages arrive. Have fun.
  20. Mr. "Roy's Our Boy!" Roy? (I know, that's Smash, but still) I never got a vibe of people disliking him to be honest. And he's likely the lord that people say the least negative things about in the GBA era. And he's pretty inoffensive as a whole. Which ironically is part of my issue with him. So I think he's overrated as a character. Not even going to pretend he is a gameplay favourite though.
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