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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Skyrim's sun has truly set now. Barlowe shouting Wheee as he flies across the sky is canon Can't be too careful I suppose.
  2. Meanwhile in rugby: (Ireland is Luigi) The idea is that he escaped the mortal shackles by dying, thus being eternal Just imagining all three at a bar in 2030, talking occult interests and cursing Julius and his beard game. I'll take a season of that.
  3. Formed their own club waiting for the Drac to be back chilling with Barlowe's ghost
  4. Least it sounds like no issue in practice. Interesting that they're unsure with those compared to this moon. Suppose the evidence is easier to get. They predicted nuclear explosions? /s
  5. There goes the neighbourhood Is it at least looking like things might ease up in the next while? Feeling a little worried about it myself, but shh I'm just not hoping to hear all of Paris is burning because of you I'd assume there are, but I haven't been there in nearly 2 decades and am not recalling. Oooh, timelapse. What are you drawing in? Mostly curious because of the reference tool that you used at the start. Well there's enough ways for the world to end off that plot point Saw the headline, interesting how it's going to slingshot itself back into the asteroid belt.
  6. They exterminated him That's the thing, you've got a good deal of the elderly who are requiring assistance to varying degrees. The main reasons against are concerns about care setting abuse and the idea of keeping people in their home, which could be fair enough points that would need rigorous work to resolve. And that's ignoring the real issue of the age bell curve coming at us. Not this second. I was all too fond of Maxi and nunchuck spam myself. All true, but the point was more about Wallachia That and plenty of those Vikings set up further along the rivers too, see the Varangian guard or Rus Hopefully it's uneventful given prior months.
  7. If Devil May Cry anime was so good why isn't there a Devil May Cry anime 2- What an odd thing to happen twice. Not because it makes no sense but more that this is happening now, but then again I supposed the (mostly mid) 2010's were a bit of a series slump. On the other hand no game since 2019 if I recall correctly. Not sure if I expected the number to be higher or lower. Kinda making an argument of communal housing for all elderly with that unfortunately. I assume because it came to mind after what I said and you had to share. No point in me casting any specific aspersions when the case is still missing details in public, so I can't really assume the significance yet. Not gonna lie, as someone who played SC years back (II/III) Voldo always was just off to me. I just never liked fighting him. Admittedly I was also pretty bad and I don't think I really figured out how to fight him. Judgement pretty much is. Considering this was seventh gen, probably was a decent amount of potential picks left off the table. Man, the river piracy of Wallachia wasn't real? No wonder, can't even get his profession straight. Considering he can attack these mechs as himself, Pac-man looks like he'd be a nightmare just zooming about. Will there be a Pac-Maze map?
  8. Now we have the Palworld lawsuit people expected from day 1. Notably the avenue they went for was patent infringement. Nothing has been confirmed as to what patent is supposedly infringed mind, but some people are arguing this one might be it. Same here if we're being honest. There's places that had hundreds long since hollowed out, but you have it happening still here too. Sounds like a warrant being made for Horny Jail Pac-Man's in this game. Jeez, they're not messing around on crossovers there. It's always the sex stuff and feeling shame about it That's some old comments to have break your candidacy, but I supposed severity is the focus here? Iga confirmed show canon? /s Once again, I'm hearing Fuck You Grant. He gets Voldo'd in Judgement, has pretty much no callback outside of people pretending to be him and when the other three get references he gets crickets.
  9. I hear there's some leaks. In before Nintendo try to call up M&L Plumbing It's a choice to encourage one-lunch stands. I mean, Denmark is failing on the policies it's been trying and they're considered pretty generous. I'd be curious to see what the current workforce is involved in before confirming collapse, because how much of that 300 million is in manufacturing and not in other sectors? Because it could be in areas like agriculture that might feel the pinch of these changes. Buriki Daioh's haunted 😨 How many other mechs are?
  10. How many states need to go to horny jail? No mention of similar trends here, which is certainly the case. I'll be worried when a general election happens, likely by the end of the year. Is that a remix of Follow Me! from Sacred Stones in the photo montage?
  11. Be in a more involved place where I'm feeling pretty good actually. The anxiety or whatever it is: So you do have the points figured out. Ultimately I can't say more than encourage you to proceed with a virtual cheerleading pompom shake. And yeah, maybe pics are a bad idea. Funnily, I can relate to the not going on a trip bit, even if my excuse was different. I'm pretty sure I did feel I had to be the one to stay behind, pretty consistently the case for years; I'd be holding the fort, if admittedly not as alone as one might assume with that in the earlier years because I wasn't the only one living at home (Again, more factors there). I was doing the least of us after all, I shouldn't be on the trip, someone has to keep an eye on the place and it might as well be me, so on and so forth. I didn't feel any better for it (see: 2018, where I was in a depressive state), especially when I was actually alone while everyone else was off. I'd say take it as an opportunity. I'm being asked about it come winter lately. Which considering my current situation sounds like a terrible idea, off focus of what I'm meant to be doing, etc. Sheesh, again. The would-be culprit lived this time, so there's that. The lizard: In which Steampunk Marianne used TWISTD tech for an industrial revolution /s
  12. ahaha what Hmm, I'll admit, your mention of this leads me to ask, have you something drafted out? Not even to send as written, but something you could read out, either in full or the bullet points that you want to raise, to get it across to them. Fair enough if going about it like that feels daunting. All I'll say there is, the opportunity awaits. You at least have the chance to. And now there's a blame game on top of it, fun /s There's even an option to put him in your pocket.
  13. Well, I had a bit of a heckin' concern at the moment, but after getting checked, we have determined.... well it's not something to be hospitalised for. I got the diagnosis of "maybe anxiety, maybe acid reflux?", which is just great, nice little vague answer to be nervous over. Speaking of speedruns: I'd heard that before with chickens, but I guess it's not them. But, but, the elevator!
  14. >Twitches on the floor That's the crunch of old internet for you. The dogwhistles have been replaced with various airhorns, vuvuzelas and clarions.
  15. And Annapurna Interactive's entire team resigned rather than be fired by one of the Ellisons, because they wouldn't negotiate Annapurna's independence. Not the same as 650 Xbox employees fired, but it's a problem. I feel like they thought maybe they'd do that, but it wasn't built on in the older titles and I never saw it that way from the remakes. I may have figured that's who was intended, but the writing doesn't give that vibe off and I'd have been fine with the remake not having any hint of it. There's something on here for Mexican Independence on the 14th. I'm out of town all day then. 😞 Somewhat clunky sure, but it's more that I feel like I couldn't get much more into the weeds of it. It's straightforward story/writing, map design that can be less confrontational than I anticipated and a cast that ends up having a lot of overlap in types ends up being pretty straightforward. Sure, dismount is a balancer but like with Thracia I always ask if they had to swordlock the melee cavs. Manaketes should have been the series standard here though, still convinced of that. It's also a game built to crit your ass, because that's what would have caused me more difficulty if I hadn't been abusing the star shards/orbs. Some of that was because they were a weird arrangement. They actually had several manufacturers of the console (I know SanYo was one), who were given the same designs but as a result of their processes actually could be different in how much it cost. It was certainly a choice.
  16. A bug where rescuing enemies and then dropping them still allows them to move. Honestly? Sweet, that is probably the most I've been interested in playing this (FE PVP) but my main problem would be getting it running. Oh yeah, that. What a fuck. It really is a matter of dose, I got pretty lucky both times I got it in terms of severity. While the first vaccine did tire me on the day, I'd rather that than catch it without.
  17. This is a weird nontreversy to get noticed internationally. Also, why does Ogma have an ending in all versions of SD that asks if he has someone he's interested in but there's no rumour/record of his marrying, which gets dropped in (N)MotE and he just disappears like 1/3/1/2 of the cast? I'll admit I don't expect this was a big plan, but the is certainly a coincidence of all time. Alas, poor Wraith! I knew him, Teehee: a fellow of infinite grit, of most excellent fury: he hath borne me on his gab a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! ....Why does the snow globe have a tiny microphone in it?
  18. >Doulam can't kill someone on 1 HP Also, I finished MotEII. I brought Bantu to endgame and had him kill Medeus. I am fine never playing it again. Tiki hops after her line in the ending, which is funny because it'll play the flying sound effect if she's transformed while doing it. She'd probably cause a minor tremor for everyone there. I want to point to this, because this is what I meant by "90's console valuation". Doesn't even have the CDi, which should be on top of the list apparently.
  19. It's €800 yoyos here before anything else. I think the CEO man is a bit off base. And what's the chances it'd stay at $350 if people did do this en masse? Edit: Apparently some people are getting over $400 for it now, which, yeah that's a clever play on Gamestop's part. I can get not being in the mindset, but you might have surprised yourself with how you felt after getting there. Though that is me assuming, keep in mind. Has the NJ ferry been reopened? They really did just get the pitchforks out since. I'll say GoT's ending was always going to leave any fanbase on edge regardless of HotD's execution, but the post could be argued as incitement. And he never got to that second post, much as the reasons why are obvious. At this stage, tWoW are a treat from the universe Look, I'd illegally vote for him If that is the plan (which, being real I doubt a little), yeah that's going to be a spicy contrast.
  20. Poor Trefor. Well, 15 centimetres probably doesn't matter if you're burying someone under it.
  21. Thanks Estonia. There's going to be a conspiracy theory Biden did 9/11 now Fair enough. I guess the calculations were finally done on this one, took a while but now of all times? Well, that certainly caps the evening. This man has taken how many shots? Oh the logistics on that one. I would not want to have been going around there at the time that's for sure. But 9 feet deep? I'll admit I expected somewhat deeper.
  22. Well, Hardin has been deposed for Marth to take over the continent as a despot. But game's not over yet because I did get all orbs. Sadly it wasn't Sheema, but Tiki did do a crit for 90 damage. Edit: Is there a glitch associated with Watch? I used it on this map for the bottom right corner, then when I unlocked it later it was closed off and I couldn't enter it. Does that area close off if you try to go there after fighting Hardin regardless? Or did I learn why Watch was never used again? So much of New York I didn't see last time, but that's just the breaks. An excuse to go without it being primarily family focused since mid-2001 I wonder what the skyline was like from there back then, ignoring the WTC it's not like skyscrapers have generally gotten taller in Manhattan since, would I be right? I do think we passed the Vanderbilt, but I wouldn't be able to tell you much about it. And how is already outspent for construction, it's been 4 years? Adding a Wii U and X in there cements it. Now add a PS2 with Xenogears/Saga You hope it tanks in terms of teaching a lesson.
  23. Did..... Did he just apologise to the Smash community? Do not disagree, pointing at the realities of what people are expected to confront if they're jumping to this level of hardware if they've not been keeping up in prior years. 80% of the price the PS5 Pro's being charged. Even with currency fluctuations, that's mad. Yeah, I suspect it'll take a massive fumble for Nintendo to get this wrong. I suspect they could get away with €450 to be honest. Now, will people hold off from launch? This depends on how much of a technical jump actually happens.
  24. With Apple screwing up too, you'd think Nintendo might be at risk of invoking the rule of 3 and the 2itch is a disaster. Just might. That too? Bruh. So my brother's definitely fine not getting it. Also, the separate disc drive might already be a thing, but that makes the Ps5 Pro €900, again not counting that you're looking at a more expensive TV to being with. Again, Bruh. Only reason is because Xbone got completely blasted, thanks Mattrick Me, playing MotE on a device that was €100 euro at one stage /s Also, the Star Orb has both functions in MotEII. Actually broken, this is. Got to this, interesting to see what has been built up to and the little twist compared to what happened in the game. I knew more than I anticipated I would for this (briefly played years ago, have not proceeded with), but yeah I'll be unready for the next part. Well, hope you're safe regardless.
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