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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. fuckin' relatable memes TMS came to mind. I never played it. One thing I'd like to point out is that science is less that terrible collapse and the more the study of it's properties, for some with the inherent interest in averting at least some of the consequence. Would the science of a black hole be itself the black hole? The regression of creative work can be very much it's own effort all in itself, I'd argue the intentionally bad works qualify for instance (though The Room would not count, a piece which some may try to label retrospectively as on purpose but which was made with the intent of being good but it's recorded issues marked it for it's results.). RIP Issac's favourite top.
  2. A point that may be worth calling out on my reasoning, but for me many of the limitations on SDatBoL are things that also mark it as very ambitious for the NES to make the game on it to begin with. There's a reason why Gaiden handles inventory so differently after all for instance. It's a fair point against it, considering it's BinB I'm arguing about instead of SD which I also raised as a candidate and one whom likely would be more about redesigning all the enemies and what's being carried because it's based off of games with no weapon triangle. For BinB's case, bad hit rates are the effect that is being raised, but it's partly a consequence of weapon factions. And it's also a point that my potential solution has limits more because of my thoughts on the matter than because of the inherent idea of weapon factions or hit rate balance, hell I'm calling myself out on it in the post. Miss me with that.
  3. Finished Nocturne Season 1. If you're going to watch, I recommend waiting for the second season to come out so you don't have to wait like I do now. This man would have a dozen maxed credit cards and financed to the hilt So we still rec Perfect Blue over it? *smacks himself before singing Antihero's chorus What's the gameplan out of curiosity?
  4. With context, ouch. Which one? Good old "cheats for me but not for thee" for the ruling folk. Really backfired on the Capets it seemed. Hadn't heard the pogrom, but the Templar end I had. Also an Anipope legacy, I should go to Avignon. Phillip the Banisher
  5. Yes. How can I unsee it? Hmm, I know my least favourite is no question SDatBoL, but my main issues are effectively resolved by not being on the NES so that's fixed twice over. There's enough of straightforward answers for most of the games. Binding Blade however is the game I've been playing most recently and playing through it made me affirm one thing I'd seen in some videos. The idea of weapon types being tied to factions (Axes for the bandits, Lances as the arms of the Empire, Swords as a type mainly associated with the heroes and monstrous powers as the final fights) may be easy shorthand, but I don't like it defining things and I hate what it does to games with the weapon triangle. Binding Blade is the game I think suffers for it, though Shadow Dragon is also a case where this applies I want to focus on BinB. It ensures that unit balance condemns certain units and makes many others too much of a crapshoot to be bothering with in more top level play. I know bases also affirm it for many of those I'm arguing this applies to, but when you're in late game and seeing a unit with WTA below 65% hit rate that is going to make you ask what was it worth training them? And the funny part is? That feel for balance just gets thrown to the bin with it's most powerful units, yet I know I could still be asking myself with units like HM Melady or Perceval what they're doing with their lance's hit rates if the rng rolls awwkardly enough. As for the other weapon types, Bows are I feel missing a bit of hit rate for early game use, magic is mostly Anima because of the unit types being used and Anima hit rate sure but Light's main problem is access and Dark's is units. Give a higher base rank for Light on promotion, better bases on the shamans and Staves increases in wexp per use and we're probably somewhere already. But back to the physical triangle. Here's where I know I'm about to come a cropper. Because for all that I feel I know my problem, the solution feels less certain. As in, you have to account for the changes throughout the game. You'd have to rebalance all the bandits so they're not going to 1-shot with increased hit rates. To see if your waves of wyverns are going to be more of a problem or not. To check that those nomads would be any more of a threat in Sacae. To check if Henning would be even more of a barrier in 8x, alongside the late-endgame heroes. And then it comes to the other problem. Do we even want dodge tanking gone? I feel like that's the compromise needed with this adjustment, but that's also still a possible point to consider for the player's experience of the game. So what's the point of my bother? To keep weapon balance a bit less like a crapshoot or to make the player's experience feel less like one? Because I'm pretty sure answering one will not answer the other.
  6. Behold, a reaction image. Unrelated by the way, just wanted to show this. I'll admit I tend to be a push through kind of guy (Wish ring a bell?) and while I think it's kinda lesser than the previous show (I think it has an overabundance of retreating sequences tied up in it's story for instance), It's at least fine as a show so far (knowing more's coming and not having finished this season yet).
  7. Well that looks pretty cool actually. Also, Nocturne again. The governor whose staff turned on him And people complain about maybe getting cancelled for affairs What a messed up situation.
  8. Watching Castlevania Nocturne I can't really see it, though I realise with his hair styles this way why you are. Could it be that because his head's a bit rounder than McGregor's? I think that's it for me.
  9. I did it again. I need to stop heading up home on a dime. Let's see Deep Riverrock get that water now, prove their name makes sense Impressive they actually found more than hints of water but actual molecular proof though. What, was the first stepson a gimme or did nobody like him? Course they decide to eat after they make the big decision, clearly they let the hanger get to them. Probably should look that up. My dumb ass looking for someone to blame
  10. That first wave sure doesn't help my mood, but I'm still not over late game. Oh, RIP the Speedwing. I'd expect it to be legal in that order.
  11. So, prison break chapter. Let's give some specific tools for the job and a training spot. Haitaka: Great Master; Seal Def, Res, Atk Shura: Bow Knight; Paragon, Aptitude Camilla: Dread Fighter; Rally Def, Res, Luk
  12. Operation "Lightning Bolt your way to vengeance" was successful. A Whovian stop if ever I'd seen one. Ah yes, the classic "Name it after your mother". Ptolemy II clearly had a favourite parent. Course, if they didn't expect they could get to India along that route course they wouldn't try it on a whim when they don't know how they'd stop along the way for fear of getting it wrong. Makes me wonder how they knew to sail the other direction and do so successfully enough to get the elephants. Scotora is also a place I'd heard about for it's ties to Axum, so realising it has much of an Indian connection that far back is interesting. Well, syncretism was very much part of the Roman state's attempt to keep faith with it's non-Roman subject, so this isn't surprising to me at all. Crying in joy with the realisation that their god walks among them? This could be my groggy state, but I'm reminded of 90's PC gaming with this image, could be in some adventure title. The background based off anything in particular?
  13. My guy's been driving 20 years Interesting to hear that the religious tolerance of the period was so thorough, though I'm not so surprised with how much further this place was from Rome that there was less interest in pursuing alternate faiths, after all a major part of the Christian persecution in theological terms was it's monotheism. And finding a pet cemetery? Berenike does sound like a nice enough corner of the Antiquity to live in. And then they messed up it's running, partly because the organisation involved in it actually wanted ballroom dancing as it's preferred choice (handling both), but the IOC chose breakdancing and they weren't ready for that in qualifying and seemingly the event itself, judging by not showing the scoring after performance, which, *sigh. Then again boxing's out of the next Olympics if the international body isn't changed (for corruption reasons, hooray /s), so there's always bad ways to handle things Critique Dakis by TOG rating Ah, of course there's someone who has this after all this time. Fodlan's supposed isolationism would have been interesting to see in context from the outside, because we seem to have incursions into Dagda and Sreng to contradict it.
  14. Some wild stats from these olympics considering how small some places are. Also, I hopefully will never be such a liability as to have a smallish book's worth of material to have written up, really caught lightning in a bottle with Vance
  15. BinB update: I have gotten to Chapter 18 aka the land of good music. Also home again, but the thing I was expecting to be up for isn't happening till after my original departure and I'm not sure I want to be extending my stay a send time this month. Fair point, it's different being there but being able to see as much of the world as we can without trampling it is an arguable positive of the society and information framework that has built up around up. I might argue to the competitive aspect of this that is the sport, in a way similar to the diving events that were on today they're judged on their execution of the dive they said they'd do before going for it. Course culturally that might'nt quite hit the same but that's how I'm seeing it. Besides, this Olympics not having a Parkour event after having the most assassin's creed in real life looking stuff show up in the opening is the real shame Never been something I've taken up, of any sort. Just been bad at it. You enjoying submitting to it sounds like it's own reward. Also, dammit you ruined the new streak of Teehee being silent before it could be for a day
  16. Locktouch removes them, never heard about any other skill doing so.
  17. Actually real, for anyone who's interested. (Sadly, RT is not on 6%, so the meme is itself rotten) Me "terraforming" a lawn today: (Least that's what it felt like) My BB progress has taken me to 16x, so that's fun /s (honestly should have split up) Not gonna lie, surprised that they'd hit the eastern border to begin with, this is above what I anticipated because it seemed like armaments in had gone down.
  18. A question to Teehee: What's got you bopping in that? My contribution Why does Page 36 hit so hard?
  19. My appearance of seriousness as I scream "Stop hitting me in the dieck!" as he kills the sixth enemy this enemy phase Bowser would go all in on the military parade
  20. Alright, ninja time? Let's do another RD allusion, if admittedly a little skewed by Haitaka still being unpromoted (He should be Kinshi and Corrin a Malig Knight or something). Shura; Mechanist; Aggressor, Certain Blow Haitaka; Wyvern Rider; Strong Riposte, Dual Striker, Voice of Peace Corrin; Kinshi Knight; Luna, Amateratsu (Shurikenbreaker would be broken, but I considered it as a blessing of Ashera, kinda fit Corona too) Such sweet music to the world. How I expect it to go somehow:
  21. On one hand, what a relief it wasn't worse, on the other: Pfft Clearly the curse is blood magic, look how two people died during the duel Good thing they workshopped the protest chants, "How many busts did you send today?" doesn't have the same venom to it.
  22. If Mega/Kalos Flygon ain't Bug/Dragon we riot Curious why Kelly (the other name that came up a bunch) was out. I've heard bits about Shapiro, but no idea why the astronaut would be recommended against. Plot twist: the keys are particular echoes
  23. Have still not managed to get the bean machine to play Thracia, but I've gotten into BB again. Did you know Normal mode Rutger is still pretty good? First thought that came to mind Can really see BotT's influence in this one, in the . No clear answer on dungeons in it though. An issue we're all capable of, I'm expecting something to flare up worse than Coolock (which might as a movement have been undermined by some showing up in Belfast over the weekend, so silver lining?)
  24. Aw, he knows. Bunch of shit going on elsewhere too: heard Rotherham had similar and Belfast too (fires set in places last night), not sure how connected these had been but far right spurring is very much going on with these (the Irish flags in Belfast at an event organised by loyalists weren't from CNR in the north let me tell you, the amount of bussing in the far right does and then complains about others doing is so much) Looks like he wasn't, but still didn't do well enough to qualify besides.
  25. Let's get Mordecai and Nephenee used. Laslow; Wolfskin; Shove, Defensetaker Leo; Great Master; Wrath, Natural Cover (Just Danved, Kieran and Nealuchi left, @Codename Shrimp if you want me to not do this with Leo I'm fine switching it to Charlotte as a Spear Fighter (Admittedly Leo was put there for staff access too))
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