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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Edit: I posted too soon. Oh hey, you're off to NY after all. Sounds fair if you're travelling. I'm not going to disagree on the side eye at the price. Go off. I've always been a bit more confused by why only Sony gets the "Has no games" shade and for so long, like as if it's severely compromised compared to Xbox on that front. It doesn't seem that way. €800 yoyos while you're almost certainly going to need a higher priced TV for these higher visuals, no wonder the graphical ceiling has only advanced much for the dedicated PC end and not much else this gen. Back to 90's valuation for consoles with this.
  2. RIP Should read this tomorrow when I'm off. Despite not playing CC Hmm, an interesting piece of trivia. I'd assume the four folded pieces were cut at one of the sides so as to be able to turn the pages, but a part of me is there imagining they only tied it on one of the folds so you'd then unfurl the pages to read.
  3. And Baldur's Gate 3 now is going to get mods for years. That's not a typo. It's more the disbelief that it happened, but yeah, the possibility is there. They're going for the funny double crit so Lyn 1-rounds the Fire Dragon. I suppose that's me hoping for a Pyrathi that wasn't always some isolated corner of the continent that did more. Would be interesting to explore the degenerated wyverns and how that could tie into an animal welfare storyline in the setting. You still have to kill 1,000? Man.
  4. FE with Sims gameplay sounds like something people would get well into. So that if we want hell to break loose.
  5. Honestly I find it hard to believe. I meant that if there was some human kingdom where the king had an earth dragon as a mount it'd raise the , though preferably before SD. A conclusion reached that there was no point, thus have the staff redirected to what will do better money wise is my first guess.
  6. Nina not being here suggests reasons. Still something to see. Well, it's early days yet on the potential schism, wouldn't be so sure there won't be an attempt to cling on for dear political life. So they were given it, I'd assume had the permission to show it and did so as part of a direct that came out early as plenty of people figured would be the deal, but Falcom were not let know it'd be then. Guess Falcom aren't on the list of devs in the know for the 2itch. Yeah, it could also emphasise the sheer control someone has in Archanea to be able to commandeer an Earth Dragon, if admittedly Ashnard beat them to it. And of course they'd be such an affront to Pyrathi, you'd have an easy war right there. Nintendo RIP dual-slot Rare Ring
  7. Did not expect "Republican presidential candidate insists Dick Cheney should be prosecuted" to be filled in on my US election bingo card. How bizarre. That or Hardin planned for his tier 3 class: Earthen Knight Maybe so, but still odd that this is the only promotion item with spares. All the others you'd need more of, but not here. And this game has secret shops, so there's means to get more. Just a minor headscratcher.
  8. Having gotten through Aritia, I'm at the last third of MotE. Why are there more dragon whips than units who can use them? Somewhat, but also very cloudy, last year worryingly was similar but also has record rains for July so this feels like we're losing sun as a while in summer. Which is a worry.
  9. Farewell the summer that barely was, least this is a high note to end on. This will end well /s Poor guy went ham. Maybe he'll reflect on the situation from behind the glass
  10. I heard my brother say he wanted to get a PS5 for the goblin to play the new Astro Bot It finally got games /s I did say later weapons for a reason, otherwise I'd be pointing to all the rapiers lords start with Nobody asks which lord would win a fencing tournament. No mention of Torchwood smh Won't pretend I knew much about the Khmer Empire, but that piece about rice as a staple export makes a good deal of sense. Wonder if there was any attempt to get another Also, Angkor Wat was repurposed for another faith. Wouldn't be the only one, just interesting to hear it happening to a place well known enough I'd heard of it before access to the internet.
  11. I ended up thinking on how the main lord's weapon (or a more powerful one) would be so frequently locked to endgame and I ended up looking into pretty much every title in the series for it.
  12. Been playing MotE, gotta vent. Kaga dammit, randomised reinforcements are a terrible idea and I do not like it in MotE. It's bad from a speedrun or grindy perspective and of course if one takes, I dunno, 20 turns to start showing up you'd have no clue and it might cause a panic, I dunno. Just siptballing a hypothetical frustration. Now I must admit there was a barbarian sitting during much of this, but 8 or so turns shouldn't explain none showing up on other turns. Or justify that this is the one FE where you can't time lock reinforcements. Sometimes it feels like half the suggestions made in Kaga FE deserve to be left in the past, which makes it harder to recommend other ones that shouldn't have been (like manaketes in this very game) *sigh
  13. I finally got an actual start date. Monday it is. Also the Joycon I sent off has returned (In a convenient new box that's nintendo branded because I assume the one I sent it in wasn't considered sufficient, which when I used a box I had lying around fair), will have to confirm if it drifts but so far so good, no sign. Didn't seem fair to consider CotM when the Dash is a toggled thing and it does feel rapid at least. Juste also didn't seem that way to me in the air as much, but I don't have a great airgame. On the other hand, Juste has the divekick in his favour. Imagine Dracula seeing them falling into pits and laughing about the potato Belmont
  14. Had a dream that talk of an FE remake solving some language lore (in magic languages) was somehow news enough to make headlines. It was a weird dream for sure, I remembered something I ate in it afterwards. Such effort, right? That flower man was gatekeeping 😛 What, not being clear you warp between the same castle by pressing down until you get the right room? The latter. It has 6, but the spacing is a bit awkward. And none of that fixed that the game feels kinda slow. Like, Juste feels slow to me, even the dashing. I swear it has to be how he's animated, because I don't feel this way about Aria of Sorrow.
  15. So, I need to get screenshots off the bean machine. Because I learned Bantu can just walk into magma/lava and sit there unscathed. Bantu is the most powerful character in FE, will not change my mind. Now that's a lot of bullets. I paused three times: First upon realising it's an isekai, Second upon JB saying he's Steve and finally at the end to process the character and writing I'd seen up to then. What a bog standard movie this'll be. People are hopeful it'll be intentional and weird, but it's got too much money involved for that to be true right?
  16. Didn't know DOOM had official releases this recently. Not much to say beyond that as someone who's Doomless. If I were to take part in checking an old favourite, I'd probably be picking something on PS2 and that's a little limited at the minute. Maybe NFS:U as a pretty straightforward title in terms of length and structure, first thing that came to mind. Reading this, I'm kinda relieved I didn't get into this beforehand. Why do I feel like I need to tug my collar awkwardly reading this? Guilty as charged /s
  17. TIL MotE has a fast cursor. Oh MotE, you've been holding out on me. Also, a fun example of rock climbing gone wrong I sometimes feel like griping when it comes to these or save rooms and their placement, but that's a fair point against this one. Still not over finding as many in the one's I'd been playing lately. Ah advertising, the true barrier of porn in everyone's face
  18. Respect to this guy climbing a waterfall Harriet Jones was a warning? Well that's unfortunate for him. Did Deseret end up better for the rebellion?
  19. TIL there's a cat and a bear in CKII. Meanwhile, I managed an interesting game over. In MotE II Chapter 6, you have a recruitment that can occur in chapter 5. If you bring Julian and Ricardo, you get the option to start their dialogue and it's the same as Chapter 5, not surprising. Thing is, if you do, the game then gives a game over and asks you to load your last save, which was not what I expected. So yeah, don't repeat yourself Ricky boy. Looks up Deseret I have several questions Who established Deseret? What is Mormon Market? When did Trotsky on his journey to Mexico decide to stop and go to Deseret before ruling it? Where Why did it become atheist? Which neighbour is going to invade first? There is a demo for it. I definitely stumbled on that one and it'd barely gotten through the first language. Okay, very much not the case.
  20. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time Also, playing MotE I just realised something: Caeda only recruits one unit in MotEII. Ogma recruits more than her. Master Manipulator Ogma as the real final boss of Archanea III Ugh to all that, any updates on what will be formed in Thuringa and Saxony? I mean, I get it I think. If you could just call a bed to you at any time wouldn't you? As someone who has not yet played PoR, is it confirmed Brauner wasn't? PoR sequel? Yeah, I know, not happening. But dangit it came to mind.
  21. Oh look, someone has their Titanic (1912-) Lego set up for after it's launch. (look, I laughed, it's terrible of me) Edit: Just realised, it's the 1st night of September. It's the 25th anniversary of advanced darkness, enemies buying from shops and capture bait. Happy Thracialius. Hmm, true enough and more evidence of such in "the West" than we give credit for. I'm just there remembering historical behavior here of not wanting your opponent in power, out of fear of them in power or of wanting to keep a hold themselves. I figured, but like I said, roles just seemed off to me there. One person's balanced call is another's influenced decision (in how someone's actions might be percieved), regardless of evidence. Never think you're immune to your biases. As for the uniformity of the people in parties, I will not comment. Shrimpy right now: Wonder would someone involved consider a villain focused campaign in a future title.
  22. 30 years ago, the Provisional IRA declared "a cessation of military operations". Course, this would not be the final step towards the end of Troubles, violence wasn't fully stopped that day and this ceasefire did get withdrawn, but a peace from paramilitaries (of green and orange hue) was clawed back, negotiations did conclude and that did see progress. Lot still to be done with the state of Northern Ireland as a whole, but a lifetime ago people were convinced the violence would never stop. I do need to take a trip up north again. Suppose I'll say good luck, I'll make with the edits in advance on Hrothgar's recommendation because better safe than sorry. *sigh, keeping figures in the administration who would be considered problematic to you is a long term state issue, see it all over. And of course the using it now at a minimum is bad communication for posts that were planned to be put up, if not a "cheeky" last post or active hypocrisy. Then again, can relate to judiciary being pretty damm difficult to replace even here for the limited consequences, but there's a point where acquiescence to problematic justices is of the brand of statecraft that seems to be compromise for it's own sake and shit consequences. A question I have then is where then does it actually align for Moraes? How much do they align on this if that's all it is? Judges after all are as capable of bias as near anyone else, arguably the question of are these branches possible to be immune to human error comes to mind but I'm just stopping myself there. Also, "our roles" reads a little off to me here, not sure what you meant, but it's late. Oh what fun. BSW going to bat for the authoritarian tendencies too, what a surprise /s Celia apparently in the time between Aria and Dawn. More 👏 remakes 👏 👏 for 👏 bad games 👏 👏
  23. Damm, I'll never be this cool. 👀 Me getting this message today after Nitter was dead for months: Oh great, so it's got touchscreen shenaniganry. Add this with TWEWY and Ghost Trick to the DS list. Should get a list of touchscreen games come to think of it. Anyone confirm that death glitch was fixed out of curiosity?
  24. Sadly, nitter's dead for a good while. I'll be upfront: the amount of enabling of toxicity and I'd argue discourse rigging that's been blatant under Musk's time over Twitter/X ain't exactly going to endear me to the outcome of not dealing with their legal obligations (which at least on the legal representative side seems evenly enforced?). As for censorship of political figures, they already caved elsewhere and for a long time (not just the last few years), so on that you can accuse the judge/Brazillian state of responding to the lack of response there and I'm not going to dig on the due process part of that without getting more into what was asked in this case and how similar stuff was handled elsewhere, but this being the ends (aka what they were wanting to get out of it) for twitter banning ain't great. With Starlink, that's arguably a consequence of both being owned by the same man and we all know he's bad for welching on payment of his dues, but still ain't great to be insisting on the costs being paid by Starlink. As to this guy I'd call him naive on Twitter/X being that free and private place because it doesn't fit it on a design level to begin with. It's a platform that was built as a microblog and the sharing of information is couched in algorithmic fiddling, so it doesn't quite read as the front page of the internet it's proponents would claim it to be. The VPN stuff and how you enforce it is very much constant surveillance and I've a distaste for that, let me be clear. It's that or VPN ban, which yeah do not agree. Though that looks to be removed from it now? Would like to hear the official why on that, if only because it'd be fair to critique. Overall, I'll agree that the actions being used is overreach, worth calling out, but I won't cry for X's selective censorship or playing countries as long as it feels it can get away with it and getting a ban for their trouble. Biased? Yes, I'll say it. Least this might actually allow for other platforms to build, Twitter has been an issue for a while, even before 2022. I prefer to read in text format for politics anyways ...On the house.
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