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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Fair accusation. What else would you call English cowardly over? The pain is the +Str scroll is very annoyingly late, if she had it she would have a Str growth that could be possible. Guess the can take Hezul and Neir to be at a more decent 45%, but that's still sub 50%. Least it's not E base, but yeah, unlucky. Veld is loquacious and verbose, has an eye for detail, can see how people might feel while feeling distant from it and is focused mainly on getting on with his work and finds Raydrik's games unneeded Is Veld autistc and has people as a special interest? /s Hooray, tedium. Yes if they aren't cowards. Well that's good to know. (Though I will admit I'd consider bringing the Flame Sword to Munster, considering Fergus is 20 combats away from B and Leif might be near it at some point then if you've been abusing him) Informed by someone who would be more appropriately there in that scenario? If he already knew about Galzus's brand, it can be assumed someone could describe the brand and he could probably conclude about the relation. Don't know how he's surprised about Galzus breaking her out beyond it being all of a sudden then. (despite calls for privacy, you just know there'd be a "keep an eye on them, they might try to escape" as justification.) Sounds about right, far from the only case (see: Circle of the Moon is hard to play on console because it kept to a darker palette)
  2. Edit: Thought SF was rejecting for posting too soon, turned out I managed to attempt to double post, it stopped me and I ended up double posting after the fact. RIP This copy.
  3. There may be other shops..... And hello there. Alright, this chapter's all about movement right? How bout I don't Haitaka: Spear Fighter; Swap, Elbow Room, Dancing Blade Leo: Gradmaster; Strong Riposte, Malefic Aura Odin: Monk; Gentilhomme, Demoiselle
  4. We will have to learn what a Skibidi is through trailers as Michael Bay wants to do a film for some reason. Because those who do know sure as shit won't tell me. Not using RAM for improving memory, smh. The wine toss, of course there there were bros. Ugh, the edge. Ah weaponised incompetence. This is obviously planned for (And far from the only shutdown in the last decade, which for some reason affects civil servants and other staff just doing day to day shit ), but because the system's so entrenched there'll be no repercussions for it for most of those involved. The Miracle at the end, Pfft. ....Why did I on first glance thing Daybreak Man was a figure like Shulk and Link? "Somebody set up us the bomb!" "It was me!"
  5. A braver soul than I might. Ah Greek elites and their high-faluting opinions. Clearly didn't drink to forget enough. So plum tomatoes? Those are the most obvious ones that come to mind as halving into leaves. Don't remember being that fond of them myself, but maybe the circumstances could change for that. Tried Rise and I just didn't get into the game myself. Honster Hunter probably isn't a me thing. Well, you're ready for the sequel 😛 Also, Cars 2 Suppose it'd depend on the sauce and what's mixed. I'd like to say I'm pretty tolerant, but there's more than a few vegetables I'd have to do something with to find enjoyable. And then there's beetroot, one of the most dirtwater foods to exist. I can think of an example of people making it work in some side dish like in an aioli, but at that point it's a good deal of effort for making it work. Onions. Cannot deal myself, texture is an issue and I tend to be bothered by the taste if it's strong enough, especially for red onions which are more likely to be chopped thin enough for the texture to not be an issue but then their taste is. Grapes are also a little unfortunate. And you didn't even mention the other grape juice
  6. Well, not what I expected today. Also, that's unfortunate for me, a generic appreciator. The Spear always feels kinda niche case for me in Fates, mostly due to it's structural tradeoffs. but here it certainly proved to be enough. The ride never ends. Kuma 👏 👏 👏 gera 👏 👏 👏 Dang shame Gunter was made without staves, so let's see here. Honestly want to give Amateratsu just to speed things up. But I am trying to avoid those skills (Chapter 10 notwithstanding) Dancer, Special Dance, Camaraderie And oh yeah, I feel like Warp does allow for bringing units across, least I recall the same. Saying Haitaka doesn't have the prerequisite performa is BS and we know it.
  7. >Joker discourse >They got Brendan Gleeson for foile a deux Sorry, missed you there earlier. And yes. As for how I'm doing, well things are happening for me at least, so better than when I was last around and even when I was first coming back here after that long disappearance. See, I'd feel like the better angle is "dish that is it's own creature, no need to be the pseudo", I should have asked some people I know about their bean chili before they left for instance, but that's me being skeptical. probably should be more willing to investigate. It's the infinitely generating dungeon, there is no end to find the treasure in because it's that deep Happy birthday indeed. Veggie Sauce? Just wondering what you're getting at with this one. Motivation's motivation. Funny, I remember the same. Yeah, probably not. Just me having the thought come to mind, pretty mindless speculation indeed. I mean, if I kept digging I'm sure I could point to others, or at least leading lights of same. And how once something is established how ingrained the idea can get and how pushing to change the thought process is it's own struggle. Wouldn't that be partly driven by much of prior history in many places (mostly in The West from what I know) that many would be having to drink lower percentage beverages as it's better than the water would be? I feel like that'd be a factor back then, especially when germ theory is being figured out in parallel and applied in a similar time period (I remember an incident in London about figuring out Cholera infections in the water and the obvious consequences). Okay, so the petals unlike the stalks are fine? huh. And I can't store ice cream, freezer too small 😛
  8. RIP Scarlet Alright, let me know if I'm wrong here: Niles: Archer; Quick Draw, Certain Blow Odin: Nohr Prince; Vantage, Gamble Felicia: Mechanist; Rally, Luk, Skl, Def, Res, Mov (RALLY TIME) Haitaka: Knight; Seal Def, Seal Res, Strong Riposte
  9. https://hard-drive.net/hd/video-games/phantom-thieves-successfully-clear-bidens-palace/ What even would be Biden's palace? Taking the endorsement of such a weak emperor to the bank for succession, his authority should be questioned in doing this - Duke Ludwig von Aegir, 1180 Yeah, the meming was inevitable As one of those three kids, I wouldn't have noticed before a certain age 😛 Look, as a kid I only knew about potato waffles, so all this waffle talk in the US didn't make sense to me. And RIP Fraffle, a term that would have been in the Urban Dictionary immediately if it had been the name. Shit man, here's hoping for you. Mmmmmmm, not having done well on this lately. I suspect there'll be more reason to focus coming and that'll give more impetus to deal with the very real issues I have on the food front. Using that kind of regime change imagery is easy when you're at the top and nobody's around to challenge it I suppose, desecration though it may be that. It crosses my mind that using the remains of your predecessors to form part of a temple is arguably a different image if you frame it right, as their foundation to build higher upon in your time. Maybe there was something of that idea lost to time? I would love to do a response and comment on this but I am just too dumb at the minute to give something, nothing's really coming to mind. Thank you for the spiel. Ah yeah, I remember that save screen too. Something captivating about it back then. Modern screensavers ain't got jack on it.
  10. Oh. That's a shame. Okay, okay, I see the idea. Now, considering I can add three more: Elise: Shrine Maiden; Mov +1, Witch's Brew Haitaka: Spear Fighter; Swap, Natural Cover, Strong Riposte Beruka: Oni Savage; Quick Draw, Darting Blow Heh.
  11. The back to school rush can't be that bad can it? What are the odds? I don't think calzones are considered such? So you're saying Waffle House comes from a long tradition of American history /s Interesting to note that the waffles were to be continuously worked on, wouldn't have been expecting that so much. For another meal that sounds like it'd kick me out in the 1800's, "luncheon". It feels like it should be the purview of elites. Just, the word luncheon. In that sweetspot of denial and anger I see.
  12. Alright, so there's been news. Barely know what's been going on with Biden's stepping back and all that will entail, haven't dug into the information mires. I'd I'll also admit it may have been overshadowed by something more important. 😛 Now, you all had your fun observing other sporting events, your Euro 2024s, Copa Americas, your tennis love-alls, or even cricket if that's your speed. But, I swear, the hurling final this year? Beautiful. In it's messy at times play, constant dedge of your seat because there was no killing either team, screamers of scores and misses and the ref being one who will absolutely be causing discourse about this match for years to come. I'll probably have to wait for highlights for those who would get geolocked to see what uploads stick, but I have to find stuff for it after that match. Maybe the best game was earlier in the season, but this will still be a classic. just the messiness yeah. Least it isn't soup In fairness it's more the fancy part of the equation that raises my eyebrow, but I see what you mean. I assume to relate to her capture and defeating lots of metroids? Would he blend in on the stage if he swapped for either of them at the last debate? And the brainrot has me hearing Chiitan like Shiiika, oh no Not the oddity I expected to come from the Electoral College, but he could probably make it out like he's based somewhere else? Would that actually run into difficulties?
  13. The more things change, etc. 😛 I see anime advertising has been blatant. Naturally, didn't know about this one. Eating it on the bed smh The image of the fancy school having a pizza party is pretty silly in fairness.
  14. I know I'm being a bit of a downer, but here's a silly article for today. Knowing who's involved in the fires and the company they keep, I'd argue they would be more on that if this wasn't their ticket.
  15. Was Miyazaki trying to make cryptic lore with this item /s Our fires were probably just bonfires to the sounds of Kumbaya for chants instead of racism. I'm somewhat impressed that trans people haven't been made as much of an issue here as one might have expected. Some of that is that it's all about migrants for them if they're not Opus Dei or something, but it's something.
  16. Death approaches, with wingbeats apparently. Golems and isolated rooms: not even once. "I already made Niles swear he'd be better after pretending to be four ghosts!" Let's go. Haitaka, Knight, Swap, Iron Will, Quick Draw Niles, Archer, Mov +1, Locktouch Felicia, Onmiyoji, Malefic Aura, Voice of Peace, Demoiselle, Gentilhomme Effie, Songstress, Inspiring Song, Vantage
  17. America, are you okay? All I'm seeing about last night is depressing. A speech longer than a soccer match smh Both. The last few years have seen plenty of places be set alight, mostly over closed/derelict buildings being tipped in various ways for migrant accommodation, which wouldn't be stellar accommodation but there's a trend of far right shitstirring riling up local elements into causing trouble and almost certainly encouraging the arson. People are getting bolder let me tell you. Now that's 90s af.
  18. Don't be surprised if you hear about some fire going too far folks, got it today in Dublin and talk elsewhere. Dance like nobody's watching, especially when they are.
  19. Fair, thought it would be unlikely I really don't know about chances, for all the talk of Biden's age Trump's seniority is real. Then again, I did see more than a few NE US residents have fallen for it to various degreees, and that's where he's least likely to win. Polar Vortex A pin prick in the balloon That one company's AC in Texas hitting 70 in 100+ conditions Clingfilm stretched in a hallway for the balloon to walk through
  20. We doing peg? Sure, we're doing Peg. Give her Quick Draw and HP+5 because she'll need the latter.
  21. That's haunted by the monopoly man. I hate it. We burn that floor. Fucking hell talking about health concerns had the Covid just manifest huh. Coincidental himself and Trump both caught it in their last year. ....Wasn't that well over a week ago now? ....How would it work if Biden did die during term- Oh, there's a mechanism for that and it's been used solely in Nixon's day. Sidenote, an article from "the paper of record" here called him a storyteller for the speech he made announcing his Veep status. Considering the fact the byline says "Self-styled hillbilly", you can guess where it ends up going with him.
  22. Teehee. I'll leave it to you next time then. Yes, I love this, Proc Champ.
  23. Good for him, good for him Niles redemption arc for Shrimpy returns Beautiful, this is why I avoided Lvl 15 promoted skills earlier. Yeah, should have picked Heartseeker instead Nyx - Troubadour - Mov +1, Lockpick Camilla - Oni Chieftain - Demoiselle, Mag +2 Haitaka 👏 👏 Give him Spear Fighter, Seal Def, Seal Res, Swap
  24. By design to take the hit and heal with added damage. 😛 This goes wrong, you have my permission to change it.
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