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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I would argue for example stress could come as much from not getting yourself out there (unless one is an absolute introvert, we all crave some desire for contact and connection), letting yourself stress over that seeming failure to do so, or not really having the avenue to do so due to circumstance. Now, that being said I would probably be beaten by professionals for putting it like that and they'd probably be able to point to cause and effect better than I could. And as to the idea that no work can be it's own misery, no I can say that shit fucked with me in some form or another for a while (to much more confidence at that). Different times now, feeling pretty good at the minute, but it's only changed with circumstances changing. I suppose that's one way. Once again.
  2. Leaving this headline because we should have some teeheeing. Not quite on that level, but the grid's also not been threatened on that level either. Well, I can say I believe it from experience. It's a pretty bad time. Man they should have been taking drugs. No chances of a second debate after this is there? Or at least threatening it, what fun /s
  3. RIP to a commentary legend, now enjoy sandwich making. Thanks for the reminder of last June. ...And for the reminder Ardmore here could also have be 100 Fahrenheit. You know I was on about a weather system specifically collapsing (which would lead to consequences in how temperature is there). But the kinds of damage that can be done certainly will lead to pains. The short term probably would, including any adjustment done in houses to make it useable. And yeah, the power grid's a factor too.
  4. Highest scorer of the tournament's in the Georgia team, I wouldn't be so quick to deny it. If Ice wine is accurate, yeah the Gulf Stream should probably prevent that. guess what's at risk from the changing climate The duality of man expressed in Lincoln melting wax statues
  5. On the one hand, unfortunate to have it out in the heat. On the other, have to say it ha looks like a good result, if unintended. On the one hands, it wouldn't be the first time someone tried. If we end up actually having the clime for someone to make a not shit one, something has gone very, very wrong. Romania - Georgia final real? Slovakia - Slovenia final to confuse the international commentators
  6. My week's had me finally getting this, getting through the next interview and pretty much over the line for a new work opportunity and getting the best response to the end of LoK from the gremlin (namely, Mako being single is much preferred because no) So, pretty good. Well, it was before I saw people are making wine here, which is a sign of the end times in my book. Still no gaming though, because I can't seem to get it in there. And won't for the next bit either, bunch more going elsewhere and doing stuff there. >Points to the episode with the tank that's been converted into a mobile home That the other one? Note I haven't gone into S3 so if it's later I won't know. I did say criticised, but I also haven't seen much of the corners of the internet that would be in it's corner, fair. Though I will say all the hair volume has raised some questions before. English soccer and disappointing despite having all indications they should do well is a recurring theme. And I say that knowing they got to a world cup semifinal in the last decade. She has a voiced cameo in tRoS. I guess. Besides, she's a character originating in series, don't let her be tainted by the movies /s
  7. Dear modern Star Wars haters: If it can't ever be good, why the finale for Rebels Season 2? On a meme tangent, me upon realising they got a second little dog I know this is for SSJ3, but doesn't that still get criticised as a bit of an asspull and not actually all that helpful? damm, here I thought for a sec the thick shadow was some of the leftover blood. But that is a pretty thorough censor. "Shh, they're asleep" looking second image
  8. Got a real Shock to the System so he did Hydreigon/Goodra/Kommo-o/Dragapult/Braxcaliber erasure What a round I guess. Also, confirmed Celt can't into soccer, we'll just go elsewhere.
  9. I have officially been up past 2 am playing a board game. Have not been out that late in a while. For a review in a sentence: Spirit Island can be straighforward, but there's a lot to comprehend at once. I mean, that counts yeah?
  10. I only noted this vid for the animation, I have heard about this hack being..... not great. Don't even know where it's going with the BlaB stuff, don't care. Bismark didn't expect his bed to be the seabed "From each according to his ability to hunt, to each according to his needs to survive" It appears Karl has made his Marx on history. And Otto. The question really is why Marx was on safari in the West Indies and then Bismark caught him on the way back to try and kill him only to fail. Wait are battles randomised?
  11. Somehow this is about nuns and warfare Hey there, just been getting calm lately, got something coming up where I'll be working but it's admittedly starting pretty dang small. The real question is will he show his face in the next trilogy now that Palpatine's gone to actually take over effectively and ruthlessly? >DP and Vanessa hit the rocks again as part of the story Not this shit again As someone who hasn't played any Prime yet, oh that changes things huh. I have to presume it's still pre-Fusion looking at the suit.
  12. "I need to chair this meeting" "As in keep it running smoothly right Zelda?" Zelda moves to go into the room ".....Right?" Italy shipping 3 goals to Croatia confirmed? Italy sill at risk on that alone
  13. I did say I wanted to get my thoughts on Engage out there. It's been a while though, so in the Spoilers they go! It's also meandering and you can probably argue about everything in it. Discourse! The modern Illusive Wii game? Maybe so on the choice to shelve it, but I guess we don't know. Yet. Nice enough. Hello by the way.
  14. I need to warn us: Darth Jar Jar is now a physical thing. Fear has won. Anger has conquered. Hate has triumphed. Suffering is default. (Also, life goes on anyways but shush) *sigh, fair I guess. One man circus! One man circus!
  15. Black 2/White 2: Somehow, Ghetsis returned The prestige of Clown University! I recalled it came up just before the Engage leak? Which then got tangled because the Engage leaker said so? The funny part is that it could still be real and the publishing schedule is why there's been silence. It's like the cosplay troupe had some people leave between cons Well, it's not even been a week. Thank you regardless Sheesh, it's not even been a week.
  16. Screw it, we rank: And here we thought the Switch had no games. How did you get the leak from Sakurai's docs for the next Smash? No. Don't make me seethe But fair enough, Engage at least had leaked material. Why not Genealogy? On the other hand, the idea that the leaker saw only Emblem Sigurd and didn't connect it to Engage seems a very foolhardy thing to mistake and double down on without it coming out. I am Tri.
  17. Mario RPG fans have had a feast of a year after famines of various lengths. In the span of a year, Super Mario RPG and Thousand Year Door both got great visual remakes and now Mario and Luigi gets a whole new game. Just, fascinating to see the M&L fans on an absolute hope high at the minute, seeing as it seemed somehow impossible. Like could be said for the last two, hehe. NIS's featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series? Looking at EoW, it feels like we're going to see some real messing with the echoes and the game world when players get to play early on.
  18. So many of us are clowns. I felt I needed to reflect that. Also, and I needed to say this somewhere, we're finally Byrned out :). Ah, so Disgaia is a fair comparison? Probably don't touch the higher difficulties so. I mean, there are ways to differentiate the gameplay: magic focus within the combat and puzzles as opposed to current methods for Link or go the Shiekah route (and at that point fuck it Impa title). There'd likely be a bow regardless, just a feeling. This game is coming first though, let's see how it does. Fair enough, I don't disagree, but I do think something in that more actiony 3D space could happen. Shit that's good. It took 20 main line demos, they really were looking to figure it all out.
  19. Said my piece over in the thread, I mean, Echoes of Wisdom is neat. Once again, the remake eludes us. It's wild that it could be fake despite being part of the Engage leak, but one has to wonder. Is this just a thing with Mbappé? Still multiple of those. 😛 I'll admit I'm not fond of using it for a new game, but it still looks like the game will be cool. They clearly want to differentiate what Zelda would do as opposed to Link, so it makes sense. That makes sense off the timeline and what they're capable of I suppose. Okay I need context for this.
  20. The maybe final Switch direct? Better to assume there'll be some stuff still, but I just have the feeling an announcement for the next big thingtm is coming this year and this will be about it for major Switch stuff. Supposedly not today though. Supposedly. Just, don't expect your heart's desire. Don't get your hopes up. That is the way to disappointment. TL;DR: Oh look, surprises can happen (Stray? New Mario & Luigi? Ace Attorney Investigations 2?). Nevertheless, still feels like the successor is being prepped for. Highlights personally? Echoes of Wisdom..... I mean, I'm not surprised the list is short and it felt like MP4 was there to give the direct something big. The NSO titles added are neat and all but it still feels small enough total, most of those 2025 titles are the first three months but still, kinda underwhelms. Calling it now, September Direct either is the announcement or is disappeared to allow for the announcement. Back on the road everyone!
  21. It's happening. I mean, I get what you mean there, but it's a shame it's tied to those at the some time. That and we probably could stand to build a frame to work off of this time round for the trilogy for the time it's set. Interesting to hear that that's a full on criticism. Meanwhile, isn't some of the earlier stuff still lost too?
  22. I half thought this thread was FFTF. So, there's a minimum of 1 episode per castle seized, right? So we get 2, 3, 5, 3, 3, 3 for gen 1 (for a minima of 19) and 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5 (Minima 24), but there's probably double that story material and character interaction in a minimal adaptation (I'm going to suggest 12 episodes per season, with 4 seasons for Gen 1 and 5 for Gen 2 to cover a bit more with Thracia and falling action, so at a minimum 48 episodes for Gen 1 and 60 for Gen 2, like so:) This can still have changes (say, Azelle leaving during the prologue which can be shown as sheer intimidation at Arvis having shown up and changing his mind at some point during the Augustrian occupation, Aideen insisting on getting Yewfelle back as it was taken to Verdane castle, expansion on the Silesse civil war (probably change Zaxon's entire motivations, make it have a reason to be dealt with first or be tied to tensions unrelated to Lewyn's uncles being pissy) or Maricle having some final battle with Kurth/Byron/Ring/Ludveck/Reptor as part of the perspective shift needed for Issach's invasion) All this before even going into Gen 2! But yeah, even with that I'm not even saying this makes the most or even much sense. Just figuring most of the stuff I can recall (and looking up the newer names because Munster district still has me cocking an eyebrow beside Leonstar)
  23. I'm linking this because there's a lot of tea from the translation scene from the old days. The reddit thread's got plenty too, sip and be happy that this stuff is the past. If this is true, production starts this year, so late 2026 is realistically the earliest. But more than that it'd seem to be the standalone on Rey that was already announced being put into a trilogy? Just, an odd decision to make. Never mind that this year alone there's a season of one show and two new shorter shows already. Truly grist for the mill concerns should be addressed. Should. I want the Phantom mask dammit. And here I thought that was the fan's jobs /s The bruh's more because... do you not remember IX? Much as I find the discourse to be self-replicating toxicity, it's not like there haven't been issues in the stuff I have seen. Also, yeah damm, that's still pretty far back. You on the 4th or 5th Doctor? Had to go digging to find it. Will do later because life.
  24. It's a matter of what could be a possible final reveal for the Switch before the successor and thus coming out before it. I suspect MP4 is going to be a launch title, same with Legends ZA, probably a Mario game too, so I can believe none of them show up here. I don't have much in terms of active demands and expectations (aside from maybe MP2 release on Switch, I kinda want them to release all 3 on it), just hope it's a decent direct. Genealogy remake is an opening announcement if it happens based on prior directs, so if we see nothing we get the circus back on the road. Fair accusations. Do you mean a Mario Party-styled game? I just don't see it sadly, would be out of sync with what TPC seem to do with games these days.
  25. As someone who's trying to go through the Star Wars material when he can, BRUH if true. Wait, was there a 10-man fight or something? Has to be some serious reason the ref's terrible right? Also, is Mbappe about to be soccer's Dupont on this with having to wear the mask? (Sorry, the fact a French player who's prominent got attacked in the face early on the tournament is certainly a coincidence)
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