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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Oh no, the pasta breaking was only the beginning. Which fans will spill the sauerkraut?
  2. Look, apparently GF ain't doing the hype legendary remixes so much, so here's someone doing it for them. Bit more like soccer, least for union, can't speak to League and that's mostly relevant for Australia. The same Belgium that drew with Ireland this year? I believe it. (In fairness, they tried more here judging by who started today. Look, if you aren't crushing current day Ireland I will use it as a stick to beat you for screwing up because you really should have been doing that) Desolation at Dusseldorf Plenty of French fans likely too, it will be a loud match huh? Oh shit really? Neat. You get that it's depressing what happens to so many of the "stars" in it right?
  3. And with that, we get a Direct confirmation. No matter what, least we're pretty sure the 2wich (I will guffaw if I manifest that name into reality) isn't there. Right? So with that, I'm going to post the reactions I had earlier this year to stuff and things. I still haven't seen the summer showcase stuff, probably should take a look. February Direct Partner Showcase: Pokemon Presents February Indie World 17th April It's early enough that I can be late to it, so will have to see. Whatever isn't planned to be released on both Switch and successor pretty much has to mentioned now right? Oh shit, I may have used the wrong word there, I was on about reality and how the idol industry is full of manipulative shit on the performers. Look, I happened to be over during the playoffs, yeah the ad percentage of time is pretty dang long, I'd argue exacerbated by the structure of the game. The rules of the game maximise stoppages, mainly for rotating players (they have place kickers so dedicated to the role they're not even on the pitch otherwise) and arranging plans. There's clear talent there, make no mistake, but I wasn't all that wowed. Simply put, rugby better is my response (I say, crying at yet another RWC QF exit last year)
  4. So I put on Perfect Blue (aka the film people bring up about criticising the idoloshpere back in the 90's) ...... It was not how I expected. I did get fucked with watching it. I will not say more for spoilers sake. Look, from the bits I've happened to have on this tournament, I know it's not all this, but I'm just going to link that defining image of soccer. And who would you say is likely to make it to the final stages?
  5. An RNG event the likes of which just shouldn't happen again That's a busy incident, wonder what it'd be called. Also, what has the Master done in making that machine? As someone who was in New Jersey this year, yeah renting is recommended, unless you have someone over there (or several in our case) Even visiting there. What a flip, people will wonder how legit he's being about it and I'd say fair enough to question it.
  6. AHAHAHAHAHAHA Yeah, that's a fair frustration. Look, at least Brazil had significant glory days. Well, that's certainly one way to do things. Pfft the sparkles on the knife, like as if the POV is more interested in that. Mmh, grandparent clause is not as it once was on this, but can still be viable. Someone I know is having the issue of extending their stay so they can be around long enough for citizenship despite having a parent who has citizenship as they got it after they were born. It's interesting seeing how this goes on and how players can be secured, especially in other sports that are a bit looser about the requirements.
  7. Breakdancing was what Engage was missing I shouldn't do it, but I'm tempted to make an edit. Wait, when did all of the Americas get the one tournament?
  8. I saw this, pass it on to inflict the world; Kempf is Benedict Arnold Yeah, I didn't put it like that with Leif merging into the Liberation army, should have. My own hesitancy is certainly not great. Sheer frustration with how things had gone, prioritising other things going on, not even going into my own issues. I've an interview or two to look forward to though, I have car progress to advance as well, never mind other stuff I left behind I need to do. So O probably need to focus on that.
  9. And now, time for a stupid thought. Thracia 776 is the most American Fire Emblem. NP, NP Fair enough on that, but what's the progress on other parts of your life? For example, I wish I could say the car situation's sorted, but no, no it is not. Don't have it at the moment, there's enough to get through. EU can into Paraguay There's still half a year left, high praise.
  10. Keyboard Wolf is the underrated member of the band. Yeah, the direction setting has been a bit better on my end, but is there some avenue for you to go down at the minute? Last time was, what, January- Forgot he left Teehee in 2023, see current pfp Well, I'd said a decent chunk of gaming stuff either in status or the linked ironmans (Maybe a general Engage musing has to be added), so I don't have to repeat myself that far back at least. Picked up 13 Sentinels there at 75% off, only tried GrimGrimore's demo and was getting worried on higher difficulties. Speaking of Vanillaware, Unicorn Overlord has sold itself to me on the demo (I barely cleared the main story and side quests in the 7 hours, I was rushing for the final boss and barely lived) Considering how Engage ended, for the best I did. I'm that surprised too. Life's been certainly going the last while, I said what I could earlier but busy is the best way to put it. Any particular style influences you going for? Meanwhile, I've some miniatures to paint (probably badly), the rain today is certainly as much a motive as anything. It wasn't 7-1 though. Kagaya: Love is Mind Control /s The more things change, eh Wratih?
  11. Another internet curse for everyone to appreciate. What, did he trade it in his rise to rule? Dread it, run from it, Roy arrives. Monsters. Sick. Teehee Shrimpy. Thoughts on this? They didn't need to be that brutal. I missed that, truly Russia's famous love machine. The Opium war's consequences on many people in terms of drug addiction? It's just a bit frustrating that with all the work done (nobody was out canvassing as much) that it didn't have more of an impact. Lessons learned and all that. Well that's rough. Any progress on your end on the material parts at least?
  12. Okay, this seems neat, just got back and happened to find the thread. Alright to take a somewhat suboptimal route? Name: Ka Mooey Eliana *Birthday: 6/9 Boon: Lucky Bane: Clumsy Class: Spear Fighter *Promotion: Honestly take the path you want, it is yours to find after all Reclass: Sky Knight Skills (3 skills max, 5 points total): -Profiteer -Replicate -Luck +4 Portrait:
  13. Man, that's a lot to catch up on. I must confess I'd read a smidge, but never the full run through and there must have been a bunch to say. And yes, I said Marty. This was not a joke, no matter how his stats may be. I will also say I do recommend early promotion, as a person who usually does anything but. And being honest, I have been wanting to make shitposts in this direction for a while, so here, Marty practicing his axe swings: Lucky duck, could have used that last week /s Look, if the enemy was forced to play by it too, you'd have a bunch of stumbiling in the dark, so I can see why they avoid it for the enemy, unfortunate as that is. The torches are buffed for the better later, no question. Not getting the current text, but it looks like no, you don't get an equivalent from skipping the chapter and considering what you get from this map gameplay wise, it feels like a map you shouldn't miss. Poor blind ducks who did miss it.
  14. Oh yeah, I learned BB's soundtrack's more infected than I thought. Might need some help with that one (though to be fair, I think that track's not as cursed by the short loop to fruit loopiness) Sheesh Germany and Switzerland (Also, missed opportunity for Scotland to bring the Shinty stick smh) I'm asking it myself because, well, I don't even know if he did that as part of it. This is why I don't play games set in the last 150 years /s Pfffthaha yeah let's not get our hopes up. (Just imagine this is in a 50's Americana accent) Did you know there's such a thing as effort to put into these things, well that and being known as "that guy", it's going to be a lot of work and time before progress is made. Is this focused on SS villains or more of a series-wide travail? I assume the former, but the villain list is a bit smaller here...... Considering I haven't seen anything else since I first saw a suggestion of it, not much of anything of substance either and SE's own positions changing lately, chances are low. Be hype if true though. Well, if we've already seen a vampire hunting or mech controlling Lincoln, I guess this shouldn't be so surprising, but least he kept to abolition.
  15. Just got back, I've been reading some of the reviews, and I can officially confirm we are enemies when it comes to Final Fantasy (Note, I do not hate V or VII, before people start asking). But least hearing VIII might be worth reentering is at least more positive than some others give it. I'm just going to leave this here and request to add it to the sig, because, well, just look at it. It's an art piece, dammit.
  16. Be my hiatus: "Man, it's pretty quiet in here- what, what's that over there?" "Sure why not?" Alright, I think it's been a long enough break. So, my life has been a long string of building up to something, only for it to underwhelm and fumble at the finish line. In other words, I was part of a failed election campaign for most of 2024 so far after prep before then, had the emotional spiral and post mortem and all. Chances are there'll be another election before the year ends. Joy. I may be moving with other stuff as well, but that looming event has passed, so I think I'm fine popping my head up like a lone soldier in the trench after the gunfire stopped. If I could pretend the writing exercise I'd been implying in the past had gotten far enough to be worth posting was done I would, but it isn't, so probably no point. I've enough little shitposty things to link, some other stuff, so at least I can post things that aren't just replies. Lot I've missed, can't really be fair about that to ask all of you what's been happening but I'll admit my curiosity is there. To start off, among my (few) gaming accomplishments, I finally cleared a National Dex (ORAS) and got a shiny Shroomish (today, which I got like... 2 in when I actually tried just to do that and not catch to breed some 5/6 IV ones before which had raised the total streak to 262 beforehand, so not at the max chance or anything), managed to find BotW when we thought it might be missing and so am finally playing that (haven't even reached one of the big dungeons yet) and I was beating Anankos so hard that I actually crashed Fates. I think what happened was I sped forward as Corrin was wrecking Anankos's third form (Swordmaster with S-rank swords and capped Str with +19 damage from skills, toniced up and Wyvern Lord pairup 1-rounding as you do) and the game didn't know how to handle the death at speed, so crashed out. At least that's what I thought the first time. It happened again. I have no idea, is it due to Corrin being helped by a wyvern lord? 1-rounding? Yeah, no idea. Naturally, I count that as me clearing Lunatic Rev. Because once again, as I must remind everyone, fuck Anankos. Think Violet was also cleared after I disappeared, but achievement might be less credible there (least it's better than Sw/Sh despite it's myriad issues so that's nice) Also, rumours of Livealive getting a sequel? Hype if true, the Switch has brought back TWEWY and LAL, I have to argue it is the best console on that alone. He actually did it. But yeah, be real interesting how that played out. Is there some weird interplay with a White Revolution event? Something else? How did he even get there?
  17. To think I had all this stuff I wanted to post coming back to Teehee, only for it to all slide to the side. I suppose it can wait, but I felt I had to post something, even if it's a little trolly before I disappear for a while. Teehee folks.
  18. *Cans shift about, groans in increasing discomfort as the realisation of all the forgetfulness dawns I knew life was going to complicate matters the last few weeks, month really (the Christmas period was going to mean I wasn't going to get on this, not to mention I was out of the country for last week and a bit before that), but I didn't realise just how much I'd throw this aside due to it. And I know I'm going to be busier in the coming months. I think I have to call it. I'll probably be off the forums for the next while too, but I think I have one parting teehee at least. I apologise to everyone for delaying matters.
  19. Roshea being a magic tank, lease he has the niche. Becksploding ballasticians bodaciously I assume he doesn't say elephant. Makes sense for this to be in there. I'd be concerned if you had gotten caught out. RIP the castle there.
  20. Roy's our boy's our Roy's our boy's our Roy. Super Mario Wonder I'd assume would be an option, but I don't know it well enough to suggest (Probably elephant form, but I can't tell what they'd use to represent other than Mario being big). But I want to mention Advance Wars, a game that got a release for the first time in 15 years after being delayed by one due to war. Considering this is a first time attempt for me to do one of these, it'll suck, especially representing the bomber. Kanbei - Sephiroth? (Not one of the Sephiralts has black hair, this is not helping), stats raised for a time, I feel like the Wing could represent his counters being stronger well but I'm not sure how to represent that he's expensive. Sturm - ROB with small Dark Samus minion, increased projectile damage, items dropped are firearm themed, calls on Moon Assist Trophy Bomber - Meta Knight, plenty of bomb items dropping, including Smart, Bob-omb, Submarine - Metal Inkling with Blue Steel gun, can get clear status regularly
  21. Thing is, it could argue about the DSi being different enough like the GBC to the GB to be on it's own, but it was available on the regular DS (Same with Gold/Silver). And while I know Gen 7 wasn't released for just New 3DS, considering how performance issues were a presence on the older models that could be argued too. As for keeping the wheel spinning and leaving Gen 5 to the 3DS, it seems like BW were being worked on for a bit beforehand, even if their release was close to HGSS. So maybe they felt they could act on the DS because the 3DS specs hadn't been given and they had the time to release on the DS? There's also the prep time needed for a new set of hardware, especially for something specialised like the DS would add time on to the start of the first title to a new console. Localisation of course being another factor up to Gen 6. Thing is, it's funny.
  22. So I've been playing Fell Xenologue. How unpopular is it to be bothered by the execution of it's story? I wasn't spoiler free going in admittedly, but the handling of the world, the other twist's implications for how little agency really was there all along and that ending.... well, certainly was a choice. I will say that boss was fascinating as a fight (Frustrating too), though of course Eirika was crucial again. This has been a thing in Engage I worry about sometimes. Excuse me. You mean PEAK. So peak I got White 2 day one, a feat that wouldn't be matched for 9 years. But in all seriousness, considering how the 3DS did in the first year or so of sales, it probably would have liked better first game . Now Game Freak probably could have cut out BW2 from development to get a title out sooner for 3DS, but that's not what happened there. Some of that could be driven by GF going for the established base they had for the DS games with how Unova was a bit of a sales dip (A crying shame, because again PEAK), combined with keeping to the same hardware base for the game that was a direct sequel to their previous title.
  23. Teehee @Eltosian Kadath There is one less unit available from Firene and Solm out of the recruited allies compared to Brodia and Elusia. This is all the proof I need Eve and Seforia were planned recruits, alongside the cutting room stuff.
  24. Thing is Boucorst might have taken enough from the enemy Excadril that he could have finished things off with no losses. The risk of rolling down the hill could have been prevented and that's what ticks me off about that gym- Nick also was lost I think Tentacruel can work, I've used it before. ....Wow there's really that few late game axes in SD. Discounting Dracoknights if the Whitewings still promote to that. Matthis, might as well take out my next catch preemptively.
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