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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Nope, she still has it, at 4 levels lower too so she can actually get it by the end of a playthrough. But in Gaiden's case, considering you hit Level 20 for promotion anyways, you'd have to see it when training her. All I'll say is, that will not be fun. Gee, it's almost like the lore implications are potentially fascinating- I know, I'm kinda tired of saying it like that. Look, I know it's not unique to this game, but still, with the execution for Gaiden/SoV, I suppose it feels all too easy to remark on.
  2. He sure does. Dyute eschews teleporting for talking menacingly towards you. Witch AI: Hilarious when it doesn't work. "not leave you as purple as it left me" Clair: casually just being an actual wall at this rate. The 1-3 seems like a compromise made with her stats that will rarely matter, especially with what's coming. What a title. I thought that was used for any country in a slumped state Imagine if there was a cantor in there!
  3. In SoV he could have done with a support spell to maybe give him something you couldn't get easily, Silence seems fitting enough and least readily available (nobody on Alm's side has it). That's not even getting into bases and growths, which frankly I don't want to do at the minute. Of course, they should be in awe of this man at his peak. I'll admit, not my proudest comment. In my defence I was not thinking like that at the time. He really got a bit of the short end of the stick with SoV. Though his high Skl growth in SoV does add to the idea of him being something of a crit mage, his Delthea support sadly does not add crit, which would have helped too. Too lazy to prove it. On the one hand, she had use in Ilia right before her end, but missed her chance for Peak Wyverns. On the other, Clarine could have Aircaliber'd her way through, so either or.
  4. Early FE and map repetition: it's more likely than you think Oh, 3H too, because it's not as dead and buried as it should Least a bow Knight didn't show up as reinforcements. Why yes, Gaiden reinforcements are terrible sometimes Or as some would say, all rout maps. I don't think I'm one of them. Ah yes, the map where you can solo with an armour in some shrubs. Gaiden reinforcements.png I mean, he does excalbur well enough, has the bases to double armours at that point I think, so he'll make it work. He was kinda screwed by added growths in SoV, but here he feels more akin to the others? I could be talking rubbish. Killing hostages as a warning is exactly as unsympathetic villain as you'd expect. And only at risk if the enemies actually have stats. Like his namesake, he's rock solid apparently. I am not sorry. Oh no, the manga! Foreshadowing, truly a thing only SoV got wrong /s Kaga blew the load directly and stopped, the the remake blew it and then kept blowing. Clive good fans crying right now With the options you have her bases will matter more and her growths maybe help a lot. Not enough horseslaying to put two busted units in the woods I should argue we should fight on, for the laugh. Thankfully, the level returned to us. 11 Speed Ryuto, you love to see it. I feel like you've killed at least one example before (I'd expect Elise to have died before Delthea), but I don't know for sure.
  5. Kaga saga not having it's Naruto phase is proof that editorial control was fierce Mae killed her Nice. Just, nice play all told. No, pretty sure they'd leave in Gaiden as well. I hard disagree, he deserves this fountain.
  6. I am just out of sorts after the last 3 days (it's been a long weekend again), and worse again I'll be missing for a few days after tomorrow. Maybe I'll solve the decision paralysis around the preset losses. Oh, some day, but not yet. Decent enough call, but I must confess I find Sniper to be a class that could be better? May be just me. This should be one of the images in the background for Teehee. That's gonna be a yikes from me. Oh no. So this was a tight scenario, good to see it overcome. It really is the kind of moment where you just go "You know what, fine, you get a chuckle for that one" Everyone when Alear hits the escape point Everyone when Leif hits the escape point Like next chapter, where the quicksand could kill someone indirectly!
  7. He really does, the dork. How he's used in the plot just sucks. Ugh, it happens again. I know I'm not quite at Shaky or Ruben's level, but right now, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Except for DFs. Because DFs OP I keep forgetting that's how it is. I have no idea if this is the same in SoV.
  8. The movement penalty confirmed to be a bad idea they hadn't planned on doing? Oh no. ......It looks like you can resurrect both at the Dragon Shrine! But yeah, me insisting on getting Deen backfired hard, sorry. Still funny how we're throwing Jesse to die. The worst part? It's a while before there's a shrine on Alm's side Yes, Geyse looks like he's cosplaying M. Bison and it shows. Jesse knows. And he's rather live. Weight of the world on this man's shoulders, leeet's go! Good plan funneling him. I wonder would you get away with getting him out into the sand? She didn't, Lima was just a manwhore. Conrad's older, we hear nothing about Liprica having a second child herself, he refers to Liprica by her name and states his mother was Rigelian. With Gaiden's growths I kinda get it, but again, I was bad at passing the Angel Ring around. At least Scarman will get some work done while you have him. Est/10 Promotion might give Str/Def if you're unlucky, but Spd is low. The HP will double her bulk though, so that'll be helpful. (SoV reduced the class's base HP by 6 for some reason) I'd say you have more tools to deal with Deen, Valbar alone is a good wall and you can have other units who hit similar high defences. Res being rarer makes Sonya's map awkward, not to mention the warping making it harder to funnel enemies. Then again, when I had no fliers last run I couldn't risk it facing Sonya..... I call him out. You do not need full promotion for that. How badly would my old posts look? I've seen some of them and I want to hit younger me.
  9. Like I said, apparently he was so flawed Nintendo told them to tone it down into what we got, which was plenty understated in practice. Alear actually putting voice to their feelings is a positive over..... Byleth, sure. Feel like I've had this happen before. I mean, if any setting's going to have former courtiers turned brigands it's Valentia. 3H is laughing at us right now.
  10. I see you're making progress. Yeah, I have no excuse for desert movement in game, merely understanding having played this map 5 times in my life. Wolff is a pain for sure on this map, low movement slogs this map out, I keep not factoring the tile tile and NES movement (separate from the Move stat) be itself too. And this a desert map in this game..... swamps are still coming. Oh dear, I really have played this that much. You see how many enemies are there? Yeah, there's more on SoV hard mode. At least here only the boss has effective damage against fliers, so you could maybe find cases for the fliers to contribute. But that's still limited by the boss having an effective 10 range that he can charge at them with. And the game supposedly has ai behaviour act such that archers will attack your archers. It's never consistent enough for me to claim it's a hard and fast rule. Anyone there you want to send to Celica? Sure you will Jesse, sure. Kamui at least got to get some exp, unlike plenty of others.
  11. Rounds. And this is Jedah with the Dracoshield. That's some big pokes. They really talked about making Alear flawed (to the point Ninty had to tell them to tone it down, with the result being what we got) but not keep flaws on Alm huh? Looking at the list of base stats for classes in the game, looks like they did. Honestly could just be a technical limitation due to space (See: Fighter class bases matching Duma's class). And this is for the secretly a royal kid. The writing staff in IS need either replacing or seriously need to go and learn about writing fundamentals (Why yes I finally got round to the Engage critique of it's writing that's over 2 hours long)
  12. I can't help but laugh reading this. Because the game had a series of achievements in the game it replaced..... only to throw them all out in what would be Valve's Overwatch 2 if things keep going downhill. That being said, there's every chance it doesn't do what that did, but as an outsider I'm seeing a parallel and have to mention it somehow. Also, obligatory Valve can't count to three joke
  13. I did have statboosters in mind with that statement, but forges being what they are you have me there, with the caveat of weapon ranks being an issue in niche cases maybe? (I don't expect d rank to be an issue often)
  14. It's one per trader, you get some more in Act 4. I'll confess I don't recall intentionally using it this much. But hey, it helps. I'm too boring to not reclass the armours
  15. I've a few thoughts with this and things that could make for complications, though I don't think most of them would be an issue. The tendency with NMotE is that much of those later units are worse on higher difficulties right? So this might become too difficult to implement in LunaR or something, but I'm not an expert on it. I also see 3H as a game that doesn't necessarily fit either, at least outside CF. Not merely do you choose to recruit most out of house characters, but this means you lose access to your units who'll show up in BBD and that's horrible as it is thank you. So recruiting units for paralogues could be a death sentence in the worst cases. Thracia also has the concerns around Stamina to consider, RD with how the army splits affect it.... I can see these titles throwing spanners in the works. Maybe wouldn't matter with some tweaks or careful management (see Stamina). And I'd be curious to see how kids get treated in Awakening or Fates. Would we go be order of unlocking them? Would it be harder to be certain of with Awakening's world map making some inaccessible for a while? For units like Donnel, Anna or Mozu could shifting when you recruit them be worth considering if it's possible to make them available for endgame? Or is doing that too risky and not worth the trouble (Recruiting Mozu later leaves the possibility she dies immediately) or not possible (the time limit for recruiting Anna)? SD is interesting too, as you lose reliable long term projects before they can come into their own,, making the investment not worth the trouble, but if you're struggling to even clear the maps using items you'd rather keep for endgames units comes into play..... wrinkles indeed. Honestly GBAFE becomes the most straightforward of the lot to me, focus on later recruits like Douglas or Zeiss, Renault or Nino or Saleh or Knoll. I kinda think these would be relatively straightforward (Harken's recruitment should be possible as Isadora should be available still). And if you have recruiters who would be benched for a unit you want, well..... there might be ways to make room. I see it, but for units in DSFE if they don't have the exp to use mend that becomes worthless regardless. I doubt it matters in practice (experienced staffers join throughout) but the thought crossed my mind regardless. Me realising I have to bench Canas and can't get Canas-Nino support:
  16. There are swords in Part 3 that might be worth passing too, but then again this isn't SoV where I feel there's more incentive to pass things around than to keep stuff because equipment is uncommon. He's cutting the cheese.... with a bunch of magic arrows, but still. That's the good stuff for magic on Jedah. Oh I absolutely see that coming. (Imagine the scenes against Dolth)
  17. Shadows of Valbar would have been the 10/10 FE title. And fitting as all is under his shadow
  18. Haven't found any confirmation of this yet, but on the Wikia page it says it works on EP, but ignores the Javelin and Gradivoo and adds 15 to crit damage. Sounds like it could be wild in the right hands. Growths and game feel are about as you'd expect for pegasi with higher growths or bases showing up this far in the game. Falcoknight will be worth it, especially in Part 4. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The true protag is here, game even warns you with the box art. It's ya Bowy! The Spd investment was worth it. He holds the weight of his stats on his high Str, but at least he'll hit hard once per turn. Unless the Angel ring blesses him hard. SoV nerfed the Angel Ring into the ground, that's sad. *sigh Any trades you're thinking about?
  19. You'd think that..... *Catria fucking dies again VALBO FINISHES You love to see it. Yeah, I'd recommend that too.
  20. Fair enough, I'd like to hear the translator's process on that myself. It's also the copy of the first Leather Shield Merc's map on Celica's side. Blake/the true Deen is scary too, if for different reasons. :P
  21. There's only one more map where it matters. I'll admit I use it, if only because I don't want to have to deal with green allies who can't be recruited until after the map. The Teehee run gave me all the evidence I needed that I am right in that decision. Keep forgetting that part, been years since I played Gaiden. Low res won't matter much for DF, the +10 it gives will do a lot for anyone in the class even him. Oh it looks it, but I still wanted to point out the bases of some unpromoted classes were something alright (Let us promote them into those classes IS you cowards) How often is machote used like that more recently? Because while I said when Gaiden came out, I can see how it's used when the patch was written as mattering too.
  22. I can buy it, but it's still possible what we're on about here could still have been them choosing to embellish without looking at SoV, the main reason I say that is because of the when this came out. I don't have the capacity to ask, so I'm going to grumble at the doubt that sits there being a nuisance. Not all bosses move. Like Kant, R. here, he doesn't. None of the cantors move, because fuck you (even if there are cantors not on healtiles, they're still behind who knows how many enemies). It's still a lot of sand in those maps. Least the desert fort will be possible to assault with fliers in Gaiden.
  23. Guess you weren't at the top of your game /s Considering they're hiding in a zombie-infested cave, maybe they're that stuck already. This is why Excalibur is what you use for this, the crits help. Slayder should have dropped the D, maybe he'd be OP then. I don't recall as much with Gaiden, but he is a coward in SoV. Warp also really helps with this, allowing you to push units forward faster, but grinding that out in Gaiden takes more effort than you're looking for. I do not understand the logic, there's never really an indication of magic being favoured with this. Well, bout that...... They couldn't put in "big, hurty lightning" Everyone else who'll have Mae's promoted class will. SoV changes so little from the base game in terms of stuff already there, that IS changing this is an admission this was a fuckup. Genny has double the Spd growth of Jenny, that's my assumption. G/Jenny having Physic is all good regardless. I suppose they cause a person swinging with a sword to hesitate to damage the graves out of respect and fear for the dead? The funny part in SoV Hard: Saber's base HP, Spd and Def leave him 1-rounded by this merc if the guy crits. I mean, you can retreat from the map and the green units leave, still being recruitable. Low Luck is probably the one area that undercuts him, and it's put him at risk for me plenty. Still, a DF not getting doubled by HM DFs is appreciated. Can you summarise for me what the intentions for that fanslation were? Kant, R. trolls again.png I can see Leo hitting his Bow Knight Skl base and the extra hit would be nice for him, while everyone might just end up seeing their HP boost lost in promotions, so Skl for Leo imo. While looking for class bases to answer this question, I found out Sister's bases are ridiculous. Saint doesn't compare.
  24. You do realise the sin was playing Gen 8 Pokemon right? What is it with Pokemon clowns and giving you stuff? I don't know that I'll treat mons I didn't have the chance to use as dupe encounters yet, it's still early days and there's plenty of chances I lose mons I already have though And I now have to figure out which routes I immediately throw as sacrifices. I may have done several Work Ups in fairness, the Dwebble wasn't able to actually hurt Frain. It's nice to have the option so early on. OOOOOFFF Can't even kill his dad smhmh You wouldn't consider it for a higher might tome? Fair enough, though -3 Mt is a bit ouch to me. Okay. You plan on Bow Knight, Sniper or Warrior if you'll get a ring with Axe proficiency back? And effective damage on Luin. I really want to emphasise it, as someone who suffered it. King Dieacinth if you will. "The light. It BURNS!" Well, he likes pain. If he's the one inflicting it so be it? The power of bullshit no jutsu at work. I mean, the narrative stretch for this may be bullshit, but it gives us Chapter 11 bankruptcy, I've seen worse BS. Good luck on that. It's going to be a few days before I can get back on this myself, take your time.
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