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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. All I say to that is hope I get lucky, Eevee is 5% and I've gotten that once already. Bronzong was more pain in the ass wall than busted, but sure. RIP we never knew ye. Jeez, Nincada would have had immunity.... or Shedinja to all but the Voltorb Remembers his Pelipper being crucial in a run of Ruby Certainly if he can't use it well. And he could have Drizzle! I couldn't. Wait he has a first name? For all I know, my electric gym could be fatal it's shocking how low of a chance Geodude is in Granite Cave, but Lightning Rod Electrike would at least block Volt Switch (But then again how much damage would it be capable of?), Couple of other maybes on 110..... Ugh. Emerald's gym would have been worse in power, but that Magneton's no fun. Wait, we're at the checkpoints? Oh, okay.
  2. Ah yeah. Multiplying the hit rates tells me it was a bit over 55% chance that both hit, but I could be completely wrong on it being True Hit. It's funny that Dunsparce is kinda prolific in Unova of all places. Had to account for it not giving happiness at 200, so still needed some running about. Intimidate, which might be better overall because while Flash Fire boosts Fire Type damage, I can't think of any major examples of non-fire types using Fire type moves in this version- Remembers the box legendary Oh no. Considering it lost both, I'd argue slight nerf with how useful Fairy is offensively (though imo Grass could have used it more /s). It really stung the Steel/Psychics; Metagross (being harmed from it's high position prior), Bronzong (who tripled it's weaknesses) and Jirachi's defensive potential are all harmed by the variety of moves that those types do have now dealing double damage. About how I expected that to go. I'd lean towards a combat unit who might actually face magic without melting instead of Louis.
  3. Garda pirates That's a funny moment for sure. Poor guy, but still useable here. Dangit Abel. Jeez Daros will have to be like the ballista boats with that kind of Spd. I can't tell how it'd do from here myself, but it seems like it should be able to. Majimum power.
  4. Oh yeah, but I said busted because of the ability to make Bantu unkillable full stop with statboosters. I wish we'd get this kind of manakete again though. I realise with a worse PC there's limits, but I'm assuming that's not the case for gnip here. And even if you're using a mobile device for it, there are options there. Of course, the power of that device is another question. The FOMO pissed me off, I would have gotten it otherwise.
  5. There's a couple things about MotE that make it playable for me vs. SDatBoL, but I won't pretend like I'm chomping at the bit to play BI again, probably the same with BII if I ever get to finishing it. On the one hand, fair. On the other hand, Nintendo PC is a thing for a reason, Citra is long proven (well, if your PC is not a potato) and Switch Emulation is in a pretty useable state from what I've heard (And I doubt there'll be Denuvo put on older titles, smh that that's happening) I was not ready back when I played. I reset Turn 1 of chapter 19 so many times in that on-off period of 6 months. I might try to think of a less meta pairing for Genealogy, but considering how some of the pairings can at times be worse than subs, I don't know that I will.
  6. I mean, there's things I've liked about modern FE, but if you want to go for it, go ahead. And hey, you'll probably have more of a mindset to clear the first game than I'll ever have. Thracia does have it's moments though. Alright, one rec per? SDatBoL: Use Darros make him sail. Gaiden: Get Deen, his hair isn't in his eyes unlike the remake. MotEI: Make Biraku/Vyland/whatever he's called nowadays your main cav MotEII: Warren. I have no reasons. Genealogy: I am of the opinion Aideen/Midir is the better pick, go with it. T776: I say Marty, you say Party. If I limit it to one, let it be Warren. Good luck. Mercurius doubles his gains in SDatBoL I think, making for an interesting proposition of delaying levels on him for this later on. Doga of the bench. 😞 -No Wrys, No Darros, no Pyrathi, merging chapters 4 and 5 together, no ballistae, no busted Bantu Fair.
  7. That crit's still stinging, thank you /s Why do I keep thinking Flame Charge isn't guaranteed to raise Spd? Would have been lovely for Burgh that's for sure. Somehow I don't think a crit from her is recoverable. The question is which routes or freebies do I sacrifice? Some neat options in Castelia City and around Route 4 and the ruins, some if which I'm about to lose, but I suppose the real deliberations will be based on what I get in Virbank Complex. Can't count the higher level part of Route 20 either, it's like Pinwheel Forest like that. Let's put replies here: Thing about this part of the game is it's actually pretty short. This and Burgh's gyms run pretty close to each other, but we'll see if that speed makes me sloppier. TL;DR: Got Worked Up a couple times over things that Returned out to be no problem. Checkpoint reached. List: Question: What should I do about that bit in Castelia Sewers with Hugh? Treat the encounter as is or not? Because if so probably choose to repel through.
  8. I'm probably going to be occupied for the next few days, fair warning. Live to Serve is alright I guess. Paragon Wrys makes me look sadly here I guess. Just had to be Fates Devil Axe huh? *Insert 5 points joke here This feels off. How is Marth not getting his head kicked in? "50 Str Etie isn't real, she can't hurt you" 50 Str Etie: Soon
  9. Huh, guess I didn't anticipate Emboar being as well regarded. If Riolu had access to Force Palm before level 13 like in BW, that wouldn't even have been an issue. I probably could have done this, but I would have rated having SE damage more. Oh yeah. Maylene's is definitely a gym gym in Platinum, Lavaridge seems to be linked up to the hot water springs even in Gen 3, Celadon and Eterna could be considered full on gardens, Pastoria also has the swimming Pool feel, Candice's is the deadliest ice rink in the world. Sheesh indeed. I'm hopeful I get something good from Virbank Complex, it'll be the last party member before Castelia. Oh. Shows how faulty my memory is that I thought ORAS had Block too.
  10. *Gulp Well, time to see what damage I did. Fair amount going on IRL honestly, that and I wanted to write up a whole story for coming back. I have no idea what I am doing with the chapter I'm on. Huh. Did not realise they had walkthroughs. This is my cart I got Day 1, so a little out of luck on AR codes. I could probably just get the 3DS hacked, then put a B2 cart/ROM with a save with all the keys if I was going to do that. Probably should have, but I was on Set and Vanden was doing fine on damage and defence before the crit. Well, for what +2 to Atk will do. That or I could have broken all semblance of trying to challenge myself and levelled Frain to 15, movepool change in the 2 year timeskip was a mistake.
  11. Well, I suppose I should get on with the next part of it. TL;DR: I'm sorry. List: I named the trainer Alearth for a reason dangit Vaden was a typo, it's Vanden. Sure, it's not Hero Wrys, but he still gets Axes? I'm assuming. Sweet.
  12. Alright, got access to a console again, let's play a game I haven't played in ages that I felt was peak at the time. Wish I could say I had challenge mode, but that'd require having the key unlocked. Which I did. On my original save. That no longer exists. The fact keys couldn't be kept across save files was a shame. TL;DR: Get started, get ordered about, get lucky. List: It's not that so much as he does not read to me as a character who's in their mid-40s, but is north of 50 imo if not a decade older. It's also interesting apparently his child and their partner are alive from what we hear, we don't know if they're from Lythos or came from somewhere else and if that's true for all stewards, which it could be considering the state of Lythos doesn't seem to have much of anything or anyone. Maybe the offer is good enough to get people moving to Lythos? The outrealms getting too wild Wrys about to become the goat? (Is reclassing an option by the way? Or does it not matter because all the classes are like DSFE's?)
  13. I will have to get away from home before starting, but that should be either today or tomorrow anyway. I decided on W2 by the way, mainly so I'm on hardware. I mean, the amount of theme tunes that match with the opening is enough for me to get this. 33 generations averages out around just under 30 and a third year of people serving as stewards. Considering the less active combat role the position takes I feel like this works fine enough. Vander being 45 does not, the ages written up are unacceptable Maybe Alear's going to degenerate into a monster and Vander's trying to avoid saying it? In fairness, he'd have been told what he knew from Lumera either directly or indirectly, who would know more than anyone the state of Alear in their slumber. Past!Alear definitely had it bad doofuses? Or are you giving us a new word? Adopt every last one of them intensifies
  14. I found the link, there is a lot of fanhacks set up for it as well. Might just do X, it's been a long time since I played Kalos and the encounter total is a bit fairer than White 2 would be but I counted the postgame stuff out and the total's actually similar.
  15. Hmm, maybe I might do that. What version would people want for a Pokemon run? I haven't really touched that Platinum run in a while (It's still before Roark), but that probably still shouldn't be the one. I'd avoid Hoenn both due to it being on the list and me having cleared nuzlocke runs of Ruby and Emerald ages ago (Same with FR and HG (but that'd need to be reconsidered anyways)). Haven't done Unova so that could be an option (but BW can be awkward in early game, I've seen enough examples), while I can't reset any of the 3DS games I have so that'd have to be emulated. Good luck to anyone going regardless! Speedy bow! I like his funny skills, this magic man. F for breaking his weapon too. This is rough. Hey look, actual tactical stuff in archanea
  16. 35 minutes. If there's nothing at all here that's a waste. TL;DR: No Gen 1 on NSO, but TCG and Stadium 2 happen. Detective Pikachu Returns gets a date and we get Pokemon but YuGiOh, but barring that I can't raise much of an eye. Edit: Didn't realise they highlighted new pokemon: can't say I'm that fond of them and having not played Sw/Sw I kinda can't be fair to the new evos. The Paradox evos continue the trend but are both arguably worse imo. RIP me. Edit 2: Apparently remix theft's on the menu:
  17. One name from Archanea would be neat: Samto. Guy pretends to be Navarre and at least Lang fell for it. Has to count for something. I already made the joke about this being how the game introduces Triple Heroes, but aside from these, I could mention Armour Ryoma (C13 BR), Shanam pretty much is this by default, we could probably do something with a character like Lewyn, L'Arachel being the only person in the series who would claim to go into disguise while also being themselves. Not to mention Chrom and Elise are both mentioned in supports as having disguised themselves to fit in amongst lower class people, which is relayed by a person who serves them by the time of their respective game. There's also "Marth", but that's been around 6 years in FEH, the Flame Emperor could count similarly.
  18. Course in practice how many people are getting Elysian Whips in SD these days? Pretty much just those with Wii Us, accessing the servers fans put up or modded roms. So for many who'd be playing this game I'd suspect they're more likely to run into this situation anyways. Looking at the artwork, it sure looks like a dragon cycle. And as Yu-Gi-Oh tells us, that shit is super cool, especially with card games I don't get the logic if that's true. It feels like the logical extension of the outrelams as a concept, but it's crossover-heavy nature combined with how it handles the telling of it's story and setting makes it hard to define it as akin to the other titles, even Engage. And that's not even going into the skills and what those have become in the years since the game came out. Or into figuring how the full extent of IS's active involvement (How many are working on FEH).... But then, it doesn't help that I've prior experience of playing it and how that colours my perception of the whole thing. In fairness, it's been over a decade since Awakening really started this outrealms mess let's be fair.
  19. Arguably the bare minimum that could have been done here imo, but at least there's something. I'm somewhat bothered by the Caeda card not having an image that's just the illustration from what I'd found yet. Yeah, it's somewhat of an unfortunate case that they can't delve too much into gameplay-story integration of these kinds of minor details. Funny enough that the Whitewings are among the first units who can access Falcon Knight in FE
  20. I immediately thought to check Cipher and there's an example of her on a wyvern here (There's also her TMS form here). It's the one card in Cipher that has Caeda on a wyvern, it's kinda hard to clearly see the thing clearly in this card with how it's laid out, but it's certainly not a pegasus. Coming back to TMS, I don't know how close the concept art is to in game, but this looks pretty convincing. But it's telling how much more recent interpretations tend to tie her to pegasus as strongly as they do, something that makes less sense than for the whitewings who introduced Falcoknights (Here's the one (Well, combined set of three) Cipher Card that has them as Wyvern Riders). (Off topic, TIL the Whitewings is a localisation from White Knights, a choice I completely agree with.)
  21. Skipping Kaga for now because the first five games have nothing, PoR and RD are completely lacking multiplayer from what I recall (As is 3H), while Awakening has local co-op in Double Duel (I did it once a long time ago) as well as being able to face other player's teams over Streetpass (of course these fight as AI) and give you the ability to recruit other avatars. SoV is also without multiplayer and the Streetpass doesn't even give you AI skirmishes, just maybe the chance of rare drops. The GBA games were the first FE titles with multiplayer access in Link arena, SD and NMotE have versus maps (maps made for the mode) with parties you pick and equip and once had online fights you could face random opponents on (this is gone with DS Wi-Fi connection wound down, like the online shop those games also had), Fates has My Castle Raids (which are versus AI, so the multiplayer aspect is facing other player's setups) which give similar rewards as Awakening with being able to get skills off opponents for a lower cost or logbook versions of any units in the party and Engage has something I haven't engaged with at all so I can't comment on it but it sounds like it does similarly to Fates but you need NSO to use it? Some overviews of the modes here, haven't couched them. You can do the arena multiplayer of BinB/BlaB/SS with one copy of the game and "hotseat it", but of course you'd only have squads and files on the one cart. Back to Kaga though, Tearring is interesting in that you have a versus mode option for cleared files that can work with multiple memory cards to do versus on one console with multiple files and does the versus arenas before SD, once again Kaga did it first.
  22. All true, her line ends on there being no room for Duma in the new Valentia, hence me saying accidentally. I mean, for plenty of units it's close to if not over half their HP, so I'd say it's an active concern when there's witches that'll act as they please. And how many attacks are there dealing an average 13 and seeming for me more likely to hit 15+? I certainly don't recall it dealing 8 damage, but that could be confirmation bias about attack all skills for me. And good thing too, No Tatiana would have made things much scarier To be fair, DFs don't take full damage from Medusa. (Why yes, DFs are broken) ....Wait, it was Turn 2 right? Yeah no, what I said makes less sense looking on the wiki, because it says he wouldn't do that before Turn 4. Now I'm very puzzled. Less so off the offensive skills, but then again it's a lot of reclassing for what you get out of it. Yeah, it seems to suggest the world is left open to Grima coming back all too easily, And then we start with a what if? And what if said kindness would be reciprocated? It feels like we don't get that out of the Risen, seemingly more automated beings encouraged to kill above all else. But maybe in time indeed. (Looking up stuff, it's interesting that they could follow something other than Grima (Walhart somehow managed) and of course the DLC Deadlords (who are all Risen in Awakening) are capable of full sentences and have a different attitude to any other Risen. Maybe that world had long since fallen and then been taken up by them after all?) Neat piece. Dragon Veins being combined together into larger circles does make me wonder if someone tried to use it for malicious purposes or even intended to cause harm on a massive scale with them.
  23. Oh, poor Niles, just taken out of it. I had something like this happen to a generic in my Conquest Hard clear. Nohrian Trust is one of those skills I can buy using, the issue being how many people would have enough skills for it to be worth having a multiproc backpack. And here she was critical for sheer power (1-shotting Duma-summoned Mogalls was good), but her bulk did make facing Duma himself too risky sadly. It was a pleasant surprise when he crit both, usually they take several turns of walling. This one's up there for me though. And it was me being an idiot and forgetting Duma could attack the square he was in. Thankfully he didn't have crit on Alm, that would have been worth panic. Never done it, can you blame me?
  24. BIG HURTY LIGHTNING Me writing something about this Alm's much reduced social circle after the war Response: Lmao. Pfft. Already plenty to work off of with that map, though at least you seem to have faith in this lot holding those corners. That's a powerful way to start off. I think so. Which makes it getting caught up in that an unfortunate end for it. OH FOR PETES SAKE HEXING ROD Sure does lower the threshold, especially with Blight Dragon's high Spd. You got past Gooron, you got this! Get to it whenever you can.
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