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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Any noteworthy tidbits? Greith took 45 turns, nothing came close, I think the next highest would have been 24 turns, which says a lot about how Greith's went. Tatiana had the lowest kills of the survivors, with only Clive and Mycen (0/0) lower. Though Zeke only had two more, poor guy (Faye and Genny had more, Silque tied.... wow). Matilda had more than any of them despite only being in Act 3, though less than Kliff who died before her? I mean, he had a lot of training and was Myrm before he died. Conrad had less kills than Bowy, who was gone for ages pfft. It's funny how many more battles the Ram squad were in than more of the army (Gray near 150 battles, Tobin on 110), but nothing compared to Valbar's 214 (And yet he had less kills than Jesse or Atlas, who had just over half the amount of battles). Est having 64 kills is pretty funny all things considered, especially when she and Clair are about equal on battles and victories despite being quite different units. Saber having 234 battles and 80 victories is fitting all things considered, but Lukas having fewer battles and more victories is stupid funny. Leon also outdoing them is funny enough, but he did have Hunter's Volley. How did Kamui have 90 kills though, I wonder? He had more than Forsyth, but Python had 199/93, which says a lot from an underachiever. Mae gets the 201/102 mirror ratio, Pfft. Celica had 76/38, while Alm had 253/97, so outdone by Mae of all people. Mae is the real MVP apparently? I'll be coming back to this file for reasons. Good luck!
  2. Turn 10: Sadly all my healers haven't enough Atk to be risking killing Duma with, so Alm will have to do. At least with Duma surrounded we'll have nothing else going on. Hopefully, which might be enough for me to get all the healers near Alm. Genny gets Skl/Spd on healing Alm, we see if Duma changes target on EP, which he actually does on Python and instead of healing 40 HP he heals 5..... Could this be the chance? Turn 11: Alm attacks and doesn't kill, ugh. I decide to take that chance and have Delthea heal beside Alm. I also move out more of the people I left in range, then see if I fucked up. On EP, I manage to cause another glitch in combat where the map didn't load the upper area, meaning I could see through to the skybox behind. It's a light enough blue. I should have paused on it and taken a picture, but I didn't. Oh, and Duma missed Alm and he struck twice, leaving Duma on 26 HP..... Turn 12: Which sadly is just enough for him to 1-round. So that's game, Duma slain, no saint got to end his pain. And with Earthquake active, I am taking no chances, it's time to end this. We have Alm telling Duma he has to go and Celica doing so but nicely. Followed by the shield throw. ....And with what was done to Mila done to Duma, the run is done. Alm looks to Celica's ghost lovingly, we move on to the new year and he talks to her ghost about how he still isn't over being a king. Even of a new nation formed from the foundations of Rigel and Zofia. He remarks on how neither of them got to know their dads, how Alm feels like Mila and Duma were irreconcilable (We don't really know if they themselves were) and we hear a retcon to explain the Mila Tree in Awakening. He reminds himself there's a nation to still guide, climbs up to the balcony and imagines he's doing so with Celica, probably really crying about how he lost all he cared for.
  3. Turn 8: I have Jesse try to take out Marla, which actually works for once as he crits and 1-rounds her. Seeing that it removes the other witch, I have Python shoot Hestia down, removing the other 6 witches at once. With that, I start moving the rest of the army in so as to start on Duma. I warp Forsyth into Duma's face, which also leaves everyone close to the Mogalls behind Duma. Lukas charges in and deals 56 damage, Forsyth deals 60 damage and he still has more HP than can be seen. Alm takes out another Mogall, I have another Fortify to be safe and on EP Duma attacks Zeke and stays in place, which was my real goal. The Mogalls mostly attack Lukas, but also hit Saber, Atlas and Kamui, while the one furthest away multiplies. Turn 9: Now, here's where the fun happens. With being so close, I can now surround Duma. Forsyth takes the northern position, Sonya takes out the Mogall on his east for Skl, then Lukas attacks from there, pushes him below 52 HP and we see the thing that shouldn't exist: No Damage! Alm has the Falchion to hit Duma but nearly dies to Oculus. Conrad and Kamui fell the Mogalls still nearby, Silque gets HP/Atk/Luk/Res while helping healing (Which I manage to just about do for Alm, keeping him alive. On EP, Alm gets hit by Duma sadly, but does attack and we live the turn. So I have to write deaths for Mae, Leon and.... Nobody, because Tharja was unpaired with anyone from SoV. Jesse and Python confirmed to beat UBW?
  4. Turn 6: At this point, I decide I'm done playing around with Jedah and he's low enough Lukas or Forsyth can definitely finish the job. Jesse joins them and Saber in the attack, with Lukas killing Sonya's dad (And getting Skl/Def), Alm defeats a Witch, I decide to try Hunter's Volley Gharn, which doesn't work, Mae finishes the Witch who fought her, I pull everyone else forward as we get ready for the second Earthquake, which hits and the first witch who can attack goes for Zeke, two warp to Conrad and Kamui, while more Mogalls start reproducing. Turn 7: I have Alm defeat a Mogall from just outside Gharn's range, then have Python try for Gharn again, which works out this time, Est beats a witch for a Skl levelup, which Clair beats the one behind the party. I have Forsyth try and attack Duma's Mogalls, which of course speed tie. Joy. The Earthquake and swamp damage makes fully healing less likely, so I have that to consider with my healing plans. Not to mention having Python warped back by Faye also reduces my options. But then I have Delthea move out of the swamp, where she proceeds to get in range of one of the faster mogalls... which she 1-shots. Never change. Lukas and Forsyth get to run up now, I have Tatiana, Silque and Genny heal while Sonya warps behind Est and Kamui on the left, just outside Duma's range. Then on EP Duma attacks Alm because I am nothing if not repeatedly stupid. Mogalls don't do much to Alm, so the worry's warping witches. Marla doesn't though, going for Lukas. The Mogalls near Alm attack but fail to kill him, the mogalls far away multiply and Hestia summons 5 witches, argh. Oh boy. Good thing it's functionally impossible for us to perfectly sync this up. The future is not written, it's carved apparently. Poundmaker from beyond the grave haunts Grima and kills her? But regardless, two down. All fine and dandy, just had some near deaths.
  5. Turn 5: Alm crits a Mogall beside Jedah and levels HP/Skl, I have Atlas attack another one and Est finish (She has solid Res, she can take some magic), I have Jesse attack another, which he crits but is 2 Atk short of killing, which Kamui finishes and thus frees up the spaces around Jedah. This might be a mistake with some low percent crit chances, but hey, it's endgame. First Saber, Lukas and Forsyth break the 4 slots for Jedah, then have Python take the shot (In case you're wondering, he survives if Jedah doesn't crit), which only needs one crit and it has 60% chance. And now's when it fails me. I do not crit, so Jedah lives for this turn. After Clair, Sonya and Conrad clear out the nearby witches I get on with healing up everyone and move to EP. I then see to my horror Est is in range of Duma. He asks us to thirst for him and hit Est, then a Witch warps to Mae, who still misses a hit on the enemy, another witch crits Atlas (6 damage. DF is broken), another Witch warps onto Clair, the nearby Mogall attacks Jesse, who crits, we see more Mogalls made and more witches called and that's it, I have a feeling- AND EARTHQUAKE'S UP AGAIN. This might be it. The Mogalls aren't dying fast enough apparently. On Hard there's enemies directly around Grima right? Not sure what to suggest about that from this remove. (Also, Grandmaster Lucina, taking revenge while emulating her mother huh)
  6. Turn 4: Tatiana immediately fortifies, I have Jesse and Saber start crossing to surround Jedah while Forsyth attacks a witch, Alm also crosses and attacks one, Python kills the last living Mogall, then the other DFs start crossing, Mae attacks the witch with Thunder and misses an attack, Sonya finishes her off, Mae levels Res off healing Alm, have the healers and Delthea heal and the cavs and fliers keep moving. On EP I realise Forsyth was in range of Gharn and he gets hit with Medusa, a Witch warps and attacks Mae, who doesn't kill as she misses, Jedah and Duma summon 4 Mogalls each and then another two witches warp seemingly to attack Mae.... but due to how she was placed only the first one could attack and so the others end up queuing behind the first one. The rest of the witches keep walking. I don't blame anyone. That +Def makes it harder to believe. Why is she like this? Dodgerun First time? Also, I don't think so.
  7. Turn 3: Realising how bad things look (Mogalls incoming, Possible Witch warps AFTER an earthquake), I make a somewhat drastic call and have Alm attack the closer Bow Knight with Hunter's Volley (he has 22 Def, if I keep a good formation this should hurt less), which works first try. I then attempt to make a formation with Alm, some of the higher def units while the rest fall back because that 28 Atk and Earthquake probably kills Delthea. Python takes out a Mogall from behind this wall, I continue scrambling and eventually EP comes. This does it's usual stupid amount of damage, the bow knight goes for Python, misses and gets crit in return, Jesse fights one of the Mogalls, Forsyth kills another (and gets Def from the level), Alm crits another Mogall and then another goes for Forsyth, Alm and the next two Forsyth respectively (Doubling Mogalls is fun!), a With warps to Genny and does 1 Damage while Marla summons more and the rest keep walking. Well that was far from the worst. Fair, though I meant in a broad sense. Let's find out!
  8. Turn 2: I see the Bow Knights moved in a way for Python to be in range of one but not both, however he's 1 space short, so Tatiana moves and warps him there. Faye rescues Lukas forward, Silque heals Tatiana, Forsyth moves into the guy's range on the way to Jedah, Python takes out the Mogall standing on it's own, Est finishes the one who fought Atlas, I move almost everyone else up to outside the bow knight's ranges and on EP this is not as helpful as I'd like as the Mogalls divide and fuck with the bow knight behind them from moving. There's also another Witch summoned (though none teleport). And then Duma activates Earthquake. Oh shit next turn is going to suck. Rinkah: the Charcoal Grill Master. Should we really name this Rescue chain when it does anything but rescue the target?
  9. Turn 1: We start off with Duma's eye entering his husk of his dragon body and roar at us from far away, then of course the one-liners everyone gets when you first select them, I'm going to note it sounds like Faye accidentally made a "Yo momma so fat" joke about Duma. I have Faye rescue Forsyth forward while Silque and Tatiana warp Alm and Delthea forward, Python 1-shots the Mogall closest to Alm's side, Forsyth gets the next one, Lukas runs to distract the enemies above them (They all deal 1 damage each, it's great) and . On Celica's side, Mae takes out the southernmost Mogall with Seraphim from 4 spaces, Kamui fights one and gets crit once (for 9 damage at least), Sonya takes out another because I gave her the Speed Ring, Est and Saber take out another, Saber levelling HP and Spd (That'd be great if he didn't have a Silver Sword, he'd double then), Atlas finishes Kamui's one off, I come back to Alm and Delthea and have them delete a Mogall each, which finishes the turn. EP sees Atlas get attacked by the last Mogall in range, Lukas crit both DFs dead and 1-round the cav, finishing the job I had him do in record time, while sadly Jedah summons 6 Mogalls, Marla 4 Witches and the Bow Knights move, ending Turn 1.
  10. Just in time, let's do some prep: I give the Golden Apples to Sonya (Spd) and Conrad (HP/Spd/Luk/Def), give the +Skl stuff and Talisman to Python, the +Luk to Zeke and Tatiana, the +HP stuff to all the Saints, the +Atk stuff to Clair, Python and Est, the +Def stuff to Jesse, Sonya and Est, the +Spd stuff to Clair, Sonya and Mae and the Boots to Alm (Be interesting to see what that does for him). I distribute what equipment I have, then get the formations ready: on Alm's side to start warping over to Celica and deal with nearby Mogalls as well as possible as Lukas solos the DFs and GK behind them, on Celica's to form the best wall I can early on.
  11. All fair enough, we'll have to see how things go. Speaking of, is the plan to just update continually turn by turn here?
  12. Okay, to clarify there's not much perfect overlap, but barring me and Shrimpy the maps can be resolved pretty quickly and I think we can finagle something from there. But then again the amount of perfect overlap we're getting even if I confirm later this week is still small enough.
  13. I'm not sure about the later half of next week yet, but Monday evening works for three of us, IO seems open to it and there's been no input from GuardianSing yet in the link. Good point that Asugi and Felicia just do it better.
  14. So, late evening, deciding to play Lunatic Conquest again for the first time in ages after not even playing any video games outside of the Teehee SoV for weeks.

    Somehow I actually managed the waves for the first time ever, captured what I wanted to get and cleared in 25 turns, which is faster than I anticipated for it (And that's with wasting Azama'a Hexing Rods).

    I actually cleared 24 Conquest on Lunatic.

    After what feels like over a year of bitching.


    1. Dayni


      Just checked, it was just over a year.

      Do I finally have a map that did more to hold me back than that first attempt at C19 Thracia? Yes I suppose.

  15. It'd be how we get the (Mechanically speaking) first trio unit. I get the idea of what you're suggesting, but I don't know if it fits the concept that well. I do like it as for the idea of the disguise banner, it'd be an excuse for going into Linde's backstory and maybe adding lore to Archanea.
  16. Me giggling at the chapter title "Treason" and grabbing Palpatine memes, all while "It's a Trap!" blares in the background I am probably not the best person to ask (I'd argue some can be pretty dang generic), but even I have my personal preferences. "Threshold of Fate" as an old version of Doorway to Destiny is a hard favourite, fitting the music and story direction more personally. I'll also mention Dance in the Skies as well, much as it's most prominent part doesn't involve the player. You of course mention One Survives and A Brush in the Teeth (which works as well as it does with The Ghoul's Teeth as it's old name imo), but as to ones I'd say click (If few of them are immediately remembered, what can I say the name chapters work for annoying reasons in Fates.) :
  17. If anything it's the arena runs that kill it for me, trying to get +7 for stuff like the chef hat or if you get unlucky on your food resources is a bother. Not even mentioning how this stuff goes into captures, which I'd probably have more comments on if I'd dome any of that recently (which would be if I could get anywhere on Conquest) But at least you have trading of ores as an option if needed, so the resources for those are able to be done on cart still, speaking from experience. And I get it, it's tedium. I think it's been clear my tolerance is strong enough on that front. For forges I can't see it as all that egregious when you can spend 3 of a resource to get one +2 weapon. But as for them, I call it like I see it.
  18. Looking it up, Ooof. I may be able to add onto what I have so far, but that depends on what works for others and what others ask of me.
  19. Xander's stats don't improve much. On Normal he loses 5 Str and Def, while gaining 4 Skl, 1 Res and 22 HP. Because he has the same stats in Chapter 12 on Normal and Hard, the changes on hard are more that he doesn't lose Str or Def, while also getting 6 Res, 9 Skl and 18 HP (Funny how he has less total for some reason). On Lunatic however he's so busted in Chapter 12 that he has stats you'd expect of a player endgame Xander, losing 5 Str and Def while gaining 1 Res, 9 Skl and 17 HP (Because he had more in the earlier map) Note his Spd never changes. In my first playthrough I fought him with Paper. Xander: PROC DAMMIT Corrin: Why? Xander: How well can he use Flame Shuriken? So, when works for everyone to try and do updates?
  20. No elevator music either, would certainly make things calmer. Jedah Rogan taking it too far Not where I was going with that, but yeah, got a laugh. In fairness, if it'd failed I had the opportunity to go again, but it probably would have made the formation next turn more difficult, might have had to wait on removing the DFs and possibly generals as well., the arcanists on top of that would have been too much to leave them alive imo. But considering how the encounter after that went, you're probably right. (Rinea had crit reduction to begin with, but not enough this time) It's a bit impressive that I managed to cause an enemy that's designed to run away and disappear to ambush me. The hit rate was more reliable at least (Faye has Alm support and had 80 hit as a result, but it only takes one miss after all), but that happening to begin with was a shock. Looking forward to it! ....Only for me to wait to see if someone else replied long enough that you wrote it up in that time.
  21. Oh yeah, no point walling those, but EP is a bitch for them by design. I have suffered that yes. Never let it be said that Skill Emblem is immune to people missing the stuff that gets them killed. Frankly, it's the merges that makes Fates forging a pain. The resources? Tolerable imo, but trying to merge beyond +1 for anything that isn't Iron or Bronze takes too much effort and even +3 (and thus ever upgrading the Smithy) usually isn't worth it anyways, considering +4 Mt is plenty most of the time. Engage's on the other hand feels like the amount you can forge is less so because of the expense to forge higher levels usually was more, at least it felt like the first time.
  22. Alright, I wrote out a whole paragraph talking about Berkut being his angy self and lashing out at those he was close to, but lost that, so I'll just let everyone know the final party and dive in: We're bringing Lukas, Forsyth, Clair, Delthea, Tatiana, Faye, Tobin, Python and Zeke; Silque, Luthier and Mycen are staying on the bench for when units die. TL;DR: Falchion was collected, Faye and Celica almost got decimated, Berkut and Fernand hallucinated, all while Jedah pontificated. Looking at my party stats, Mathilda's better than any of my living Gold Knights on total stats, but probably would have been actually better if she hadn't been forced out, Python is so much better than Leon that I could arguably bench Leon and not miss out too much, having 2 Falcon Knights total feels weird, Tobin and Luthier will be sadly irrelevant because there are no more armours and both are underwhelming against others, so they, Leon and Mycen hit the bench out of those still eligible. Funnily, my final party ends up evenly split between Alm and Celica. And I also have stat boosters. Namely, one Talisman, four Fruit of Life (2HP), three Soma (2Atk), two Nethergranate (2Skl), four Pegasus Cheese (2Spd), two Nectar (2Luk), three Ambrosia (2Def) and two Golden Apples (Level up). Any characters you want to see get boosts, let me know.
  23. I remember the Anna I made a Mechanist, capped offensive stats and able to use most of the weapons. Probably the best I ever had, though 4 less Mag than Adventurer stings a little. Berserker using locktouch That is why I do this by Chapter 18 or something like that. 23 Spd Ophelia. I can't. That's.... Wow. That's after all the Spd Orochi has levelled. I didn't remember Felicia still being used, but hey. here she is. Back to the bench he goes. Are we co-ordinating just the final map? I'll get myself caught up to it then.
  24. Haitaka does better from experience on defeating them, but the group you mention of course is the worst for having half be unattackable on PP at all times. Working on that stuff hasn't been much of an issue for me personally, but then again in the context of this sort of run he's not going to be in endgame anyways and is only around this long to do this. His high speed makes using stuff like Steel bows more viable against some of the more bulky enemies, which can be useful in getting experience funneled into others or finishing off an enemy where Iron wouldn't. And besides, that X, Y and Z is mostly giving attack boosts through forges (and if I were actually spending money on extras in this playthrough this would be the case, but I hadn't up to this point) and pairup as needed, far from a harsh investment. That being said, how much of this sort of stuff is too much? Course, the Niles I had on Hard was better than the one on Lunatic, but besides the point Never been an issue personally, but then again going for magic has it's own risks as I have learned to my horror (Mostly for Corrin. Definitely for Corrin)
  25. Gambits ain't on this level. This also loses you the 10K that strategist has. Source: I have lost that 10K before. I definitely don't share that memory of this map, not enough units I had seemed capable of taking damage. Though I did focus more on facing the early reinforcements first from what I remember. And yeah, I think now we can say go time. Endgame, here we go! (I'm going to fuck this up aren't I?)
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