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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Can I ask before continuing what route you're on? I'll try to answer before that, but that would be helpful info. 1. You got her to B already? Good, she can randomly ask to join your class. Evey week, you have a chance that characters with B supports ask to join you. This is random, but you can reload if it doesn't happen. 2. Catherine is particularly powerful stat wise, I wouldn't say Manuela or Hanneman are as powerful, but they can have their uses and because it's hard you can likely get away with it at least a little. There's at least one more moment where you can't use the staff and are locked to just your students you picked from the beginning. 3. No, 3H is a game where weapons have durability at all times. You can repair weapons at the smithy, but you need resources, Umbral Steel in this case if I recall correctly. 4. 3H is kinda easy in fairness, especially with Divine Pulse around. You can try Maddening, but I did find it pretty rough when I played it. NG+ is more about carrying that stuff and renown over so you can get more bizarre builds going (like if you wanted to focus on Lysithea in melee combat or something) 5. Engage is.... interesting. I'd argue better gameplay for sure, musically I might prefer it, visually it's kinda unfair to say Engage ends up looking better but I'd say that's true and if you ever play Engage don't worry about the story, it's a weak point. As for playing other games in the series, plenty of people have gone back and played them and I'd argue anything after the NES is playable at least. Thing is pretty much all of them would be via emulation unless you have the hardware and the games and because I don't know what you're working with I want to avoid recommendations for now.
  2. A part of me is okay with that, but then again I'm not the kind of person to pick siege tomes for blessings when I probably should if I'm willing to bring mages to endgame.
  3. I think he's on about PoR, because it has half the might and +50% weight in RD.. I remember having to hope Rolf didn't get hit by a ranged tome in 18 because I'd benched him from the off. Then again, video game bullshit is bothering me too at the moment....
  4. Admittedly been busy enough the last while, so not much to say on here.

    But decided to pop on Mario + Rabbids to try and make progress. Got past the last map that bothered me a lot cleaner, then did another map similarly, then I got to the next map.


    Nobody fucking warned me there'd be Rabbid Wario and Waluigi. Sorry, Bwario and Bwaluigi. Blech.

    Noped out of it after seeing that, partly due to that but also the realisation there's likely a sorta boss like structure to the rest of the maps and I am not up for that at the moment.

    (They didn't even get the proportions right, smhsmh)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dayni


      >Tries to do mission with two green units again.

      >They keep charging ahead when it'd be easier if they didn't move at all.

      >They keep dying and the one time I managed to get the generics dead enough for them to be docile I lose someone to the boss.

      >Losing nobody is a sub objective in this fucking map.

      I think I'm quitting Stella Glow because of green units. FE never managed that.

    3. Dayni


      First Stella Glow ticks me off because skeeviness and green units, now I manage to force myself to lose progress in another game because it trapped me in a puzzle I had already cleared. It wouldn't let me reactivate the door opener, so when it closed behind me, I was stuck.

      Oh, just to add a few more points, Spirit of the North is a game I do not recommend on Switch for a second graphically, because it is a shame the game looks like it does. People seemed to talk pretty positively about it's graphics, visual style taking inspiration from Iceland and music, but I don't think the latter matters much thus far and the former two are not something the Switch version does well at all.

    4. Dayni



      Well, I know I've had issues with Spirit of the North, but right when it's about to go into it's last act after several minutes of having to crawl in game because that was needed for narrative reasons, the game crashes out.

      This game is not worth it on Switch.

  5. Well, that explains that. This OP felt not too dissimilar to what I saw in my first playthrough (on Hard mind) trying to train everyone for a hot minute, ended up pulling back from Chapter 12 to do 10-11 again and drop some. Engage is not a game where I feel it's worth training everyone because of how the skirmishes are handled. Oh well.
  6. Eh, if you double down on the shapeshifters messing around they could be using weapons they're more used to. Could be an excuse for Xane to have a dragonstone for once? That is still a fair point though, a probable consequence of how they've handled things generally. This is FEH. I would expect that. so then I'd get a twist of F!Ralph, M!Sonya, F!Ymir, M!Echidna and F!Deghinsea Also something to expect. Marth finally gets his pantsless alt.
  7. Hoo boy. There are fans who'd take this news and run with it. Others who'd be infuriated that such a thing even got discussed, much less be implemented. I'm not all that fond of the idea, but let's explore it anyway. I suspect if they'd go for it, they'd make a justification for it like "shapeshifters doing it for a lark", so we'd get something like Xane playing up Martha, Kronya as Huberta or M!Edelgard to fuck with them, Zola botching a disguise (as Izana or Xander? If the former I think that's GHB), Loki pretending to be one of the OCs but the other gender, I don't have any opinions there or Validar doing so with any of the options in his setting (This comes from Warriors, where he pretended to be Caeda.). Making a list of 5 is trickier than I anticipated, but surprisingly possible. Course, counting those who use illusions (e.g. Nuibaba using an illusion of Celica) or just disguises (e.g. Samto), we'd have some more opportunities.
  8. *ahem "Hey you, Garon!" Garon tilts his head to the screen, then gets back to salting the earth to prevent rebellion in his garden. The head still staring at you, the eyes bulge and a noise exits his throat harshly. "Gahahahahahahaha!" "Stop ruining the soil Garon!" He tilts his head back, turns around and attacks the screen. GAME OVER Aside from that, what if Yakuza had a crossover with Garreg Mach? Add the town below it, make it about Shez coming to the place and fighting his way to a reformed system against Archbishop/Monarch Byleth. The older the combat system, the better. For a finish, mascot platformer centred around Manakete Tiki. It would involve taking advantage of the different stones and end up having to fight a random villain who's completely unrelated because.
  9. I am a bit tipsy writing this, but canonised pairings have been less of an issue for me, especially as fanon does what it wants anyways. I may have picked the bottom option, but that's less because of the pairing in the option and more because unless it comes to be outright terrible I don't often have much of any issue with even the ones pushed slightly. None of this means there aren't people who'd take it very seriously mind.
  10. It adds four Gold Knights to the map. I thought they were already there and the quest would give them the lances, but no. The supports don't help in fairness. This is why killing him with paper in BR26 is the canon answer, as justice is more served with paper than a blade. And because he's as dense as a rock. Guess he was less Rusty with it than anticipated. What a nice level for him besides. Ah, that's never fun to see, having to incorporate that staff hitting. Says the guy using a Hexing Rod. Teehee is pretty nippy as well, 37 Spd is impressive. Clearly forgot that. Then again I haven't seen this scene in my Lunatic run WRAGH That's a real possibility, much as it's more from his access to Astra than doubling at this Corrin's Spd. How would we handle that loss? Would I instalose the vault run?
  11. Speaking of, I plan on using him. Issue being in what as part of this, Halberdier could be good, but I can't deny the love for staff access and S tomes. I'm thinking Cavalry ball with Bunet carrying Lucina now, but not much has been decided yet.
  12. Cease, please, I can only laugh in awe so much. I actually started a Maddening file with the intent of using a combination of as few lords and retainers from the four nations as possible (using none of them would leave me with too few units) and I'm debating how best to use Bunet in particular (by the looks of it the game's worst unit). I mean, skill wise it's a chance of getting to use favourite food twice in a map I guess? Could be just something like a support but I'm kinda walking into this.
  13. It's to enforce Sniper use, I guess. I forgot this is a rout and am unsure if you did the strat of surrounding her with the army. Oh no is right. >She's a free unit Could be worse on that front, but yeah, that's unfortunate. I have an image of a dead Robin crumpled up in the corner for some reason. I was unsure what it meant. I should have realised.
  14. *Knocks on wall Evening. Welcome to text based communication on the world wide web I suppose, assuming this is the first place you have done so. Why?
  15. The death of the 3DS eshop saw me get Metroid's remake, but I also picked up an SRPG called Stella Glow because it was 4 euro. D3esign wise, there's a certain character who is pretty ridiculous by any standard, but I am not going into because yikes.

    It turns out there's a guy named Archibald, a noble figure who's being billed as the serious member of the knight squad. And his quote on his turn is "I'm coming".

    This guy is ruined because of ProZD

  16. Like I said my first playthrough she had to learn it mid map to break the deadlock, but I have not done that with Duma before. Sounds like a plan! I'll have to see if I manage to push the rest of the way. You might say things start heating up from here. Well that was nice, a piece of history for a world which could have had more. Like the train of logic the margrave uses to come to the conclusions he does. I assume the palace is not like the streets as it doesn't have the same DVs. Wonder if that could be intentionally altered. (Looking at it, 22 has healing DVs. Seems like it fits as a result of those actions eh?) Birthright, why are you like this? And why does this route still cause me issues? Off topic, been making some lunatic progress, mainly on Rev though as I got to 16BR and it went south when Corrin had less HP than I thought I saw trying to stop the thieves. That's late game BR in a nutshell.
  17. Little surprised most aren't as elaborate as Lei Luo's. I'll admit it doesn't seem that in keeping with rougelikes, at least from what I've seen in terms of progression systems that you'd have distinct characters with their own preferences from the off, so that does make Gunfire Reborn stand out a bit more to me. Admittedly I've dabbled with the genre at best.
  18. Oh man, this comment, I love it. As someone who's in not too dissimilar a boat (Only have Mania and I guess free 1 on the phone counts?), I have not been that tempted thus far with Mania, but I've been slow to get into it. Agree on the last point in particular, even from having less experience with the series. You really see enemy health just shoot up and that's a problem if you don't get weapons of the types you're using. Even if I wasn't as bothered by the other two points, I was playing with one or two others and that made it less of a bother imo, maybe I'd have felt differently playing solo. Gunfire Reborn does sound interesting from what you've said, but the point about many short campaigns is probably a matter of personal disinterest, at least at present. Not helped by being Windows locked, but that like the campaign length is a me issue. So you don't go into this beyond this text, but have they added characters with the updates? How many are there?
  19. Let's end the war. TL:DR: Rudolf commits suicide by holy magic, another Killer Bow is made, Dread Fighters are still broken. Same with all the sacrifices and starving in Valentia, or all the soldiers across all routes if that's the case. Does anyone in the purple realm goons dying again count? An ill presage was an accurate title after all. considering how bad a call that was. Tiki does have decent stats and reclass options, so if you want to take that chance go for it. Something about this map looks different from what I remember though.....
  20. So, considering where I'm at you'd wonder why I'm not chomping at the bit to finish Alm Act 4. Some of it is playing the one Metroid some seem to argue for fangames of over the 3DS release. I can't speak to those but I can speak to this one. Back on topic: TL:DR Forsyth OP, do not nerf. Still the fastest I've done that map though. My first time I was in deadlock until I unlocked invoke DF during it. I'd have wondered if it was doable at that point myself. Takumi's dangerous there and is the capstone of a map that's already got plenty of reasons to be anxious. Admittedly Xander was there because I had space in the party. As long as you don't class chance That is very true. Some people should remember that more often, me included. Phew.
  21. In which I inflict anxiety about units dying in story affecting gameplay:
  22. Last few days I wasn't playing (Been playing Metroid Samus Returns though, I'm as far as that boss, I think I don't need to elaborate further), but I got the chance to pick up my Alm Amiibo for those shenanigans later on. Anyways, Fear Mountain Shrine first. But inside a spoiler box, because I make these long enough as is. I was more worried about witch reinforcements showing up, though that didn't occur thankfully. Least Forsyth is a safe unit on the one hand. On the other I was completely sidelined by Marla moving. Wait, where's her Spd? Oh no. There's that I suppose.
  23. Warrior is meta confirmed. As someone who has yet to play more than a first playthrough and didn't get to reclassing anyone, I'm looking forward to some of these suggestions.
  24. Alm Act 4 has some rough moments, though it won't be like Celica Act 4 and start off with something quite as worrying as swamp. It'll get worse from here though. Map 1 has Berkut rob Seazas of command (RIP Seazas). I start with Python facing the east Sniper, tempt over a Mire guy with Silque and get everyone else out of range. Those work out but the other arcanists all get in a line and I have to sort out them as well as fix both incoming paladins. Lutier misses then crits the furthest away one (And afterwards needs healing to not die to the farther away paladin), Python crits the second one up and Tobin takes out the last one in the woods and Lukas 1-shots the one out in the open. I get the closer Paladin with Delthea-Forsyth and get ready for the other one and the armours to the east. Forsyth sadly 5-shots the armours, so I have the mages take those while Python deletes the Sniper and the Paladin gets finished by Alm. The last Arcanist gets 1-rounded by Python (Though he had 2% crit so..... yeesh, but Python did get Luk from the fight) and the armours keep coming. I have the mages do damage and finish them off with my other units around (Luthier got a level with Skl, Spd, Luk, HP and Def of one-rounding), Silque gets Luk and I start calling over Berkut's men by taking a shot at him, only for a Paladin to retreat around him. Pfft. I go again, while moving up my party to Python. Then Berkut and his squad move, I retreat Python and take out a Javelin Paladin, arrange myself so Forsyth's in a forest, holding the Rapier Marthipan and the only one in range of Berkut, where he proceeds to take a big chunk out of him. Clair takes out one paladin and Delthea and Tobin (Who gets HP, Atk and Skl) the other, Lukas takes out Fernand (And gets HP, Luk and Def), Forsyth finishes Berkut and gets Atk and Spd and that's the first map. Berkut breaks a mirror and for some reason it causes magic hands to rise from the ground, angry that I'm playing this instead of Engage Maddening. Somehow despite Celica being up top of Duma Tower she's able to dispel the ,magic hands, Berkut must not fall here and we move on. In between this and the next map we get to see Berkut show yet more red flags and reasons while Rinea should have dumped him. Next map has 6 witches (Fuck) and two Dread Fighters (Lukas and Forsyth will try to hold them off) Python takes out a witch and everyone else moves towards him. One teleports to Python and dies, Forsyth levels HP and Skl off a miss, a witch is still alive and attacks Faye and another teleports to attack Luthier. I end up taking a bit more damage trying to remove the two witches and getting myself into position to take the first DF. Silque can take 2*2 damage so she takes a position in line, neither witch teleports and the next turn comes. The witches are finished by Tobin, Clair and Luthier, Python and Forsyth take out the DF and Xaisor is in range of only Forsyth and Lukas. Forsyth gets Atk, Skl and Def off enemy phase, Lukas gets HP, Atk, Def and Res (!!!) off finishing Xaisor. The last Myrm faces Forsyth for a bunch of pain and Delthea finishes, getting Atk and Luk. Alm then gets a message from Celica and as he's already heard from her he believes the message from Lady Nuibaba. that she awaits him at the Baba Manor. NOW we come to the hard maps. The first thing we have to do is face one of Sonya's sisters, a witch who summons more witches. This is of course a problem when I have less units for this map then usual. In order to get to her we have to fight 4 Barons and a sniper, while being quick enough to avoid fighting the force in the south and all the witch reinforcements at once. In short, fuck. Python 1-rounds the sniper and gets Atk, Spd and Def (!!!), I warp and rescue to get Luthier and Delthea closer and Marla then summons 5 Witches (FUCK). I get units on the edge of the barons who moved's range while Forsyth faces a Paladin. The next turn, I take out three witches, the barons who moved and there's one Paladin and Sniper left in range. This works out fine enough and the next turn sees me stretch a fair bit by having Python in range of the snipers and away from everyone else. Forsyth gets Sod and Luk from a level, Faye gets HP, Spd and Luk while healing Python. He beats the Snipers while Lukas takes two magic hits. This next turn I remove a few more witches and set Lukas and Forsyth in range of the remaining barons. AND THEN MARLA MOVES WHAT THE FUCK. Forsyth takes the hit and a Baron attack, then Delthea gets Atk/Spd/Skl/Luk and Seraphim from a Baron kill, Lukas get a middling level and Alm got Spd for once finishing Marla. After beating the armours who followed behind, that's the map. In all these maps, I got Double Lion, so there's that. Next time, Fear Mountain Shrine! Nuibaba? Zeke?
  25. Interesting pick of run, I've looked at the games in the past to see how many options one could have (BW is terrible imo), but yeah RSE can be tough. With the starters Swampert would cover the water HM issues, but it's generally too good for balance good, though it's a bit less OP in Emerald. Sceptile would be the least boosted, but still useable(I had to grind mine to 40 in a monograss run and it barely survived Overheat from Torkoal). And Blaziken gets hut by the change in champion but will be good elsewhere. But it'll still be awkward enough early on with Seedot and starter before the 4th badge and only the fossil, Castform and Plusle on top of that before surfing (Though in fairness, Wynaut is there too). As for Horsea. how will you handle that? Will it stay Seadra? I can see Skitty having access to Covet utility and Volbeat is early Signal Beam fun among the subs at least. In terms of levels, not sure what to recommend there.The starter might need it but I don't see Plusle not having a bad time with the same limits. And what is your plan with the postgame, considering you mention those options?
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