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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. In my defence the only picture I saw said master and the only thing I saw of her above was a gif that looked vague enough that I could assume she was a he in the moment. I suppose I won't ever engage with Engage if I die now. It's certainly of it's time and I can see people not being up for the jokes it makes. I would say however it's cracks at the church as an institution at the time they came out may have had more impact than anticipated and it was well accepted here when it did come out and in the years afterwards, though I haven't rewatched any of it in years. It's a shame that one of the showrunners is a TERF, though that is not something shared with pretty much anyone else involved from what I can tell (Though it's easier when several of them are dead). And that's an open question worth considering for works that are finished, especially ones which you're likely getting access to through less legal means as I don't even know who has the US streaming rights.
  2. Holy shit, Bonks in the 2020's >Limited time only, no true Bonk pieces or CBS, have to purchase at least €100 worth of lego from Lego Why is he being sprayed? Is he a bug? Bishop Brennan being at his most determined, his opponent stands no chance. Why salted pickled? I should upload the bodies with that last edit, at least for Azura as I may have just done the hair and eye for the joke, but some people are not short haired that's for sure.
  3. Anime was a mistake. Sure, this is not real, but if it were I think there'd be riots This thread is a bloody minefield at the minute too. No way in hell will spoiler policy hold by Friday, I think I will have to withdraw now. Which is a shame because I still have more engage edits. Any suggestions for the 20th by the way? I know that reads as contradictory, because it is. What is M!Peri doing? Half tempted to slap a witch hat on a Ninian with ginger hair, but nah, effort, I have enough to be doing/not doing. A wise master. Only when they're ready, sheesh. *Laughs in Expansion Pass "And in the right corner, coning in at..... pounds not given, it's the fiercest fanatic fist of faith, the protector with a powerful punch, your ruler by proxy and mine, the PUMMELING POPE!" This shouldn't be spoilers to you as you've beaten WV, but: Literally the worst in the series. What have they done?
  4. I already had that in prior years. In the before times. The mission won't show up until the 19th at 5PM PST according to the link I posted. My issue with trying to use Desmume for them is where they save. The fact it doesn't tell you where and I had to search files to try and find it is telling. What's more telling is I didn't find them.
  5. @Saint Rubenio Just saw Somibron. You mad lad, I didn't expect that leak. I asked 13 as I'd at least seen partway through 12's time. And yes, this includes Captain Jack, never did finish Torchwood. And yes, especially 10
  6. Thunderblow Bianca I don't get the amount of it in new Who, did it happen much in the 13th Doctor's time? Haven't seen anything deconfirming I can't just get the code through My Nintendo, so if that holds I can just do it there. Do we know how long before it's too late to receive the code? It doesn't say in this link, but does say once you get a code you have to use it in 150 days.
  7. It's Validar's hair colour, but what if Robin's an alternate timeline Shura who hopped worlds when he was younger after all? Ah writing up online payments, what fun /s.
  8. I wince in awe at this. That's irritating. I hope it doesn't cause more difficulty. I'm assuming you have to do a bank payment?
  9. I'm assuming Rayearth was a gut punch? FEH bond rings? Oh no. If someone can confirm it's all the one code that'd be great. They really threw themselves at this didn't they? I think you're trying to get me back onboard 😛. We're ace. - Doctor confirmed to be ace Bianca made me do more than Cheren ever did. Bianca > Cheren every day. Usually is, though I don't think any of the others mention spoilers like as if the game's being worked on while you're in it! Also cute is the choice on the c-gear. I'm pretty sure you can change the shape of the multicoloured bits in there, but nice choice. Klefki good though. Exactly!
  10. It was a long yesterday and Teehee be Teehee, Whimsicott is a mon that deserves the love. I was trying to avoid using them in the gym rosters, then of course I've one or two in those other teams, so Decidueye lost out. If I put one in, it'd probably be the easy Z-move pick. Immortalised with the 4-colour Lilina, Of course. 😛 Absolutely a hard record to beat. Is this canon? I want this to continue to be a thing. Meanwhile it just makes it look like a bunch of filing cabinets I have to pass by on the way through the thread. This is CF, this is recommended. Was it ever?
  11. A degree of holding back. With the bases a lot of grass types have, I kinda have to use them as they're some of the few left with 500+ by the end of it. Doesn't help Grass's defensive typings make me sad. Happy to hear you agree on these two in particular. I don't think you need to do the latter.
  12. Long day, busy enough, same tomorrow- Sees pages Skim it is. Actually mine's Grass. 😛 Wonder why you thought Dragon was mine, out of curiosity. I remember my days doing that. Way too much, just to make guys catch up. Funny how that works out. @Sooks You're taking the list of types? Put me down for Grass. Suppose I'll make that list, but an idea came to me: What if the trick of this gym is that the roster changes between levels so you have to work around each one? That variety also plays into the gym as a study centre for botany and zoology crossing over: Gym 1: Shroomish, Lombre Gym 2: Shroomish, Lombre, Tangela Gym 3: Capaskid, Roselia, Breloom Gym 4: Tangela, Lileep, Breloom, Roserade Gym 5: Flapple, Appletun, Roserade, Whimsicott Gym 6: Whimsicott, Roserade, Ferrothorn, Tangrowth, Cradily Gym 7: Cradily, Whimsicott, Ludicolo, Ferrothorn, Scovillain Gym 8: Ludicolo (Poison Tera if allowed), Ferrothorn, Cradily, Scovillain, Whimsicott, Toedscruel Postgame, limit breach: Whimsicott, Ferrothorn (Tera Water), Scovillain (Dynamax), Leafeon, Toedscruel, Mega Venusaur Screw the rules I call hax: Sky Shaymin, Mow Rotom (Steel Tera), Wo-Chien, Gigantamax Venusaur, Mega Sceptile, Kartana Let me know if I need to tone it down a little, I did try and keep some realistic levelling, though I am probably being generous on stone/item evos.
  13. Alright, what types haven't been taken yet in the Teehee League? Asking because I know more will be gone by the time I can write something up for it. I was trying to think how you had that much by chapter 8, then remembered the arena last chapter. Definitely used as a reference.
  14. I sometimes think this. Grass defensive buff please. Me as Dragon? Nah, probably not. Not sure who'd be the electric mascot of the thread, can't think of who fits.
  15. Personally, Incineroar's my least favourite pokemon, so yeah Torracat being better is arguably by default but it was neat and could have had a cool evo so it getting Incineroar is rough. That line is peak salt That line's from Minecraft, I can't accept any other origin.
  16. These are for posts that absolutely should have been able to edit, they were not that large. There's two people who kinda fit, but not quite I can think of. Torracat was cool in it's line, so's Naclstack, two cases of my favourite in a line being in the middle.
  17. I half expect The Dragon Prince to knock off these at some point. Oh no, what have you done? I have heard of that name, why have you invoked it? Good luck, I'll admit I have no idea what is up with that image.
  18. It's more like I should retreat from FE fanbases until I pick it up at this rate! Considering I'd like to see if I can't save while getting it, that's me just trying to be cheap.
  19. That's 16x alright. This is apparently post 145315 in this thread I think that might be the cue to retreat from Teehee. It was 9th Feb last year I think, though that was earlier than the year before. So these are public baths in a very apparent sense. All reasonable points, sometimes what might seem obvious if you think realistically adds more to the scope of what is a small part of the game, more than may be considered worthwhile. Just making sure. Unless you're licking it. For whatever reason.
  20. Indeed FIFY Doesn't it tend to February the last few years? I'd expect then myself. I have several questions: We're saying the older folks don't wash? Are all possible times in the baths covered? Is there no hint they have their own and the public baths are implied to be for the youth? Is there a reason we're seeing the kids?
  21. Teehee tragedy coming? Kefka's opera scene was beautiful.
  22. Okay, I'm really beginning to notice SF won't let me edit posts in this here thread. Wonder what's up? Couldn't see it in Fiefox, checked on another browser and turned off blocking which then showed it. Yeah, whatever is up about the domain, th.bing.com ain't trusted by at least ublock.
  23. So wait, I was, but am not anymore? Well, that's the fun of language. See, I couldn't have recorded this as my shiny was already evolved. 🙂 I know it doesn't bother me playing Pokemon for a first playthrough (though I don't use the name in other playthroughs, funny that), but I can relate with other cases. It's kind of a matter of there being no personality given from the protagonists that makes it fine I suppose with Pokemon? I'll see if you continue feeling that about Cheren. You will get much N. When the Anankos slip
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