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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Memory, all alone in the moon light The link. In engaging in the discourse we are bringing it back. I'd say some remarks have been coming from DC, even if they're not the priority internally the US does have some image interest in NI due to being part of the public push towards the GFA and peace brokered 25 years ago. And then I wrote a fair bit here, on a topic I could have done a better brushing up on. Sorry! Well, with three of you playing can you rotate to the other three? I'm assuming not if you've been spending on improving your three already. OoT does have specific places it leaves you when you save and quit (Adult Link is the Temple of Time, Link's house as a kid and the dungeon if you're in one) and I think that's true of the remake too. That is a 0% of my posting 😛
  2. Oh no, I was right after all. Teehee is tainted.
  3. That seems like differing levels of commitment or interest. Or maybe they do expect word of mouth to do the talking, a bet I can believe is considered more by marketing these days. Good Job Micaiah That's intentional? Wow. Powerful alright. I was right about her being a Majin after all, she has to be that fast to be able to reach an enemy, grab them and then bring them back to where she was /s I was kinda thinking that. That was before I saw grabs from what, half a screen away? And then that bit at the end, what How're the others then? And I'll maintain my general ambivalence to the cast and not watch
  4. Plausible, though of them I'd expect the latter to happen. But I always leave hidden files as visible, what do I know? >Linked it when engage talk has been about the last week of silence. Are.... are you about to pick it up before me? @BrightBowI'm curious, have you played around with the full cast in River City Girls 2? I dunno, I found the blitz to be ott, just this silence after that reads like they sprinted a bit too hard there. What would you even count as good marketing? From a delivery perspective, I mean. I'm curious then about the size of the file and then the resolution of the image, because if that's so I'm betting it plops the relevant data into the image file they then use as a thumbnail for the game. Imagine if it could work off an edited image! What potential madness could be done with the game! Well that's probably one of the more reasonable outcomes to my mind if it works like that. Which reads a little contradictory when you've linked a video summarising profiles of said cast.
  5. Fine, you got a chuckle out of me, America. Plenty of us don't say it..... often. I feel like the week of silence hasn't helped, especially when we chose to avoid Spoilers (Myself included). I'm sorry, it actually saves as a jpg? That's not just the thumbnail for it? Is there a suggestion there's data attached to the file the game uses to store progress? Fascinating. I'm imagining the game working off a progression system where it can check where you were in the game based solely on what you were looking at, but probably not.
  6. Jeez, you want to laugh about what's going on in the US House of Reps. Then I remember the state of things in NI and see at least Congress won't get paid while this mess goes on. Feckin' hell. Still don't know what happened with the one my brother printed off, that was fun for a few years. Maybe I should just print it, it's not like it needs thicker paper.
  7. That's Smogon banning Tera in Anything Goes. It just kinda happened.
  8. This topic is something I caught on to with FE versus other RPGs I'd played. And while 3H in particular did give enemies large HP pools, it's not like enemies haven't exceeded player stats before then. It's probably the stat easiest to inflate, but so long as we don't see FE's Yiazmat we should probably be fine- Remembers the FEH mode with giant enemies that the entire playerbase fights against No, FEH is not being counted here. That'd be Raigh, Gonzales gets Hard Mode Bonuses.
  9. I feel like there's a whole lot of times that gets applied to. That difference being, well, I think it's pretty apparent. Describing the assembly of assault rifles: Phew Describing the assault of assembly lines: Nope Except that time Eliwood turns into a black silhouette in a dramatic scene. That's just unfortunate. And not for being the sum of the problems of FE avatars?
  10. Gold for equipment, Frankinsence stat booster and Myrrh Engage Bracelet confirmed for Friday?
  11. Just realised Engage news on twitter has been quiet for a week. Wonder what'll break the silence.
  12. And now he can chase you in your dreams. I'm trying to think of a time I'd done that. Nothing comes to mind beyond burrito at the minute. I swear there were other dishes but I'm drawing a blank.
  13. I hope you were able to take care of it in the end.
  14. Less of a one if you're using it primarily/solely for defensive purposes imo. I don't know if it's been made clear, but if you have a tera type that matches one of yours it doesn't stack weakness effectiveness like it does STAB right? I'm surprised I haven't heard of more demakes for Pokemon come to think of it.
  15. I'd say Dynamax is worse, considering what it mostly does can be mainly covered by "bulk up the pokemon it's used on and turn all moves into attacks". Not much diversification there. I ask what opportunity cost to Megas beyond item slots (Unless you're Rayquaza, that changes to a moveslot) The cost on Dynamax/Terastal not being as tightly bound does allow for some freedom with it, but Tera actually having type changing does give it some nuance, though it does have cases of some being objectively better choices over others, though it does vary from pokemon to pokemon. I was correcting my error. Or not if he's already blinded. His eyes are shut, shh he's sleeping /s Elaborate, this is. Fun use of the GSC soundtrack too. And they imply a demake could happen? Jeez! Is that Comic Sans on the cart text? Didn't think of something to comment on the excerpt you quoted, apologies.
  16. Ugh, I made an error. Jesus does speak to him post ascension, though he's speaking from heaven and also temporarily blinds Paul. So I should clarify he didn't meet Jesus as a man. I thought that too. It'd be a favourite for any speedrun or LTC though. He's more likely to flip the table than whip out a glock.
  17. I am quite chuffed at how much more I packed the case. Over a decade though? Is there an actual example? A zoom option, neat. Can't think of many games I'd be playing with autocombos off the top of my head. It's one outside Rev. As for Lackluster, I've been able to use both fine enough in Hard, the only reason they wouldn't see the end of Lunatic aside from me being bad is I'm using Generics in the runs I'm using them. Also, judgement day? For Smogon on it? Me learning my twin was still incubating: Me reading this More like everyone just found a hidden compartment in the Teehee box of mystery. I'm sorry, is this an equivalent of just deleting enemies in a large AoE you mentioned this isn't? Is there a case of the player getting that? Jackson's administration just ghosting Jackson on the policies he wanted to enact. Meanwhile I have joking suggestions to go join the priesthood from my brother. I have negative interest in doing so.
  18. When I said two/three, I was on about the before going after Rean, so from what I read correcly I was implying 2-3 or 1-3. Just want to make sure about that part. Or me being Benice's Teehee twin apparently, which then leads to the question of explaining that age gap. Do combos work off holding buttons then?
  19. I have no idea what show you're on about. What happened was the town we were in got eaten by a massive worm that seemingly dimension hops. We've so far fought orcs with no plasma weapons, so it doesn't look like 40K. I have no context for if this is in D&D.... and despite getting the monster manual I probably shouldn't confirm if it's in there. "Somehow, the rocks fell upward" Peter has the First Pope title, Paul isn't considered to completely outshine him from what I can recall. Can confirm he never met Christ though, he doesn't enter the story before the Ascension (I kinda have to capitalise this to clarify it's Jesus related). There's other epistles, but Paul fits the image of the converted zealot, at least in how much of a 180 he took from his past position. I saw that, just feel like it sounds like it'd be more likely in a mobile game. But here it is, FFXV's Cup Noodle Quest. Can't think of a joke right now, shame. Wait, should we write up the family Treehee? There's the Shrimpy -> Benice -> Sooks generations apparently, I feel like we've had others, what else? DAMMIT I NEED MY STICK
  20. But why? Asking due to not knowing. Is there a way to change the version of the game? Some games do allow you to change game version, though they're few and far between.
  21. That is a sentence that sounds more likely in a mobile game. The Jackson seethes timeline. Funny how often you hear lines like that. I guess Christ-like and Christian doesn't have much overlap? Hmm. I've never heard much about it, so this is news to me.
  22. Happy New Year @twilitfalchion! Final Fantasy: Bro Trip good on the gameplay? Okay, let me put it better: How does combat feel moment to moment? It's one of the FFs I've not touched, so my experience is limited. Still have a minor dose of flu that hasn't gone away. Was not as bad as most of my family over this Christmas at least. Need to plan bringing stuff back to my place from home after the last few weeks.
  23. Me about club soccer: eh, pass Me when big teams are losing to smaller teams: Yo go on my son! I don't know what compels me to do this beyond underdog factors, but I swear that can't be just it. Me using an OT meme? Nice.
  24. They're improved in the last decade that's for sure, but the guy I know is using resin rather than the thin line plastic I saw more often back then. I mean, from what I'm hearing yes. Our DM for the current campaign certainly threw the campaign into a whole other field last session, we've left the dimension we were in by the looks of it and I don't know much of anything yet. Something I can use a wipeable marker on would do for moment-to moment stuff in fairness. My concern there is the pricepoint and compatibility of what I'd be using, but that should be more manageable once I actually see what's out there. There's always the DM's Ult, "Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies" Ah yes, the "Gentrify the first row" tactic. It's never the expensive properties that do anyone in, are they? I suppose that's true, any series with it already carrying it over into SRW makes sense.
  25. Did you dominate from the off? And here I thought SRW was safe from this. The gremlin got 10. This is not surprising. I only got into playing D&D last year, my prior tabletop experience was a bunch of 1-offs in various systems over years and a Degenesis campaign that died off after a few months. You'll be doing the planning around the scenario as a whole, which might involve planning for players going off the rails, knowing the stats off for what you're going to use in each session if you don't want to be scrambling to manuals all the time, possibly drawing out maps for the players to give them an idea of the layout of rooms or areas (maybe printing off physical maps, possibly using some software to draw them up, all kinda contextual) and all this is if you're not needing to sort out miniatures yourself. Thankfully I know someone in the campaign I'm playing in I could probably ask for some time using a 3D printer (and probably pay for it because there's a difference between them offering to print your character and that) if it had to come to that, but that ignores painting, which I'm also getting suggested to me and on that, I'd be concerned because I'm pretty sure dex is my dump stat if cha isn't.
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