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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. *Thomas the Tank Engine theme plays as she spams Raging Storm I am assuming so here. I didn't even suggest that, but it's obvious. Good job.
  2. Neat. What are the chances that art exists? Got no video games this year. A board game and D&D books this time, the latter (Along with mimic plush) as a prod to do some DM'ing, which I am completely inexperienced on but know it'll take some time investment to deliver on for the table, so that's exactly what I need /s Not that I have no interest mind, just I realise that issue. Stat total increase versus your base class and current stats. A very self-conscious knight apparently. She's one of the characters that makes sense for to be honest, even if you ignore the fact she'd probably smelt it in recent months. Catherine does give some more context, but it's primarily in her support with Ashe. Seeing as you can't recruit her the way you're going about things, I feel like it's fine to put a summary above. I mean, execution going beyond leadership is a recipe for crisis, not hard to see where events lead from here.
  3. I'll let you know if there's an advancing of goo rights or a push of policies for salting the earth to prevent rebellions from sprouting. Goodreads is elitist /s
  4. Talking to parents about NB, all I can think is End me. I am more tired than I should be, maybe only getting sick now. Why is Mochi so sticky and stretchy? F Oh no, Garon has conquered us! I missed that happening, must have been during the cabinet change a few weeks ago.
  5. We hit the last non-military timezone past midnight. We're all here now, another 365 days in the year.
  6. No, was with family for most of the evening including during the countdown. The brief time I was in town ended before that too, went home for that. Had to listen to Westlife either side of the fireworks, blech.
  7. hello teehee, here's 2023. I was busy till now, missed saying it for the last 80 or so minutes it's been so far.
  8. And so it begins, places are already in 2023.
  9. With your fist. By that logic every difficulty that isn't Conquest's is this. 😛 Although....... Everyone else has already made their jokes. I'll just point out it's somewhat telling this guy and the person complaining about Abyssians weren't in the very first version of the game from what I recall.
  10. What if it were a brown mouse? I feel like you can't do that with a brown mouse unlike if it were in the range of black to white. So they'd have a place to cat-ch up and a feline feast at the demeowliterised zone. Wonder why they felt there was safe to do so.
  11. "ReV eNeMiEs DoN'T hAvE sKiLlS!" Me: whoops, left some guys in Malig Knight range, but they should be fi- Lunge Malig Knight: My generic: Dies. Frankly let's see some more finding out imo, but that's one way to end a year.
  12. I see prison violence starts before the first punch is thrown these days. Poor BinB
  13. I treat Byleth as a sliding block on ice myself. This being on handheld I'd tilt the Switch. Dancer Byleth would have been nice. And yes, the best outfit for Byleth is for a class they can't have. ...... It is. This is a one-off, but why to begin with? Still not quite over it. As someone who had a similar experience their first time I get ya. Paladin Ferdinand has a pretty solid niche and you can decide if you want to go for something else, but I'll just suggest that for now. I could bet that being a somewhat censorious change, an undershirt seems a little large for the cloth gag they're going for. Any game get the triple F? The series of events coming to a head last night was actually giving me a good laugh. He'd already had the Romainan authorities raid him back in April in connection with a woman who was thought to be in the villa he has there (they found two). He was released back then. They were looking for him again on human trafficking but weren't sure where he was before that video, which.... yeah. @Green06 Good luck holding onto the immortal one
  14. Then you are truly lost! As am I because it's broken
  15. 64 is effectively a remake/boot of the first if I recall correctly. Zero is too, just to clarify.
  16. They really mean it about how big a presence he was in his time. RIP
  17. That's how they get ya y'see I felt like it was dead for years before Discord.
  18. It's more elegant than using equal, hyphen or underscore for that too.
  19. Peppy is not a reliable source You'd think the coupon could apply to elsewhere, but alas.
  20. That's an aileron roll, 0/10 When you can't place your missiles where you want, sometimes you have to make do.
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