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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Jeez I can relate to that last sentence. It's happened often enough in any story structuring. As for how they'd hide themselves, considering they're able to disguise themselves so adeptly as a mon maybe that does prove sufficient? Could be an asspull, but I dunno. I'll say this: I think this game does that kind of game pretty well overall, improves on BW as a region in the main game, there's a tower with trainers with pokemon with actual high levels (> 75 by the end) and the new Frontier equivalent (Subway still exists) is a nostalgia suite in the PWT. How are you feeling about the news of 40K getting a series which might make Cavill the Emperor? It's always the little things in these situations. They're few and far between, true. SERIOUSLY, WHAT DID THAT PART OF THE ANIME DO TO PEOPLE? That explains some of the ORAS talk before. I found a copy of the first volume in a thrift shop recently. If I had an idea of how many other volumes I could find, I could consider getting them
  2. That's a way to sneak in a birthday announcement, happy birthday!
  3. Pop!OS since this year. Formerly was mostly Ubuntu since 12.04 or something (No, I did do upgrades. so it wasn't just 12.04). Functionally Pop!OS complicated some things in terms of applications but I haven't ran into much worse than that since the change barring that encryption ID issue that came up in August and that was something new for me anyways.
  4. Proton's used by Steam to allow Windows titles to run on Linux distros. Usually takes some messing with, but there's no sign of progress on that with Another Eden. I'd have to see how Bluestacks is separately. I can relate a little. I didn't go for that angle myself, but I definitely get the wandering around and visualising whole storylines in your head. (Play B2W2, figure out how the Chosen'd fit in that narrative) At least they met again.
  5. That makes sense. Still totally broken as of recent versions of Proton by the looks of it, RIP me.
  6. That's the question we're asking, if the trio come back in the new anime, which they might considering the shorts I hinted at earlier. Me if it doesn't happen: Oh jeez we're going there. Please no, there's some rumours already on 4chan about I don't need things to go this far. Any particular reason for there being a cat beyond time and space?
  7. Far from the first, there's the guy with a Darkrai so broken it swept that league, I'd bet at least some others. Seems like he caught within the standard rate for shinies considering how many pokemon he has to have faced... And it was a Noctowl.
  8. Fun fact, Butterfree has been with his GF for 1,200 episodes. That's a long ass time but somehow not with this series. Man, later anime Ash doesn't fuck around does he? Some people are going on about Team Rocket being in Paldea, but I think the issue is how do you tie them into a new cast?
  9. OMG The poster has pretty much everything he ever caught be the looks of it, so it's looking like if this holds it'll be a busy series. Pidgeot being just the same official art is funny and painful at the same time.
  10. I saw. Ash is getting a sendoff miniseries first. Huh. Should I see that then? Depends on who you ask XD
  11. Outstanding work soldier! There's something that could be said about the hubris in trying to contain there fish in a glass cage, but I just find it sad for the fish and the others who got cut. Doesn't help that there was a recent revamp so there's every possibility some part of that's why it happened.
  12. It saw a Corviknight flying beside the cliff and took the opportunity It's a pretty straightforward emblem. You also get both when engaged.
  13. There's going to be idol bits involving servants and mirages isn't there?
  14. I mean, how the price points? Okay, that's how. I'm assuming you're taking advantage of a sweet deal, so of them I feel like either Sparks of Hope is just short enough to get though before Engage or you'd play something like Aegis Rim on the side. If SoH would be longer I don't have an answer.
  15. Luck of the genetic draw or some Greek myth shit, what other way is there?
  16. Why did I end up watching a 75-minute long video that was half Tintin movie piece, half Herge defence? Well, point was, stuff that was in it was interesting as a person who never was a collector of the comics. Or they're actually triplets and the third's a dragon
  17. Considering we've about 10-12 maps in Fates or Awakening, I get that.
  18. We could get it finished in the 36 days I think.
  19. And now me briefly noting things I didn't catch before from the Somniel trailer: Alright, so stat boosts for the cafeteria affect all units. So that's a bit broken. The music kinda slaps for a chill piece, I certainly enjoyed it. Looks like it's 5 taps at a time for Amiibo, so there's that at least. That's probably a day or chapter, which is fine. I am never going to sleep in this game. That'd be a wild reveal for the first Gen 10 Pokemon. Lyn's going to be in the BB remake, just you wait. Gonna be miffed if they just mean metaphorical slaying after this. If they were going to use a game to suggest the leak wasn't real, I think Thracia would have been a better pick.
  20. That explains JJBA's interest in vampirism, Araki is trying to figure out his flavour of immortal. Elvish Jojos explain the title of the next series.
  21. She understands Snorlax's appeal of wanting to be left sleep. What was Araki doing? Well that's a way to put it. Add this to the "Game needs work done" pile of reviews that tPC will never look at. Nice to see at least it was fun. I think they're on about at this moment in time, while Petrine and Jill had other avenues to get to their respective ranks than being conscripted. Probably the same way as TPP Nephenne: Amazing.
  22. I feel insulted. because I'm mask guy here.
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