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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. England once again left waiting. Were France good enough to deal with Morocco in your opinions?
  2. They're favourites to win there next year, so I guess it makes sense.
  3. If we're changing both terms Dream Dragon is the best title and I will have no arguments. Racist Hawkeye You know what? Fun exercise, what would we take from Thracia aside from Capture? Would Vigour stars in some form be good to carry? Didn't even think of those, but Thracia is a long time since I played. And if you come to that answer, chances are they'd have been used for the crit nullification. Maybe do something invoking the "spirit" of the HB. Though at least with Tiki there's the MotE Starsphere there.
  4. Isn't that arguably true for a lot of soccer? Even if just for a moment? I'm all for Croatia Morocco, because new winners would be nice, especially seeing as if Spain hadn't taken so bloody long to win it'd be the first new winner since 1998. And if it goes to penalties we'll see people who know what they're doing. True, Argentina have shown that too An aside: checking Spain's penalty form,they've lost every shootout they've been a part of in the WC (2018, 2002, 1986) except for 2002 against Ireland. Ouch, that hurts, when you suck so bad at penalties Spain beats you.
  5. I mean, I heard Sigurd in that bit, there's a reason the comparison's being made. RonalDonotpassgo Morocco for the last 4 is history making. Morocco have the blanket defence, the rest just can't get out of it once it's thrown over them
  6. He's..... certainly willing to mess about. I guess they're playing upon Leif being a Gen 2 unit as well? What could they have gone with besides? They don't do nations for these so Thracia is out (And with that that's the non-number part of the title out), Survival.... I dunno if that or something like Perseverance would work for everyone, Struggle would probably be best in that case
  7. Wonder how the fortune telling will work actually. Is is as fluff as Mr. Hubba or will there be actual impacts? One shame is that stat boosts look like they're tied to the units who Alear sits with? That's a shame and something that probably would have happened if they didn't split the two in 3H, a decision I was fine with.... Well, less so how limited those boosts really were in context to that game. So it's like Training Grounds in NMotE, I did expect that when I saw it. Genealogy's arena and 3H's arena comps felt a bit closer to me, but eh. So it's for anyone. And the skills aren't that openly accessed? You'd have to do it for each character? Actually boo, please tell me the latter isn't true. It adds stat boosts? Let's go, Buff Bois! One map per account? That sucks. So, gauntlets of maps to clear? Wonder how that'll work. Will there be fixed ranks of difficulty? Will it be level banded around in game progress? >Alear goes to sleep >Someone finds them asleep >Is concerned >Walks right up to then, hovers over their ear and goes: "DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT! LISTEN, TO THE SOUND, OF MY VOICE! FOLLOW IT BACK!" (Funny enough, you can change difficulty in the bed. There's a joke here, I know it.)
  8. Gilbert and Jeritza on their routes. Seteth as well. Catherine, Shamir and Cyril in SS too, but the latter's probably too late to use and the others will still be behind the party unless you're on a speedrun. The one method I can think around that would be pushing supports using mission assistance and when they hit B recruiting themselves, but you need to enter to get them to begin with and only get one at a time, alas.
  9. Nealuchi is claiming the word for himself, to the point Naesala heard it from him when he was younger hence he says to him. I was talking about in the past in particular, with what knowledge we can ever have about that past being so limited. And of course, I get why that'd be the case, the concerns raised about how that gets represented being certainly real (Why does my mind dart to bloody Twilight here?).
  10. The good news is ballistae shred the guy. As do most other things, so there's that to keep in mind and deal with so that he's not in danger, he is refreshing the danger Considering Early Christianity and it's willingness to debate minutiae of faith to the point of fracture, it was a thing before then too. Even if internally they tended to still be consistent on "There's one God lads, we can accept that bit. Right? Right?" Again, I wonder about faiths that have.... not as many adherents these days (moreso the effectively if not actually extinct religions) Nealuchi uses it to describe himself here. Naesala says it here. That second is a late chapter @Edelguardiansing, don't read it! Just checking PoR for now. Yeah, a lot of characters do use it there, plenty of them angry.
  11. Oh yeah, the DLC talk confirmed Chapter 5 is when you first reach Somniel. Now, is that before or after? I'd assume before. This is more than okay. And with +4 Str over Ike. Nephenee should be the protag I mean, I'd argue it has been a debate past the Reformation too, religious discourse isn't locked to Catholics and Protestants as you said and even there you still have debates going on, though it seems less so among some of the protestant faiths to discuss the theological even there you'll have it. How much it is free among the faithful is dependent on the faith, but still.
  12. Considering Argentina just were on the pitch for 140 minutes, yeah. It's partly in response to the timewasting going on though, so there's that to account for too. My concern when it comes to calling performative diving out is for those who could actually be injured when it comes to those wincing in pain, those studs are no joke. Just once I want a stand focused on kicks
  13. If you're not going to use the rule consistently then why bother? That wasn't the case here, it was 45 or 50 for SoV and 45 for all the DLC together.
  14. And now the Dutch are going home. Argentina could make the final? I mean, probably, just don't go for the penalties against Croatia? The entire team won't be able to play the final at this rate! The comparison was partly because of the sense of version exclusivity some got off BR/CQ, then of course RV being a golden route didn't help matters of "Why are we playing these?" for some. Don't blame you, I'm sure I missed a ton watching the stuff earlier. Good news is Fishing might be good this time. I mean, it has an element of FOMO sadly with the end of Wi-Fi connection for the DS. It's literal on cart DLC in this case. Again, relative things, but it was on the cart and then unlocked. Not the only thing like that on DS, B2W2 keys
  15. Guys, guys, it's the senate Was the match that bad for it? Soccer must be a delaying hellscape. You know what they should do? They should cut down total time, get them some uprights on the bars and you can score there for one and goals cont for more now, let them carry the ball in hand but only for a certain distance before they have to take actions to extend that and eventually have to pass it, contact is less likely to involve so much ankle holding when it's less grounded generally, replace corners with kicks from upfield.... I'm just amazed they've actually managed to keep it this long, even if 2019 was empty. And it sure ain't Sims 4. We don't know how long said campaign is, though I get your scepticism. Rev being a full game could be argued by some, but it is not this day. They seems quite willing to take the names across settings, considering another of the Judgral deities shows up in Archanea. No idea actually, I'm a bit of an idiot there. So more details in a remake would be appreciated.
  16. +13 minutes, and they ended up in added time. Adding +20 minutes to a match was a mistake. I still am not there with you and Shrimpy, I suppose. That may be so, but in some of these settings they treat them closer to monotheistic deities, in that they are solely in their own pantheon (see: there being a pagan god who is known to be worshiped in Abyss in a faith apart from Sothis who we know little to nothing about while Sothis remains the sole deity in the Church of Seiros/Children of the Goddess. I'd have to get back on 3 Copes to answer what the Agarthans deal in.) That's about all we get in Elibe, so I feel like there's no strong evidence either way. Well, not quite. We get another deity mentioned, Delphi. Comes up in Ilia, supposed protector of living things and is mostly in the sky. It's the reason it's called a Delphi shield I suppose. Yoder mentions there's a pantheon in the Elimine faith and hopefully they'll add something in remakes. Oh, you meant amongst ourselves. My bad. Personally, I'm of the opinion no, though I don't want to do much of a debate about it. I don't see it as nihilisitcally as you might think with that answer, but it was something I leant towards over the course of years and concluded as such a long time back. Strangely, my grandparents' deaths haven't had me wondering if they're watching from heaven or anything, so I don't think I've had a Road to Damascus moment this last while. On your phrasing, I wonder when such discussions would have first arisen? Could there have been arguments on it with different Homo supspecies? Would people have been debating this between travelling groups as their understanding grew and it became a topic around the fire?
  17. Good thing I'm not Catholic anymore eh? Remembers he was at a mass yesterday Depending on setting, you'd tend to think probably not. We don't see much discourse on faith in most of the games and in those that we see it in you often get proof that whatever's worshiped falls short of godhood if they fall close to it (See: the worst thing in the series) Some come closer than others, but you haven't played the lot yet. Of what you have played, Sothis probably is the closet though isn't a god in the sense of being there for all time you feel like she could have been if that was her origin point and there's hints to her power in the setting. Probably falls a little short and certainly wouldn't be capping omnipotence and omniscience though. We don't know enough about any faiths in Elibe to answer there, similar with Magvel, Ylisse seems to suggest Naga's on that level but it's made out to be the same as Archanea so isn't a god by dint of what we know, the Valentia duo are not for sure and if someone here insists Anankos is a god I will get the multipurpose shovel. Note I'm avoiding Tellius and Jugdral 😛 And Kagasaga I'm still pissed they don't go to -75% anymore, I miss those days. Now I think we both realise that there's more than this. Doesn't mean I'm paying day 1, no siree. (Says the guy who's not buying the game Day 1 anyway, I know) And is it officially 30? Yeesh it is, don't even get a discount for pre-ordering both online. They're still going? The fuck? 20. Until March. Fates was decent about this in that all three campaigns cost 60. Unless you were me and got at least some discount on Fates
  18. Sadly not the first time, hell it's pretty much true for the whole 3DS era (though less so there, it was released pretty shortly after if it wasn't out at the same time) and since, though the reason that was the case internationally was because of the gap in release dates between here and there giving them more time I suppose. Hah, implying people can't argue over little things for epochs.
  19. Thanks again Jyosua. Well, it showed up on the home page once, then didn't again. I went and intentionally got a 404 error and found the full sidebar there, so it just seems like I'm just finding ways to eff up and stumble into answers anyway. add an = before the search item people, I didn't and was confused when it obviously didn't work.
  20. Well, looks like the sidebar is functioning as before. Thank you very much. I'm curious if the search bar was taken down for a reason, as I noted before it was missing before today and still is. Looking in the inspect function "advanced_menu-1" is absent and I'm assuming based on the order of things that was the search bar.
  21. Looking right now, sorry, hasn't changed for me. Sidebar still missing the elements I've mentioned. I inspect elements and it does have the sidebar, but it indicates their dimensions include a 0 if that matters.
  22. Croatia to keep this up and win the WC on penalties?
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