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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Including themselves. Though I was mentioning about some clothes not actually being consistent on size (Some line's XL is more like an L for instance), not having any clue is unhelpful. Looking at them I think they look pretty distinct from their casts they're a part of. Not as much as Devdan, but still.
  2. Aw shit, I forgot the prior replies I had. Wait, where did you hear 4M? The first one, some people can be incredibly naive or adjusting to a size change, but that doesn't mean having zero clue. Unless they're dealing with size label differences across regions or something, that shit does catch people, me as well. Also, out of curiosity is there signage where you work pointing to the fitting rooms or is it a small enough place that it's pretty easy to spot anyway? Because if so, I'd say no excuse. I can think of places that mightn't have allowed people to try on in the store and in the Covid times more than a few not using them at all, but now? Fewer reasons for that. As to the arrives within 10 minutes crowd, it's certainly a bit less justified for a clothes store because the absolute emergencies requiring that assistance I don't see coming at 5.55pm, but I can hear bosses already argue that you should be ready at all times for customers. To which I say Pay for it. This is why you don't buy clothes as a present.
  3. Also inaccurate in universe! Yeah, Naesala's kinda fucked up. Some make comparisons with him and Tibarn with certain people in Genealogy Sadly, we'll be seeing some of why she might feel like getting that info out there mightn't work in time The first who you definitely can't put the question of "Are they just really tanned?" to. Armagon and Ruben mentioned some others who'd count. Pretty much just doesn't use the word here, but that's some slavery, even if some would be quick to call it "indentured servitude" (and yeah, that's some fucking yikes to even use that term here) Let me check his other recruiters, he has quite a few. Don't see any of them call it slavery. .....Mist's line raises a question. How does Devdan never see enslaved Laguz in Tanas's estate? I mean, Reyson is a recent arrival being hidden away, so I can buy that he didn't see Reyson and we also don't know how long he's been there, but the idea he's missed it entirely seems a little off if he's not recent himself. Even if his role is as security. Aw man, Zihark got got. I ended up benching mine because Stefan. Alongside how many units I was using.
  4. Screw it, I'll copy over the Manakicks too Blame the groupings Which were my fault
  5. That's a good question, though I'd have to look at Monolith Soft's history to give a good answer. They're a person of refined taste, which this window clearly is. I ended up picking for gameplay I am a fool
  6. When you say round, for the group stages will that be all 16 matches in a round? I'll go one better. Garon is head of FIFA, Federation Interdimenstional Fire Aemblemers
  7. Like I said, moreso would be awkward to find physically the looks of things if I can't find one copy in libraries and it's as old as you suggest. Plot twist: there is no second person and our hero is here just to save a stain glass window That does give more of a chance for Quintet to live, so I second this motion.
  8. Well that's no news I expected. I want to find more exceptions. Well, the introduction writer is not helping. Thankfully that's not the whole book and it's someone just gushing about what they like of the book. Not so thankfully, libraries fail me on this one.
  9. Well........ (3H spoilers for those few here who haven't) What's this ourobouros about?
  10. By who? I see, it's modest. And fond of capes Anime pope having the high ground is worrisome though.
  11. The anime pope has been found at last! Looking at the stained glass, I'm trying to figure out the second set of arms that cross the figure. Is there somebody else behind guy in front or am I seeing this wrong?
  12. RIP Seel fans, can't get any good memes like the sphere seal can.
  13. I only learned about this carol recently. I'm curious to hear this in person now. What a beautiful core.
  14. See, the problem with that is I can be shit at answering this kind of question with Yes/No. In this case it's moreso the "do I enjoy stuff that's outright immoral?/Is a story where the morals of the setting for most people are broadly messed up in context to our world?" stuff that I'd be pausing on and trying to think over before I wanted to give a good enough answer. If I'm even reading into the question correctly. The Introvert Rean ending.
  15. Sorry, was this triplets or a reset of the kid?
  16. Okay, shit I forgot people died in that fire. Fuck me, that's actually abhorrent that people laughed. Me right now. My takeaway is that this kind of clip in a show this popular where the mild admonishment of the character who did it is likely the most that happens is what I find problematic. Impressive. They kinda did expect some to start on the 7th with those lore dumps they had, even in the demo (aka the one bit of the series I tried) .... I don't think I'm up for discussing this in as broad strokes as that. (Also, lack of Morales is a bad thing in Spiderman 😛)
  17. The amount of times sides lost when they shouldn't have was certainly something. I'll admit I've been trying to not get involved in the talk of the thread at the moment, but I have to say something that isn't disgust at the author. Calling that nothing seems to be an understatement to me. And maybe justifies the anime haters more than would be liked. I realise you're saying there's way more fucked up stuff out there, but minimising it here won't help. Last resort doesn't make forcing yourself on a kid okay. I realise it is on paper being done for comedic effect (looking at the clip), but ah now.
  18. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have said Prowse's name. Or is this about "Insert team here" in the world cup?
  19. Okay, who's the second guy? A Spencer Wilding who acted as Vader in that scene in Rouge One? Cool, Cool. I read into the thread and hearing Prowse's voice as Vader was funny. More Dark Helmet to me
  20. That's all the motive Brazil need to win the thing in this, the most anime of World Cups I'm sorry what? Like, you get a full body shot of a character and their "stand"?
  21. Pfft hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  22. Now we know what's been holding GF back from getting S/V in a presentable state. That's why the AI art's having such a hard time with them!
  23. This is so unclean. Why is she such a sloppy eater of giant cherries? Why is she sitting in among all of them? Why is she in a container of cherries that some giant will probably be miffed she sat in ruining them?
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