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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Dublin's not been that low for decades lol ;_; A boy and his shrimp
  2. Peanuts Packing Heat is not what I'd expect from any of the kids. I'd buy Snoopy having a rifle though, he consistently imagines he's off to shoot the Red Baron and these are detailed imaginings/hallucinations in the movie. I'd expect him to arm himself. Black characters existing being political is pretty sad, then as now. That was off one search. Dublin is stupid expensive, studio apartments over 2k expensive. I'm looking here at an apartment that's 3 Bath, 2 Bed and it's 10k a month. Like, it's an extreme example, penthouse shit. But 120k a year. Someone in Kennedy Wilson's making a mint. And that's the thing, the stuff that's pushed is the stupid expensive stuff that's obviously being paid for advertising. You see that the pricier placers are getting pushed first. As for buying there, you're not buying near the centre without handing over a hefty price either. .......People still use that don't they? It's rather telling that dehumaninsing was a constant tactic from expansionist nations.
  3. Engage: a game about a jeweller dealing in antique rings. That happen to have spirits inside them Honestly, I'm a little surprised about first time. We're in that kind of situation here, though a lot of that is that there's not that many places available for rent to begin with. Even where I'm at I'm seeing 12 options and 2 are 2 bed for under 1500, above 1200 and of the places available plenty hit over 2000 per month. For a place that is far from the capital. And there are some businesses, but I wouldn't call it a booming hub of new ideas and bustling industries. What factors there are seem to include a convenience of geography. Sharing accommodation isn't as bad price wise, but for how those work it's still ridiculous for many situations and plenty would be clearly uncomfortable moving into that. Last place I was in like that was a 2/3 bed converted into a 7 bed and pretty crummy besides. Price was thankfully nowhere near the numbers now, because I was not on much above minimum wage. And I saw worse when I was looking for a place in that time, I still remember that horror case full of mould and bad ventilation and the bed was a mattress on the floor and if it weren't for the cupboard and wardrobe would have been an empty room.
  4. It could be that, with characters having changed classes at times why prioritise showing off the outfits within the showcases, especially on any unit who isn't being focused on? I decided to check his stats. Douglas's Spd stat is very close (0.2 off from hitting 8 Spd) to what his stats would be if he'd promoted at 10 and gotten his average growths with a 0 Base. So his Personal Spd is -3 if he had all levels he could have had. I was right, he has to be doing it! SH protags from what I understand. This topic's already more crazed.
  5. Trust me, this is especially bad. Douglas has 8 Spd so he can use the rest to be by the king's side at the same time. It's still not 3H's fishing, which was an insult to all sensibilities by it's design and how it sat with the rest of the game. I can see that in the visuals alone and see a sign of progress. (Still haven't gotten Mario + Rabbids yet to finish it, RIP me missing the sale) I wonder if they do it as some degree of "Well, we can't show all the silliness yet". Seems strange to give you costumes of other FE characters and not let you use them too, but hey, if they are that afraid of the clipping, that might be all they needed to decide "Let's not have that again". Yeah, 3H's removal of the outfit changing made me pretty sad as I missed that era of 3H.
  6. When you respect your wife too much 0 Skl Sigurd be like I see how he got the title Holy Knight Then this is but a part of the whole, a path to traverse to escape..... if I can. Besides, it's not all about sex, though it's more about that for some for sure.
  7. The entire country's just foggy at the minute. Any closer and I think we'd have all gone to Silent Hill. Probably amazing Karaoke sessions going on. As one of those people with the PS3, it was past "has no games" by then. But fuck it, le's laugh anyway
  8. You're hacking this game within a week, calling it now Any truly loyal general to his king would see the foolishness of having all his generals directly under the retinue of a foreign lord as a strategic disaster waiting to happen! Fortune telling if I recall correctly. And hey, least there's something to the fishing this time. This shit is why the "But we'll port to PC later" plan from them has baffled me. Some games that were exclusives are now lost, so this is what's left. Sheesh. And it doesn't help they haven't pushed much of their development teams to non-large scale IP continuing titles that are going to take time to release as far as I can tell. At least with Microsoft that's part of the strategy. And this might just count stuff currently out, but I don't remember being much of any announced. Not to mention I think they actually have titles announced and I can't think of any for PS5. Why did he do this?
  9. I approve of this message. That's..... actually a good point. We didn't see any of that in that video, I feel like it would have been mentioned. That sucks. I don't think it's tied to the skills, but maybe the bonk levels. He left the king's side!
  10. I see the Mako exposure has had a serious effect on Cloud after all. Could say that should be more damming, but I meant that as a whole with all the people noticing. What does Quan sing then? Oh yeah, for anyone else, this is a spoiler for Tellius. Deep spoilers. Again, losing the skinship was the right call in my opinion. The game already had other fanservicey stuff going on without adding that to the list. Considering that's the closest comparison to our ring situation, I feel it should be noted.
  11. Shrug Greil was Azor Ahai and upon realising harmed himself to save everyone else Greil is the kind of person to take his failures to heart, a guilt-laden man. And very self-punishing. He'll steal what he can get, this shouldn't be surprising.
  12. I don't know what it says about people that they keep looking for this. This man needs to get out for a while. Not every twitter user is this engaged. And frankly I'd argue hearing an inanimate object coo sensually like that is more likely to make me throw it away off Somniel than whatever he thinks I'd want.
  13. I get it! Imagine, winning on penalties in the 90 minutes! How novel.
  14. I mean, he calls animals to him with it, maybe it just is. The English team, once again going home. Apparently they missed three penalties? Or did they take three?
  15. @Saint Rubenio If you want a weapon option for Caeda attacking Claude, there's the Flycatcher and Wyrmslayer? I think that counts.
  16. Wait, is it? Where? Ninian talks about it in Chapter 7, but I don't know for Elphin at all.
  17. It has been a time since then. This man, does he have an idea what for? What will the artpiece or protest be? I am unsurprised by the response. Bully back, eh? That motivation does tend to be treated as just "Now I'm motivated!", but Galdr is confirmed to be magical in nature, I could see it being implied for Genealogy with the 4 AoE (and two of the users having Holy Blood,, but I could be reading too much there), I think Fates counts as magical as I think she channels magic into her singing? I think magic is implied for Nils and Ninian in some form. Fair. (Still miffed I can't make Byleth my party's cheerleader)
  18. "Bench Vandad he's a Jeigan" guides coming already.
  19. Maybe so, but the games also have a schedule that points to simultaneous releases for all versions of Engage, so feedback on ingame features probably should consider international responses to same. Man, I forgot the context, RIP me. The tweet? 😛 I dunno, I feel like if that's a primary part of what you're going for is one thing, but it's like, do we really want to reject all new presences? Are we seriously talking about preserving purity of the series using this as a shield (I swear I'm misreading this)? Sure, bit of a contradiction with this being an anniversary title, but I can't lie and say this stuff is something I see as a joke or agree on the atitude.
  20. This man fucking up causes the Ace Attorney series. Never forget. THE NOODLE ARMS, Let's see Alear stretch them across the universe and choke Sombron. Arms and perspective being a pain, I get it. Morocco don't score highly (France has twice as many goals as Morocco this WC), but Morocco has let in 1 goal all tournament. I'm wondering if France can actually crack that nut. Eldigan sings 24 Hour Cinderella or I riot I didn't expect skinship but with rings (What would you call that? Hideship?) to happen after the Fates backlash, but here we are.
  21. For some. I need to write a whole arc of "how Dayni got his bonk back" yesterday
  22. I think mentioned that when I first saw than. I didn't polish them often. Alear gets all 12 rings on at once to end Engage..... With their toes, what did you think I meant? If those were battleships I was going to flip out.
  23. That's why I expect them to be capable. The question then becomes what their opposition will do? Looking forward to the MSPaint monstrosities that he uses to express his frustrations with Engage.
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