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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I was bringing it up because it was funny to me. And if we make it a point about team efforts what about Ash's party? Though true, lest we forget stuff like Emiliano Martinez's goalkeeping. Or Enzo Fernandez, one of their stronger defensive players and acknowledged as young player of the tournament. Or another veteran forward in this squad, Ángel Di Maria who also scored in the final. Or Dybala, who's apparently waiting for Messi to retire so he can play more. Just my observation.
  2. Coincidence? I feel like we heard about this before.
  3. Tried Vestaria again. It crashed when a brigand attacked one of the ships. I guess I'm going to have to do some fiddling again. Least player combat with enemies worked it's a question of if map animations generally crash or if it's greenies or something. I have a PS3 to play it with 🙂
  4. Meanwhile, I'm probably confirming my PS2 works tomorrow, considering it'll be 20 years old on Christmas. Well there's that. I could have gotten it 30 physical if I'd been patient, but that's not a bad price already.
  5. Yeah, I should probably be nice about it, I've only put in spoilers to shorten post length to now from what I remember. Apologies for previous discourse @Benice.
  6. The troll? People are responding like this, so I'll assume yes.
  7. Fourth time of asking for a big one? First is Melatonin (Wait, that's an oxymoron with video games) about running around in some guy's subconscious and doing rhythm minigames and it's drawn aesthetic is something that could appeal for some, it's out now. Second is Afterimage, another 2D sidescroller that's probably some rougelite in a fantasy setting, but it does look pretty in fairness, though that's not out until the 25th of April. Third is Smile for Me, which goes for a puppet speaking gibberish to advertise a game set in a habitat (Their words) to wander around and play while nodding and shaking the head of your character while interacting to make the other happy (but what about me) and of course there's some weird stuff going on I'm unsurprised, it's out Spring. Lastly is Hyper Gunsport, where you play volleyball with bullets? But the pointscoring is on the wall, it's more like soccer then. Anyway there's only two a side (That's rough), they try to list their personable cast but we don't get to hear any of them so it doesn't click and it's out now, so maybe I'm giving too little credit. Well that was a bust.
  8. Did you notice the easter egg? NMotE's added units: Allow us to introduce ourselves Imagine if Resolve boosted Magic too
  9. Hey look, VincentASM translated the awards screen: I'm curious about the system awards. I think the allies one is about unlocking supports. It saying total achieved also means that this Alear has done a bunch of supports..... Or there's multiple levels to each, which I doubt. We can also assume Céline and her retainers are among the first recruits we get? Also, I am not talking reclassing before the game comes out, sorry but reading the talk here has not cleared things up. Excuse me: This doesn't have to be a bad thing
  10. Make one typo with a package and it ends up getting sent to three different sorting centres. Here's hoping it gets here today, cutting it a little close. Pessimism. The "fun" of genetic bottlenecks caused by ecological disasters. Or attempted genocide here.
  11. The horses get outfits in battle but not our guys. What a shame.
  12. Day 3. Potion Craft gets a port (Man, I remember this getting ads all the time) for Spring, Sonority is a puzzle game around music? That involves a racoon trying to stop you from exploring somewhere? The dev didn't help. But it's an adventure title exploring some ruins and solving puzzles with music notes, including Pan Pipes (Wait, is this Spirit Tracks?) and it's out now. Next is Tin Hearts, which is a game about playing as a tin soldier and keeping the line of them marching in around a house, which is out the 20th April. Last is Sail Forth, another game about exploring a vast sea and doing whatever fits that I suppose. If there's an underlying part of the setting I've no idea, but it's out today. Nothing too too interesting here for me.
  13. Yeah, we didn't see anyone do that. He was really done with the place huh?
  14. The second Christmas Ninty indie video came out. First game is a stylised world with a gecko running and climbing around to explore ruins, while fighting and solving puzzles called The Gecko Gods, out next year. Then The Captain kinda looks like it's FTL, but there's more direct planet exploration and fighting, I don't get a good sense of how it plays from this but it's out today. Risk of Rain Returns get s a confirmed Switch version for next year, but this footage is all cutscene, so it's probably later. Last title is called The Punchuin, a pixellated side scroller where you play a penguin with boxing gloves and it turns out it's a match three puzzle game where you punch blocks into place with some minigames. It also out today, which is kind of fitting I guess. Of these I'd say Gecko Gods interested me the most but The Punchuin certainly could surprise me. You're reminding me of when I was finishing up RD as 3H came out. Talking about a different game as the new one came out is a bold strategy. So I won't have to dip right? Right? Bunet looks like he'd fit right into a dating sim set in a royal academy.
  15. I got reminded of an isekai that briefly showed wider shots of a galaxy and it doesn't seem like it's geocentric that's for sure. But that's certainly not what I'd call a grounded setting. Armagon linked something earlier. I'll get it again: That guy in the middle's close. Side note, guy on the bottom right's arm looks like he's stretchy. (So more guys showing skin then?)
  16. No comment. Well that's annoying, having them in that context. I'm assuming they were a priority to bring in? Least you had a (probably good) umbrella the way you put it, but getting caught in the rain certainly didn't help.
  17. That's rough. What's the reason you got caught out? I get it!
  18. If she's his kid she'll be a perfect anime protag Actually baffled. I mean, the idea that said exaggeration is ott, but that third and fifth paragraph are just..... wew. (On the other hand, one could see articles like this as fuelling some of the sentiments that went into gamergate and look at what the fuck that is)
  19. Kirbo is canon. That's certainly some...... animated movement.
  20. Pokefusion gets fully explored next gen? So you enjoy Gen 2 Genealogy now? 😛 This was inevitable, they were all kissing it.
  21. Never forgot having to toxic stall to survive Necrozma in US. Or how I won a con tourney with only one mon actually using status moves. ...Are you suggesting Best Lord outshines Seliph? On the one hand, that's against theme. On the other hand best lord gets his due. I'm a bit torn on that.
  22. Fire Emblem: Engage in Economics apparently. So, Skirmishes are in this game? Huh. That's a pretty significant amount to invest for each level if it starts at 5,000. Admittedly it's probably linear in increase if 2-3 is 10,000. Somniel has fast travel, but not in the map menu? That's actually something 3H had if this is locked to one place here. It could be the base menu they mention is accessible everywhere in Somniel, but this is unclear here. Loads quick though.
  23. That's an oof on my part. You know what? I'm going to note that Bastian here suggests that this setting at least has some acknowledgement of a heliocentric model for the planets within Tellius. I don't recall there being any other mention of this in PoR or any other title in the series going into it or claiming geocentrism is the case here or in any other setting. Just interesting to note that there's the possibility Tellius as a whole has accepted the sun is unlikely to revolve around them. It was bad enough two of the avatars have reproduced, I don't need confirmation for a third.
  24. See, I'll admit my limits with these. Least I'll have the Wii ready again with what I mentioned earlier. Other M's in a weird place from what I understand. Marketing for Dread excluded it but Ninty hasn't said it isn't and it's got some mention in Dread. So yeah, that alongside Prime then to sort out. Oh gee, you started. That was quick.
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