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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I feel like this could have happened even if the game didn't have other issues. The mimic looks 8 but is actually 1000 years old
  2. Nothing much I can add to that but me sending commiserations your way. It won't be much longer. He didn't even do that, he just wrote another song with that title and what he wrote is bad.
  3. Certainly not fond of much of the music he's released in more recent albums compared to earlier in his career. Skipping is crucial to the run's pace, missing the blood brothers dialogue is a worthy sacrifice
  4. Ed Sheeran made the shit Galway Girl, I don't think he's a virtuoso or anything. And yes, Shape of You bad. Even if I'm not as absolutist about decades, I can't pretend I'm that enthused by plenty of the chart toppers. Course, I'm also of the opinion 80's pop overrated, but I've had to hear more of it than I'd like. Me: Use Oujayyyyyy I went to confirm whether it's what I was thinking it was, only of course making it worse on myself forgetting what name I'd seen it referred to as. It was! I still don't get how the hell you'd get it consistent to hit the ball upward off your hip. That's some impressive control.
  5. Soccer Pain is Spain. Eluded Spain is Espana I want this team to go back to 2002 so we can definitely win the penalty shootout Don't break Quetzal that hard!
  6. Why the fuck are Pepsi acknowledging Pilk? I don't think I need to add anything on the TPC and it's potential as a malign influence on Pokemon. Ed Sheeran is far from the largest issue, but why the hell wasn't he tapped for last gen if you ask me? He did one track in S/S, so I will assume you mean he did more than that this time. Emblem Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menlance
  7. That's the thing, this realises structural changes in the series that give it a different feel. Scaling the gyms at least could have been nice, but aside from that making areas just objectively dangerous to run into anything on makes too much sense to not maintain in the open world structure of this game. I'm certainly more interested in this than I was S/S, but there are still the little things that got cut, not to mention of course Dexit's still on the menu, but I think at this point they think it's fine and sure enough who's complaining this time? But sure, the 3 year cycle must go on I suppose, for reasons that make sense from a certain point of view. (I haven't heard the soundtrack much at all, so no comment there.) Imagine if Engage takes Ryoma's chapter for a spin
  8. These comments are definitely not on board. @Edelguardiansing So, listened to some of his vids. For some reason the video on privatised immigration in the UK has a bit where it uses Elibe characters to make a hypothetical 2 and a half minutes in. Where's the Reach in vanilla? That's a mod if I've ever seen one. That crit was gonna miss too OH FUCK I JUST REMEMBERED THE SF THREAD THAT SAID THIS First off, neat, Poison actually has reason to be cured. Second, wonder what other statuses. Third, GOOD.
  9. Does this include people who are definitely not students? What you thought I'd make a Pokemon joke?
  10. True enough, the disconnect history as I learned it has between this early period of America colonisation alongside the what was going on in the countries that would colonise it is pretty large frankly, especially in that early 1500s. I mean, I feel like I heard nothing connecting the two within textbooks and of course beyond Spain turbocharging it's economy with these immoral gains we don't see much discussion of the benefits in the 1500s, at least from my perspective. I guess I'm making more assumptions too on how it'd have been perceived for those who bought into it, considering it was an empire and was expansionary in that. And yeah, the commonalities between them would end up being core to these new identities for people coming towards and after wars of independence. You will see.
  11. Lucina puts on the mask "Third Marth's the charm!" Sombron: fucking dies This stuff is why nations versus people is much more complicated and I definitely am limited on that history. It's something I could stand to better handle in all this as well. So I'm assuming a pretty significant proportion could still claim descent from the Mexica or peoples who were there before they came there?
  12. The fact that this is a non-zero percent chance should terrify some people. It's something I note differs compared to the Aztecs, which I don't see much of any reference to their survival. I can bet, the fact so much of it holds it's shape and details carved into it would be something to appreciate for instance. (Then again, I'm used to seeing limestone with millennia of weardown) Wraith mad is just Itsuki's base ability
  13. Also, just realised about now would be the point where I discovered FE a decade ago, if not a little while back. I was awful at playing legit back then. I can't say I've improved much. I'm looking forward to you seeing Finn Why did I think of a memory of playing Thracia waiting for and then getting on a bus? Probably because it was that chapter, but yeah surprising which moments stick with you. (In case you're wondering what I mean, I will have to explain myself as I have a specific bad experience but that's too deep in to just throw out there now) As someone who started on BlaB and SS (with BB not that far behind and the patch not being ready when I first played BlaB), I would probably recommend people to rip the GBA bandage off early now in hindsight, but that's me. Oh wow, not even a year and that many essays. (That Fable one has me a bit 🤨 admittedly.) From what I understand, the Mayans as a whole are fascinating in the sense they built these places, then withdrew from them, due to factors that made maintaining these places or that many people untenable, but that's very simplified and I probably should do more research before getting into it.
  14. Sees Brazil are 4-0 right now. Oh wow, look at 'em go. I do not get to hear about Tikal enough, because I do not know much of anything about it. I'm assuming a pretty lengthy trip, am I right? Boi
  15. Reading the description, he made it for a larger video, but felt he had to show this shitpost in it's own right. I was worried it might be a spiteful piece, but knowing the context makes it funnier that he felt it had to be known in advance. What would you recommend from him? them? (I found pronouns but I don't know if them is preferable to him in this case, least he seems to be fine) (Also it's me, I'm Lowen) Looking forward to Jugdral from you then. Admittedly I'll likely delay my purchase too, but that's because I'm not much of a Day 1 person (I've gotten the last 2 mainline FEs for pretty good discounts on the limited editions, but I'm not particularly motivated to get another limited edition that badly, I just got lucky those times
  16. All chances in the world it won't be the last.
  17. Wait, really? You're telling me you lose functionality?
  18. Japan are ahead. Finally, one of these goes the way I hoped! Is this in mods? I'd assume so with those names.
  19. Well look, Corrin Ring is busted. Reavers are back too. Which makes sense with Break in this game. Oh, apparently the preps map was a paralogue as well. How many paralogues will Engage have?
  20. Mihoyo gonna sue for this one. Also, the sand snakes feel pretty generic as a villain weapon too. Like, we get it, she's a Shnake.
  21. Imagine if Emblem Leif has capture, but you can only use it in full in NG+
  22. We've seen this map before, but good to confirm that it's a pincer map. This seems like an early map with brigands alri- That too. You are going to be part of the engage mod scene aren't you?
  23. Why does this work? Looks at the video FEH is knocking off Prince of Persia (Sands of Time)? With Kiran thirst? Also, IPPEI THUMBS Let's go Immediately starts with t-posing Corrin.
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