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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Hovers over link, sees what it says THE PHRASE IS DO NOT LEWD, DAMMIT AUTHOR Well, when you're going home anyway.....
  2. What's the reason he got it? QFs with Jap/SKo, Aus/USA, Sel/Pol, Mor/Swi would be amazing Progress! I'm still calling you a coward
  3. Discuss. Japan got their sports shounen protags out for the Spain match 2022 World Cup: Everybody loses the Nonary Game!
  4. Apologies. In my defence, all these songs you've linked are titled with an artist called HMKids, I don't think it's hard to assume from an outsider's perspective that that might be the case. Especially when you can't find what the hell it stands for. So this is working on the stuff that Boolean had left unfinished that were supposed to be part of the last updates. Understood.
  5. So, question: Apparently the Garonquest modder has disappeared and it's being worked on by someone else now. Is that right? Was it already done? Followed by the theme of the movie Armageddon from 1998? But certainly not this or this. Is it more cursed to hand us kids bop covers of songs?
  6. Obligatory Megalovania It's certainly possible, especially because his opponents would have been decided before their match. Arguably it's not, but I sure ain't pressing the report button. Spain hosted that world cup too, sure I linked it a few days back. 😛 Course, it's harder to try and rig things now, but looks like you can still do it after all.
  7. 11/10 channel Also, course it's Lei doing the theft. That's not what lockpicks meant when they said force the lock! It'd certainly be more utility given to that class group though if outright thieves are gone. Portugal dropped 9 point chance to knock Uruguay out. Jeez.
  8. Do they confirm that they don't even need keys? Interesting....... Man, it's asleep. Feels wrong for the not!Jigglypuff to be asleep, not the cause of it. Wonder if it just was missed at the time or they're responding to backlash after choosing to not have it
  9. Apologies for not seeing this earlier, I wish you and yours well in what'll be a hard time. Can you confirm if the 110 or so floor dungeon is a dungeon you have to play through in one go (with saves of course?)?
  10. Armour getting Aegis shield would super basic, but I could see that. Of the others we've not seen Thunderbrand, Lance of Ruin, Freikugal or the Fetters of Dromi alongside Crusher, but is there enough categories to account for them? (Oi Adepts not getting Vajra-Mutshi feels cruel now)
  11. I tried some of those and they weren't working as I hoped, hence my roundabout method. I rolled dozens of times because every other time two from the same region would be in the same pool. Yeah, thought that as well. Byleth just straight up tells you "How could you miss he was three feet in front of you?" Also, neat, generic Wolf Knight. Byleth bringing Thyrsus with him, looking pretty versatile, which I'll admit I thought the emblems wouldn't be.
  12. Well, I tried to figure out a method of randomisation that would accurately reflect the idea and failed, so if you have that sorted use that instead of what I did, which was using some random integers between 0 and 1 and using this command (ROUNDUP(RANK(C10,C1:C32)/4,0)) to then sort them in order which would form the groups. It took dozens of rerolls of the random numbers before I got something that worked. Here were the groups in my successful roll: In all seriousness, use something better than I did.
  13. This time in D&D: we have been sucked into an interdimensional worm, are travelling inside it with no idea why we ended up in there and just fought off an enemy force nearly 5 times our number. In fairness, they ran away when there was 8 left, but still. Lotta chatting I see. What a salty response. Not that I blame him, but yeah, certainly one way to tell them off for it. (Wait Tarzan's not public domain at the moment? Huh?) Nice phrasing. Holy shit this was a real picture. Well, there are worse ways to go down. Germany trying even when it won't help them This is not the time to go down fighting Is this the third reboot of Bayformers? I feel like this is the third one. I mean, s'alright, but not a film I think very fondly of. Considering the situation in Iran at the moment, it's a bit more than that unfortunately.
  14. It was that or this. Japan: So what do I get? Qatar: Believe it or not, jail. As a person who has never seen the thing you're on about, I have no idea what's going on.
  15. No. She's 10. Gee, I wonder. In her defence, when you talk of Chinese court culture, you're pretty spot on on her life. No, something...... grander. If you won't....... I'm not going to make jokes about it. Yet. I mean, guy's able to get taken by a gentle breeze, so don't do the position where you bow while kneeling, arms up as you do.
  16. And that's Mexico definitely not getting through. RIP Mexico.
  17. That is about the response I expected. I can't think of anyone who hates this guy, at least design wise. It's Shove, but 2 spaces. Mordecai has it.
  18. Argentina just got a second. I think Group C just went to Latin America? Well, one more goal either way would seal it.
  19. Now all Mexico needs is to get another goal or Argentina to get over the line
  20. I'm hearing polish priests chanting at Messi right now
  21. Well, 3 Copes just had a soundtrack release announced. It really looks like DLC will never happen. Thank fuck With how this tournament has been, I could buy Poland and Mexico winning
  22. My fault for looking at score updates and thinking a match shouldn't be on 9+ minutes injury time. Only Portugal and Brazil left for 9-pointers. Pretty sure all the rules in that game could cover these 😛
  23. GO ON TUNISIA AND AUSTRALIA! Edit: SOMEHOW spoke too soon. Morning @Benice!
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