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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. We're already talking Engage leak discourse. I think I'll have to leave after all. Even Dayni Speedwagon is scared
  2. Make one that can serve as a pillow and I think you could ship millions.
  3. I will yelp if this is cannon Genealogy x
  4. FE lord saying "enough about me let's kill you?"
  5. I was hoping at least that much. Just blown out of internet existence. Anna's going to have a Valentine's Day arc which is just her ripping everyone else off That explains the existence of "investing" in Engage.
  6. I can't find a thread on Reddit. Was it there? Seems to me like that could lead to commanders with higher delay being benched rather quickly, thus encouraging you to consider the whole squad composition with that in mind as well.
  7. 8 days. We were so close. Batten down the hatches Teehee. Okay, so a system akin to FFT only with abilities actually affecting delay to a significant degree? Actual tradeoff for causing a large storm is nice. I can see from this bit what you mean about the UI. It seems a bit messy here. Neat.
  8. There has got to be some spice there. inb4 Sparks of Hope never gets another sale
  9. I'm going to wait and see for discounts myself.. Well, good luck if you get on that. Fair warning, in BW you don't get non-Gen 5 pokemon until postgame. BW2 is nicer about that. There's some reasons BW2 are my personal peak. You do that on route 10, we're done /s Me, hoping Ninty will do a sale before the end of March:
  10. "classmating"? Really? You know? I really like this line. Can I borrow it for the sig? Near doubling her HP so even if she's doubled there's a chance. Alright, there's worse plans. Stealth mode activated: when she stops they assume she's just a pile of coats left by fleeing enemies or duelists who went to fight unimpeded elsewhere. I'd lean towards something shorter for the moment if you're getting Engage, Black/White aren't the longest pokemon titles though they are pretty focused on their story. If this would be your first experience with the main series, I'm curious to see your thoughts if you do go for it.
  11. RIP Canas's kid. Somehow I can believe this line coming from localised and Japanese Phoenix.
  12. That's certainly one way to keep Douglas occupied.
  13. I meant getting that quality from the artwork in game. It's a sad thing. Hears Marry me from a corner
  14. So Kirby can beat Anakin now. Interesting. There's also an NB character who's become praised in the second season, including their relationship with a separate main character, though both are witches (which are seemingly treated either as a species or a more broad collective of same) so not as relevant. It'll be Switch 4 before we get a Vander this good looking. Vandad no!
  15. It's gonna be a bit, we already know Tennant's replacement (Ncuti Gatwa, who it turns out will be Ken in the Barbie movie.). Drop said good units who aren't cavs already. Considering BinB though, that's not that many not named Rutger, so that doesn't help you. I haven't had much of anything I felt I could add to the topic, but solid points imo. Any plans for advanced classes? Course, I went all in on flying Byleth on Maddening, so I can't act all high and mighty about monoflier team comps Is this first sketch for future alt Grandfather Frost, Doting Elder? I can only empathise with your frustration. I'm assuming you don't have any opportunites that could be taken to shift hours, even in a different place?
  16. Plush Kumagera and Candace. There, that'd suffice.
  17. As one of those who felt a bit mixed about it prior (Back in like Master changes period), I think not giving a crap has been helpful. BOI
  18. It was this or the getalong bracelet. This is the letsgetiton bracelet
  19. What's the thread today- *People discussing other people complaining about LGBT (Mostly T) representation. It's a good thing this thread isn't read by the whole internet. Nevertheless I have a zilch amount of points to raise, so good day.
  20. Deal with it Louis is a convincing argument to use him. To stare at them. I'll give a link here. Sooks covered it grand. Thankfully because you went Black Eagles you don't have to worry about Caspar and Ferdinand, who you can get to B rank before Part II. It seems like he's doing this quite often. After a while even the most patient of people would start to tire of it. Alternatively Fuck Ferdinand in particular /s I see we both share avoiding using the OP weapons. She's practicing her monologues, leave her be. I'll admit I'm not someone actively looking at the genre. It's telling the last thing I can think of that'd maybe count is Nosferatu (I mean, that isn't explicitly kid friendly.).
  21. Amazing. I'm assuming her hurtbox is accurate to her size then? Sounds pretty rough to face. Wait a sec you're not Ruben
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