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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. 32 Atk with Fire Chapter 10. What have we done. Screw it, Corn o'clock. Should have Nos, so we go Dark Mage, L&D, Elbow Room if that's it. Is Takumi doomed?
  2. Def +2 because no Natural Cover allowed (I was planning on giving Elbow Room and Strong Riposte, but sadly Chapter 13 hasn't arrived yet)
  3. I made the mistake of listening to Moon Channel's Korean gender war videos. To think the state of things can be that fucked in discourse, it's clear how little I know and that's ignoring what simplification has been given to the piece. I knew when I read first someone would say it. First in-house. Interesting to see the remakes were well enough received and selling that this went ahead then. (Look I'm only somewhat bitter about Activision's CoDsession and the consequences for other projects)
  4. Tall Felicia is going to end Hoshido. Odin gunning for Grandmaster? You stopped Dancer Arthur, how dare Alright, I'll stick with 2 for the moment. Haitaka, Sky Knight, Rally Def, Rally Luck, Swap Felicia, Priestess, Renewal, Gentilhomme, Demoiselle (Also, why would she have 4 skills, she didn't hit 15 yet. Also stuck as healer because weapon rank, unfortunate. This build would be cooler from Chapter 13 as well)
  5. My crackheaded idea of Xaixor being Saizo's grandad could be real? We've seen that. I feel like you could portray actions of the siege towards breaking it, but the waiting isn't what FE is designed for (why yes, I don't subscribe to Wait being the most powerful action) I confess, me too. Acacia already covered much of it, but I could see a submarine boom in a Hoenn sequel to allow players to access there before having Dive and possibly some other new settlement where you could get it. Just a thought.
  6. What a choice, all the risk with L&D Azura about to murder everyone on player phase and die in 2 hits
  7. Horny Jail needs more wardens. A good change overall, it's far from the first time titles changed mid-development nor the last. Team Tunnel would have taken Sootopolis's volcano out or at least dug a tunnel through the wall Moon people would use cheese to kill us all
  8. And with that.... pretty frustrating sequence (Cleared before the 30 second mark), Fusion is done. Samus has (assisted) planetary destruction on her resume, Omega Metroids got a redonk sendoff and SA-X helped I suppose. Fusion's last shot before the credits is on the real heroes, the critters from Super who saved Samus. Cute. I have been feeling like going over all the pure 2D Metroids (No Prime or Other M experience), but I'll leave that for now. Also, cave found on the moon. Any bets what kind of superboss is down there? I sure didn't help myself with how I ran about and got hit by more than a few Screw Attacks. It's also the one 3-phase boss and the second phase looked like it should be more second wind than it turns out to be, felt like I was doomed first time I saw it on next to no HP. Hey, it's virtually nobody, not absolutely nobody. 😛
  9. Let's go, capture time? Elise, Wyvern Rider, Locktouch, Mov+1 Niles, Archer, Skilltaker assuming Capture is available. If not, Effie in Oni Savage with Swap +Luk WOO!
  10. I have made jokes about SA-X delivering. It is currently delivering pain. I was not wrong. We've had another burning today. People were jeering at the security guard who had to be taken to the hospital covered over in a bag. Once again, doesn't seem like the arsonists have been caught, but public order unit called because the gathering crowd for it are being.... unpleasant, to put it mildly. Far right "influencers" have been, caused scenes and one or two have been detained. Some are calling for them to be treated as political prisoners. They fucking know what they're at. Got reminded of Josip Strok with all this talk too, you worry that there'll be gangs forming to do more hunting down to kill people. The money off extra beer sales will be enough for sponsers to insist and FIFA to lobby. Sounds like it was intended anyways.
  11. ....Well I slept through some arguments. Too tired to read through it all, just replying to the stuff I was noting last night. Good thing they're not as shit as us, that's a depressing stat. Considering a good amount of Pharaohs have since been mostly forgotten, I wonder if we've seen the consequences already. True, not immune, though it wasn't always quiet about resisting change (see the Aten mess). Now as to the preservation of the common soul, well I don't have the egyptology degree to dig into details on that. Plenty enough Pharaohs that I could see the land dotted with them. And imagine if it were still around how many there'd be! Oh look, they had golems prepped Will FIFA pull the shit they did in Brazil and insist you can sell beer to them?
  12. Pooped Fusion back on, got to the forbidden section. Once Samus said words I knew shit's fucked. I mean, the afterlife wasn't tied to where you got buried anyways, right? Aren't the offerings aimed at the Pharaoh? Wouldn't that make the pickings for the staff slim? Doesn't that make their chances less of making it less likely? It really isn't, last time I did some they got mostly blown down by a gusty day and the tarp blocking weeds killing them. The lone survivor was pretty dang big though. At their lowest not empty. Besides, time was the main barrier for us. Ah yes, the territory disputes. So of course NJ technically has jurisdiction over the least monetisable parts, no wonder the ferry from New Jersey was shuttered when we went. You need them working ASAP /s Good risk to people's lives as well, happened here too.
  13. Somewhat politically charged? Yes. Tasty? Yes. For the time of year that's in it. Look, I get it to some degree, considering we have lads calling for violence here who are very much willing to go for it and have priors not being adequately called out or responded to (I mainly am getting at the sort calling for violence in particular), when official responses fail, the desire is there to have people called out and pushed back against. Having to not use force is a choice of trying to take the high road that's easy now. I'd be less sure if they got cockier than burning hotels at night. Was there January, partly as checking for an ancestor of a relative of a relative over, you guessed it, land connections. The Statue of Liberty was still pretty dang busy so we weren't going to stop especially as we went in the afternoon. Was cold enough last January though, fair warning. I'd suspect (as someone who didn't tour) that the main reason they didn't go into restoring it is a question of it being worthwhile to bring it into full repair. And on cost assessment going "not worth the trouble and expense", Ellis is a small enough island and not as close to Manhattan as I expected. An example of central planning that was determined around a cult of personality? Hmm, not sure I want to be recommending it Get on gardening first as a step towards that? Not certain that it'd be a crushing loss (could be a R House/Senate for instance, I don't know how engaged people are on downballot votes in practice) but with how the elections are run there I'd feel like there'd certainly be panic for figuring out what to do. Is there a precedent for a dead presidential candidate this close to election time? Honestly I agree, he sure gets to spout unchallenged often enough. Children of same bother me, outright beneficiaries of that move made by their family and they tell everyone else to fuck off. Especially where they complain about them coming in with their foreign cultures and not assimilating and having their own cultural pieces they keep close to their chest. Why yes I do have those relatives, which rings out worse from a nationality perspective
  14. "Goddamm brokes" - Barron Petrov, industrialist I can see someone suggesting that name, but no way will they vote for it. Did I claim I was getting anything out of it? I'm not. Giving people grief for having negative thoughts about someone who has been acting badly and aiming it at them in some form had bothered me in the sense that it felt like a bit righteous for it's own sake. The point had been on not stooping to the worst kind of people's level, which had not gone on here anyways. How we feel isn't the same as how we act. Not wanting to see someone who has done us harm do well isn't doing something that would damage them, from getting them called out to physical harm. In that sense, I could have been better. Not all of us are in the position to be able to act "correctly", but I put it in a way that was brusque and mean. Apologies. Hate the idea myself, probably would take the immortality pill despite it probably being a cosmic horror idea. Starting small is as much about practicality in access as is practicality in succeeding. I'm not going to be able to waltz up to national departments and get my suggested changes in, because that's not happening like that because I could be claimed to be somewhat detached with reality as is, I'm not on that level. And changing yourself? I suppose it's a "change your mind" kind of deal it's going for, but we already know certain movements would use it in bad faith. Ultimately, acknowledgement should be one part of the whole, with further action taken. If I were perfectly aligned on certain goals I'd be doing a fair amount differently, so I know I ain't there yet. But it's something.
  15. The plot thickens...... (/s before anyone thinks this isn't just a phrasing goof) Also apparently Trump's injury might have been caused by glass from something that got shot nearby? I mean, considering how bad a shot the would be president killer was it's possible? Not sure that's the case off the wound, but I'm no expert in that. Whatever about excusing it, acting like people being frustrated by someone in a prominent position where they aim to cause harm and not wishing them well where they won't act on it I'm willing to argue can come across as being on a high horse. I've had shifts away from thinking like that myself, but I don't blame someone for seeing a person who will act in their worst interests (if not outright attack them) and not wanting them to do well. Whether the Dems will respond to it like that, not sure. This does involve someone who has been a president and in the context of the US, that plays different to any other political figure, once you've been one you're still framed as such and people don't tend to respond harshly when one's life has been threatened. I'd doubt it'd happen. Just to compare over here on a tangent, we've had several politicians getting far right groups standing outside their houses to intimidate them these last few years, with a state response only coming after there was a group standing outside Harris (Simon)'s house there a few months ago. There was a decent amount of minimsing the risks of that shit before and nobody had been brought in when they were draping stuff on a minister's house recently enough before the act over the line. None of the framing was taken seriously before then, especially for opposition TDs, where you could read some taking a bit of joy in it or at least not caring. Part of me is curious about what horrors were viewed, but I don't know that I'd take it well. And then there's the "Life's going on with all that's happening?". For so many, there's the reality that they just have to. Whatever about strength, pushing on through rough times is kinda expected in our societies, whatever about how okay that is. Arming oneself to realise that we have to be able to get up again, much as when it's in your head it can weigh like a ton of bricks while dancing on a few neurons and feel all encompassing. I'm not saying you'll be ready immediately, get it right all the time or even that you'll see it when you're in a mental quagmire. But life goes on, and we should too, for the time we have. And I write this next sentence knowing it reads pretty fucked up but I do want to make a point with it: "You're already in that position of privilege, what can you do from there?" What I want to get it with it is that we're in positions of privilege in terms of the world as a whole whatever about our relative privilege where we are. There's places to do stuff close by I hope. Look at what you can do from where you are, as much as you can. Curious to see if recent Far Right merging will lead somewhere with an incoming General election here. Decent chance, but I'd also argue they're really not bringing the best forward and you kinda need that in a political system so embedded in the past parties, but a general election will be the real test. I first thought that was about the race of the shooter being white, but then I realised it was, for different reasons.
  16. The memes are fast. Hard to blame them. Wew. Just, wew. I slept through the news cycle for this, though it apparently happened before I was asleep? To the extent this is how I first got an inkling of what happened. Learning the shooter was Republican and 20 and of course died so any profile will be limited, that's rough. The accusations will be flying. Let's be honest, more than a few people wouldn't be sad if he'd actually been killed. Fair enough to say when you don't think you're at risk. I don't blame anyone for being fearful, the man's given enough reason and shown enough willingness to just roll with policy like the stuff he said he's going to implement this time to cause alarm. Here's hoping it works out well for you. Fucking Suarez biting into a Canadian victory Yeah, that's all true, watch the guns be clawed back all week in Milwaukee, I think it's where they're doing the RNC? Rest in peace Seeing someone causing violence get hit back is an interesting exception to out "please no violence" rules in a social sense. Oh jeez where's this coming from? That's such an obvious edit too, can't even make the gun look like it was on the table smh
  17. Funny seeing this and realising the continental shift is going to go differently than I expected, that says it all about how badly I was seeing it in my head. New York and Cape Town being in the mountains and arguable part of one long mountain range is a highlight. JRPG ass world here. Irrespective of the limits of his observations, those coming after would be affected by his works (Seriously, who makes out a baby's curiosity of the world because the don't know anything about it and conflates immaturity to an "oral fixation"? One might have to question his own sexual maturity) It probably is just me making a joke. Of course not, they're too in awe at the beams. And for his son to clean up afterwards King of All Cosmos is a garbage king and a revolution is required that the Prince is ill-equipped for
  18. THE RAEBURN SHIELD IS COMING HOME now to try and make an 18 win streak again fuck As an aside, actually dark pokemon comic alert. The real final's next week Oh, it's overnight here, oh well. 😛 Least Canada got that far. Shooting a gun with a bean fired from the robot's breast, is Freud screaming in the background or is that just me?
  19. Peace is temporary, Discourse is eternal Hearing that, I just went "well that's a chip on the shoulder still attached" Considering it's The National, surprised at the restraint to not have the Eye of Sauron in the bellybutton I would be unsurprised that they just didn't think of it. Should be fixable right? If they really wanted to take you for a ride they'd add additional slots as DLC
  20. I had an exchange where we happened to be discussing fandoms and one of us then chimed in with "Like Superstonks" Which, not wrong I'd argue. I was understating with my not great to begin with, but yeah, no quipping that one. Hadn't even seen that line, which would be bad optics at any age in context. I suppose the argument is that Biden is less able to form full sentences. Which of course considering Trump's sentences, moot point. But no question, being involved in the campaign would be stressful without all that. SOME OF US WERE TRYING TO SLEEP
  21. "Up yours slept sinners!" In lighter news, I finally got it. Which, yeah not great. Can counter-operations include demolition in this case? Horatio pointing at Horatio memes are the next stage. Coming up to Nightmare now, what fun. (Is what I said beforehand. Like, it's an interesting fight, but I had a pretty bad few times and had to refight it as well. Haven't faced that boss yet.)
  22. I hate Yakuza. For clarification, I'm on about the Spider boss in Fusion. Nettori (The plants) also frustrates, but Yakuza drove me mad years back and gave me more stress even this time and Nettori is cooler as a concept. Wait, are they able to build inside other civs? Okay, that is cool. I mean, why would there be art of sanctuaries when they're other's buildings? ZERG RUSH If the game's objectives had more to do with peace it'd be fascinating to see how this civ would work there +2 Approval on Hot Planets Oh Horatio. The cultivation is pretty dang messed up, imagine living under that rule, hearing rumours of it? Splicing in hive minds. What could go wrong? Sounds about right. Wait, he's already Taoisea- You mean the US one. Ah. Or is this about Biden calling her Trump?
  23. Been playing Fusion, not too much to mention, currently haven't entered ARC yet. Have to note that this game has mimics. Fuck sake lads. I forgot that was a thing. Fair enough that you'd have fewer factions if there's a bunch more to distinguish them on units and mechanics. So it was one thing, only to break apart? Does it work off limited units in playthroughs? So they're all on the cloud? Or is digital soul separate, tied to a robot body? The Vodyani really took to worshipping their IT tech saviours quickly after. Man made himself a whole planet of himself. I've seen enough Red Dwarf to know where this is going. Can't say go fuck yourself to him, he has that in spades So a species of warrior ants that forces all others into worker roles? I read them as a bit of a rush species in game from this description.
  24. Oooh, all the hive minds. Looking at reviews, they might have a chip on their shoulder about Civ though. I don't know if that's fair for the game with a place called Chadhun. I'd remark more on how many planets have blown up, because she has a pattern. Considering what he was drinking over, yeah direct communication would not fix that. The sheisbeuw9 bow units certainly make me sad.
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