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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Oooffffff To be told you're wrong because they don't see things the same way no matter what you say is a frustration. It hits different with family is all. We're told to be wary of what you're told by others as a child but for all that so many of us are remarkably incurious about things being said to them and take it on the face of it. Oh no, the joke got shot.
  2. Cute :3 Oh fuck me. The Khelif discourse was out and out shit is what I'll say there. Telling me I needed to keep my mind open when she's the one with the closed perspective smh There's not quite the type here, besides I'm already used to the idea of at home care rather than being taken away into retirement spaces with my grandparents' experience. Difference for them was they had most of their family nearby on my dad's side and the other one was actually closer to town, neither of which would be true with the parent's plans. You'd wish so many of those involved in terrible decisions had it.
  3. I have to wonder what's the reason this happened. Man with country on his shoulders finally lets 'em know how he feels /s It's just frustrating, they act like my temper is not okay but it's arising from them not fucking listening, which I got yet more of on this whole shit in the boxing today. They take one headline as the whole truth and anything I said had one of them going down the "well she should be in a special category then", which drove me up the wall and it turned out even that info was liable to be wrong so.... yeah, I said I had my regrets and I meant it coming back. Well, someone has to be keeping an eye in their later years and it makes the most sense to be me, that's the truth of it. It's a bit shit, but it's not the acrimony in this. Knowing where it likely ends up I hate it already, don't like the place, just the right amount of remote to drive me up the wall. I was asking myself if it was undiagnosed ADHD Executive dysfunction is a word that can be very unfortunate if someone misreads the first one Yeah, I'm not surprised to see this, plays out too much. Great time at the table. (Also, mandolin? skull guy's got a real taste for instruments)
  4. On Khelif, fuck the disinformation cycle. Sure, he also would be frustrated by them talking like this. But he immediately responded that he couldn't do jack shit about it and all this, very aggressively at that. I definitely felt the spines of an emotional cactus there. They passed it back on to me that it was my fault because I took offence, I'm at this stage just emotionally damp and not really dealing with them because it's easier than the alternative. Doesn't help I can expect to be the main carer of them in future, despite wanting to be there less. So a prison cell that was made to be the rotisserie of prisoners was used until it kept taking arms. Jeez. No kidding.
  5. Wow, that's discomforting I'M/TRUMP Thing was he was saying it as a practical answer to the situation, that if you can't get over their mean takes then it's easier to just leave (which is a great take in a world where increasingly hateful views are being left unchallenged /s). Family is messy at the best of times and he could stand to be better with me as well. Needless to say my mind has been on letting them be the ones to initiate, but considering chances are they won't as long as they don't need something (except for my mother but that's another kettle of fish), I feel like they won't understand why I'd feel hurt that it feels like I'm mainly to be useful and that any contributions they disagree with are my fault, that they're perfectly fine and no, they don't need to ask if they might have done something wrong. It's a mood, is what it is. Figured, but more commenting I can't think of any place selling above 18" here,
  6. Boxing the drama I probably should have clarified that I was on about the microbes in particular, especially as said fecal transfer isn't having to deal with that factor by design. (And wouldn't the yogurt advertising be mainly about the nutrients anyway?) That's not a small pizza box that's for sure. Can't even think of a place selling 22" here
  7. I did wonder why that diner's portions were as big There's the usual blatant corruption in bidding, you know, brown envelopes and all (I'd happened to see a video discussing the topic, but I'd rather not link because it's an ongoing series and they're certainly not what I'd call moderate), much as that has changed in current bidding with the whole system altered to prevent the opportunity arising (they now have a subset of IOC members select from bidding cities and there's a vote on the choices one at a time in order of preference on the criteria. There's apparently scoring data left for public perusal, wouldn't know that link). I'm not fully knowledgeable on much of the issues, so I'll leave it there for now. And yeah, those who partook in corruption rarely received punishment for it, only encouraging them one might argue. I didn't hear about the connotation between the two. 🎶John Kellogg longed to purge the world of vice and sin Sugar as the devil, probably would have agreed with Lulu Hunt Peters on a few things. I'd say Edison was a pretty massive asshat too, aside from Tesla he certainly used his own power to his advantage. Plus a friendship with Henry Ford is arguably an indicator of those in high places and all, but Ford is certainly a choice of lifelong friend. I see Taft I think of a webcomic from long ago where some 'mon representing Reoosevelt Sr shouts at Taft and punches them A great series of events to be sure, but my heart's not a response here. The point was bringing in gut bacteria associated with healthier guts compared to the recipient, not sure what a commercially made yogurt would provide in comparison (But considering putting in the usual way would be unlikely to succeed.....) Why does the outfit work for Alcryst?
  8. https://www.eurogamer.net/olympics-ditched-mario-sonic-series-to-explore-nfts-and-esports Lol. Lmao even. Didn't say they were. But yeah, all part of the programme he sold to better the mind and soul I suppose. (why is there a butterfly in the emojis don't ask why did I ask-) Not to mention supposedly that same former patient getting a look and then selling them himself, leading to that fallout. No wonder their fallout was messy. Also that secretary was just awful. I get that their thinking sex was the root of all ills was their strongly held belief.... ....Are we sure he was anti-kink with some of these measures being used? Ah yes, the old "Pass the old culture batch to my ass" True story, I went to a university which had a dedicated gut microbiome research facility. They tested fecal transfers to pass better gut microbiota between people and had results from it. So this is not as surprising, but it seems a risky play if the yogurt was made with bacteria that might make things worse. Ah yes, inflicting trauma to heal trauma. The most effective method /s Still not over Dopesick and Richard Sackler going on about taking away pain sounding like a JRPG villain, this guy would have been his nemesis It's amazing what positive results can get lost in enforcing chastity cages and slapping machines. Ah yes, such rich clientele as the man who stole his cereal. You'd almost not want them. Battle Creek Sanitarium: another victim of the brokes. This current wave of seemingly the last 4 or so years which, yeah, kinda has issues on the regular. Father: "Shh, let her cook"
  9. Everything I learned about Supernatural was from an outsider's perspective, including learning there's a Scooby-Doo crossover episode. This is the closest I've ever been to being interested in seeing this show. Also, I probably need to change the SNES emulator on the bean machine. Worked fine for GBA hacks, but Biraku Emblem went to a black screen before the first map and Lil'Manster didn't even finish loading, hell got the machine stuck a bit. Also SD Full Content Patch crashing out at the decoy scene likely, but I had that issue on PC emulation as well. No idea about that, thought the notes said that worked on emulator. Kid cosplaying Leif when? Could be a (younger) Larcei looking at this art) Yandere stans wearing the no fear shirt only to rip it off when they see their interest and the shirt underneath says one fear with a heart and the interest inside I've heard enough about that to decide I''m fine not knowing any more about what went on there. And yes, it was that brother Kellogg whose focus was that (Also a good old dose of eugenics /s), the other one set up the company separately after some falling out and some other guy robbing recipes maybe? Something they did must have worked, both lived to 91
  10. As a current victim, bruh What fun /s A degree of caring more about your own cause in it at too, just, *sigh I don't have a thing to add on that, just, sheesh. And hey, just an aside if you hadn't seen it, but least there's proof he didn't get votes somewhere. It feels like the latter to me. Hana: (Like Takumi needed more negative reinforcement)
  11. Of all the bullshit to learn over a decade later, learning my monograss Emerald run deleted itself because it was ran off a crappy Emerald rom is not one I anticipated. It's almost a joke, someone who can act this confident about his grip on the system and not be bothered to see that it tracks. Even if it's a fuckup (And let's be blunt, that would be stupid generous in interpretation) and not just not giving a fuck because you're untouchable, it's still a bad look. The response not being massively escalated compared to prior elections is likely why I can't see this changing at the moment. In a point of frustration, it feels like it doesn't matter.
  12. Seeing as Corrin was made Elincia too, I should probably change Xander. Marcia's there too so we keep the staff flier, but considering she's skillless, maybe FEH will help? Fury and Spd/Def Gap, so the latter makes me think the rallies would be fine, but instead of those, I'd like to replicate Fury..... but there's no class skill for that, or anything for isolation off her weapon besides Relief. Might just say Rally Def/Spd to get it over with, but I feel bothered I couldn't replicate anything else adequately. (There's still Danved, Nephenee, Keiran, Mordecai and Nealuchi to imitate, just for those looking for who else to go for) That's why this needed the BR cast replacing CQ /s
  13. I needed a meme to express this emotional response
  14. @Interdimensional Observer Tried out Shining Soul II, turns out they actually had a better game in them. Better control feel (not perfect, isometric combat can still have blindspots and areas where you miss when you think you hit), looks like it might have a bit more go to it (I admittedly tried a different class to the first one so that might be less so than I give it credit for), the map design had been more interesting (when they didn't have a sidequest reuse levels from the first game's dungeon), with the visual look better already and by the second dungeon they're doing a quest on the map that just starts up, you can choose to interact with or not, you get to interact with more in the castle (though it does have the issue of then running around the whole place to find stuff like the aforementioned quests), the economy in this game actually has things for the player to engage with from the off, the boss I did fight surprised me a little, I felt like the bosses in the first game were spongy and you just had to figure out their strats and it'd be easy peasy (when not BS like Michaela) but even this first boss made me think there'd be more to the fights and there's actual interactions for the enemies (Like the quest in the second dungeon I mentioned), even the music's better. IMO, you're free to skip 1. 2 might be worth the trouble, I can say more about it in much less time imo. This is just the trick. EEEE PONAAAAAA Man, imagine just waking up to this. Your planet suddenly entering a new system of planets with all their jazz to face, navigating dealing with, say a bunch of sky islands in one world our a waterworld in the next (because we all know it's happening), and not even a camera commonly available in HD to show off your dragon clips 😛
  15. I've definitely gotten Xander to 1-shot range, so fair enough to pull back when it's not an option. Nice fallback when you can't go ham out I suppose. Oho. It's time for some deviations. Sure, Ninja Hell is a pain, but I still can manage it more than the late game if I'm honest. You didn't boot Shura. Alright, another option. Let's take three. Haitaka, Songstress, Inspiring Song, Seal Def, Seal Res (See if it works this time. If not, probably do something akin to Danved) Xander, Falcon Knight, Rally Skl, Rally Luk (Rally King) Shura, Bow Knight, Seal Def, Seal Mag (It's Astrid time) EditL Realised why Paragon and Aptitude mightn't work on this map
  16. Context intentionally withheld Interesting, there's still a lot to prove to say this is a result of microbes and arguably there's evidence to suggest it could have been abiotic, but it's something to actually investigate. You'd hope, considering it has the chance to learn from the first game.
  17. Tried Shining Soul on the bean machine, I got more into it than I expected (Got to the 5th boss, at which point the freeze worms made it more tedious than I cared for), because it's a top down ARPG where you're pretty dang slow (admittedly not helped by me taking the biggest guy in the cast), you go through dungeons fighting generics for most of it picking up loot as you go until you find the boss where you actually are incentivised to retreat from the dungeon, accuracy can be spotty as hell because it rolls to see if you hit and the music sucks. Also, this is what they killed Shining Force for. That's kinda sad. Meanwhile, some explanations for the boat scenes in Paris I suppose this makes sense, just having to realise how one handles a multiplayer game where the player mightn't have that option. Least this game has Download play as an option so multiple copies isn't necessary (Technically I have enough access to do three player, well barring two people willing to put up with my dumb interest in multiplayer games). The consequence of them designing the game to be possible with one player having to work around moving the others being that is unfortunate. Also, the totem is one trenchcoat away from the world's most giant Link Hmm, would have to see how that actually plays. I mean, I was getting at having all these bodies that can only be effectively controlled one at a time (what effective AI? :P), imagine the chances that if you were alone doing it you'd likely be tracked as multiple people for tax purposes. Thinking about other possible cases, there's nothing quite on the level of this hypothetical of adding HnT characters to to the base game and altering events due to it. Archanea Saga got attached to NMotE and that's probably the closest to that example there is, with the characters being recruitable in NMotE. Aside from that, what else, Suzuki's Genealogy novelisation (Apparently some original characters are in it)? Cornelius in the anime? Billionaire hangers on advocating for another one?
  18. Vance can't shake off the allegations It's wild that false allegations might actually sink his chances. I was on about dancing, but sure. Apparently it ended in 2020, with the Hasha cards being in 2017. Except Al got a final one in the last set, because ooops all lords Might be worth seeing if it's still out there. The recliner could also end up taking advantage of the person getting too comfortable with their guard lowered. Ah, so you're playing body swap constantly. Imagine being one consciousness and having multiple bodies to control. would be a mess. Okay, that's fair, just getting it wrong.
  19. Well, that's my bad in the end, nothing else. Congrats on the finish as well, to yourself, @Eltosian Kadath and commiserations @Codename Shrimp to the end of SD cutting it short. Holy shit someone said it. I mean, I had a rough time of it when I played ORAS, but that's me being bad. Wallace for being monotype still does a decent job of mixing it up.
  20. 5 years of discourse baby The heresy for the Fallout 2 Mod was more about the older Fallouts in FPS viewpoint, but still, you have to admit that's some real effort to be putting away. Suppose so. You mean AM2R? Man they really wanted that dead but we all know the AM2R is out there. The Enclave? And this heresy? Hasha no Tsurugi's still obscure enough isn't it? Maybe the conclusion would be confusion as a while. And sheesh, how long has it been since Cipher wound up? Just realised it has to have been a while back. This game. It deserves horny jail. Don't get entangled with a piano it'll string you along and take the keys of your heart for itself. Looks like my hunch was right. Wanna try it next chapter? Chairem anime was a mistake, especially with the choose your own ending undermining the theming up to that point. He has Kumagera captured too, go into the thread to insist both come along
  21. Fellas, is this heresy? I could see that happening, but I would anticipate an outright fight to break out if the remake went as far as to alter the main plot entirely. Push characters down the pecking order? It's happened twice already. Make the OC out to be hot shit? I mean, Kris and Conrad exist. Adding more fights that people don't necessarily care about? Even SD got in on that. Do it all at once with the OC and with a special dragon child at that? After Engage? I can't see that not being a fanbase argument. Wouldn't be surprised if it's a property for captured units that they can't use it or sing. I'd have to use a logbook bought Azura to check. I mean, I have to wonder if Thiel's goon had the "bright" idea to show such a thing as the indicator that the internet is messed up and against all he's supposedly standing for. Even then, why? It's a weird thing to do. That's not even getting into those reasons. (And regardless of the veracity of the couch canoodling, the fact these rumours haven't died yet is a bad sign for his usefulness.) I don't exactly have small hands either. That it is the action screen is fair though, it's still where the player interacts with and all that entails.
  22. That is a very unfortunate typo. Also, I just realised something for a BinB remake. It'll have to address in some form the Manga weapons. They were originally a tie-in to reference the manga, but there's very little argument they'd do nothing about them in a remake right? This could be a whole other issue for adding another second protag to a game that already has several potentates to that role when the base story is Boi's journey. And if a BinB remake incorporates the whole of Al's arc? Oh boy I can see how well that goes down already. Even if it just retcons them out, what do they get replaced with? Steels and a heal staff will not be worth the trouble, especially for late on. Doesn't work for generics, I checked. Curious about that one, seeing as it kind of requires other players and my 3DS social network is nonexistent I never found it worthwhile picking it up. That point about parallel society rings about right for the time period as a while, though I keep thinking of the Victorian period which, well, is later on. Noting of course that point that there was no need to head off to begin with, of course aristocracy would stay in as long as could be gotten away with, the servents had the morning covered. It's all Ham-over to me anyways Once again, you have to absolutely murder the dream world. So many examples by now. Odd, I've gotten an application that can patch xdelta without a terminal for a while now. If this works maybe that's fine? I just found it nice to have the option personally, commandline can be finicky at the best of times. An aside, Got the content patch on SD, but despite saying it'd work on emulator, the attempt to play it crashed out where it said it would on flashcart in an emulator. Repeatedly. Across multiple emulators. I don't think I felt my hand was much of an impediment, though that is as much a benefit of level design as anything else. And yes, DS Boomerangs are certainly more varied in applicability than in other games, though arrows do cover the elemental use often enough in other games.
  23. Look, it's better than that person wanting us dead I suppose. I remember getting back from America, having to take hours to get back home, arriving around 11 and conking out till 8. I definitely was panicing there. Took a week to fix my sleep. Snazzy look, course the vampire shrimp gets one. Now that's a lot of score. So you didn't have all of Spain? was it all in pieces? Me, with a working situation incoming: D O O M O O M I'd say it's less of an issue with fliers, being able to pincer Hana's forces helps. Is the patch simple enough? Like, nothing that can't just be using tools? I'd say it's fine to take the time myself, Spirit Tracks is the better of the two, despite being railroaded (heh) I've played both as intended, so I suppose the question is are the controls the killer issue? Apparently not, but Phantom Hourglass was a long time ago. The main problem with that strat is if you're someone who doesn't have many DV users. I feel like you have to have more than 2 per side just to ensure you have flexibility with doing that. Yes you could have just 2 DV users, but they have to always be free to act on that, which doesn't seem likely with just, say, Corrin and Azura. Generic runs might have this problem, so I'm biased there. Sommie, my beloved
  24. I now have a desklaptop. A sort of safe port in the storm of life, I would posit.
  25. Here, an upload of the hurling final, which'll likely get taken down. What a game bais, what a game. Man, someone actually went for that style. Brave choice, you're likely very confident to go get that done and then walk with it. Can't think of anyone else doing that two-tone before it either, but I could have just forgotten any examples. Nah, it's no trouble. I'm back since June, it's been a while since it finished. We'll all pass by and be like the tide then? Not sure where I'm going with that one. As for charges on my end, there's only one who can pick up a controller and actually play it at the moment, the eponymous gremlin (as mentioned elsewhere) has some experience (I've even had them play Fates years ago, but they didn't really click with it, I'd assume because they were 5 or something) but I mainly do co-op with them. I'm likely to get asked for minding the (newly titled) goblin as they get old enough that it makes sense, but pick up and play is something I'm in a pretty good position with anyways. For reference, I left Teehee days before Engage came out. I wouldn't disappear from SF as a whole before January this year, for irl priorities.
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