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Posts posted by Ashnard

  1. _________ is an original female character in Fire Emblem who obviously serves as an idealized version of the author mainly for the purpose of Wish Fulfillment.

    She's exotically beautiful, often having an unusual hair or eye color, and has a similarly cool and exotic name. She's exceptionally talented in an implausibly wide variety of areas, and may possess a skill that are rare or nonexistent in the canon setting.

    She also lacks any realistic, or at least story-relevant, character flaws — either that or her "flaws" are obviously meant to be endearing. She has an unusual and dramatic Back Story. The canon protagonists are all overwhelmed with admiration for her beauty, wit, courage and other virtues, and are quick to adopt her as one of their True Companions, even characters who are usually antisocial and untrusting; if any character doesn't love her, that character gets an extremely unsympathetic portrayal.

    She has some sort of especially close relationship to the author's favorite canon character — their love interest, illegitimate child, never-before-mentioned sister, etc. Other than that, the canon characters are quickly reduced to awestruck cheerleaders, watching from the sidelines as _______ outstrips them in their areas of expertise and solves problems that have stymied them for the entire series.

    Have you guessed yet?

    Shes From Radiant Dawn.

  2. If hand-on-hand combat is a sure-fire way to gain the glorious status of a victor then by all means use hand-on-hand combat.

    The ancient Chinese military general known as Sun Tzu once quoted that, and judging by his amount of experience in the combat field I'd conclude that he had more general knowledge than yourself my dearest chap, because he was the sole being that had given birth to physical means of death. Then for the time afterward he perfected the art so when sparring with another gentleman he would not give in to fatigue and ultimately lose his very life.

    After he had completed collecting his funds from the defeated enemies in an organized rectangular arena used for the means of combat, he proceeded to purchase two of the same species from the animalia kingdom located on the planet Earth which then he continued to guide them in an organized manner onto a relatively large vessel, where he proceeded to beat them senselessly for reasons unknown.

    And since that day in history any time a significant amount of animals are in a single area of space it's referred to as a facility used for the means of storing wild animals for public use.

    Except for the instance that the animals are stored on a privately owned plot of land where they are used for organic products, in which case that would be a farm.

  3. In long-past archaic days of old, there existed A marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia which, to its own misfortune, was quite repugnant.

    This creature was, indeed, so horridly repulsive, sickening and grotesque, that, alas, the fate that had befallen those unfortunate enough to gaze upon its nightmarishly ghastly visage, was an agonizingly lengthful and tormenting demise.

    And, that, my friend, is the conclusion of this cautionary tale.

  4. In a widely-read study, Harvard Business School students were given a case assignment on Heidi, a real-life successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. But there was a catch. Half of the class randomly received their case with one teensy tiny change made: The name "Heidi" was changed to "Howard." Afterward, the students were surveyed, and though Heidi and Howard were found equally competent (as they should have been because they are the same person), the students found Howard much more likeable. The following ad pretty much sums up why.


    This is all just a sexist issue.

  5. wow that's kind of harsh

    do you feel good about putting new members down 'cause you're not too recent a member either. he's embarrassing himself but you're making yourself look like a joke.

    also you spelled embarrassing wrong jerkface

    also this post isnt serious :>

    Don't insult ZeeEmm, i'm not saying what she said was right (we all know might makes right) but hate only creates more hate.

    Love heals all wounds.

    who the fuck are you

    even i don't want you around and i feel i'm rather generous

    you're just embarassing yourself man

    Shhhhh, I love you too.

  6. You've got your chance to make the events of RD never happen. (At least the ones the involve Micaiah)

    Micaiah seems busy, and doesn't notice you behind her with your sharp dresser.

    Do you stab her in the back and end it all?


  7. There is literally nothing in the entirety of FE10 to even begin to hint at the two having any compatibility or interest in the slightest.

    ... But people seem to be getting legitimately angry about it, which is nice to see.

    Here's a quote from the recent lord Chrom:


  8. Hello my good fellows. I would like to welcome you to the IkexMicaiah club.

    It is exactly as the title suggests. If you find IkexMicaiah a great pairing, the series best protagonists, an utterly fantastic units, Ike a good choice for Smash Bros., their both brilliantly designed, and finally believe that love can conquer all then go ahead and join up.


    1. Love and enjoy IkexMicaiah pairing
    2. Try to be civil, if you offend someone, apologize. Yes, this is a IkexMicaiah thread.

    Current members:

    • Gary Kain
    • Ashnard

    Now go express our love for IkexMicaiah.

    Love heals all wounds, and frees the heart from hatred.

  9. I really wanna say something here to defend Micaiah, but I'm kinda dead sooooo

    I don't really think she's that bad actually. The problem was that the focus of the game was improperly put on her instead of the real lord of Daein, Pelleaus.

    Lucky you.

    A good micaiah is a dead micaiah.

    Micaiah is not the one to blame for her actions in RD, blame Pelleaus. He was the King, a shitty one at that. If the story was based on Pelleaus living, Micaiah would have been forced to marry him. Thus the creators of the story killed him off and made her take the blame for the actions of Daein. They were very persistant on there OTP of Micaiah and Sothe. (Although thats like marrying your mother, but incest in fire emblem always rampant)

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