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Everything posted by WIRE Shut

  1. So I can officially get hyped as hell, god damn that is a good line-up, even if I never played a starfox game and I have only played bits of Metroid fuison I am still happy to see them back, especially if the 3ds metroid is 2d, if the conference gets my hipped I might buy a WiiU around christmas.
  2. This doesn't look very good,there are plenty of difficulty hacks for FE8, the only big difference is the obtainable Juna Fruit, you took away some characters niches, why would I even use Garcia now, we have Ross who obligated to be a Fighter, if the growths haven't changed he's just better (you should probably state the growth/base changes), either way this seems kind of pointless, from the screenshots you didn't even change palettes, and removing a class is just bad if you didn't even switch it with a halbierder or something, plus why buyable dragonstones if the are unbreakable, I could complain more but this is just a out of boredom patch.
  3. Yeah fe9 would be much better without the magic nerf, even magic users are nerfed growth and base wise but that's another story, the only magic user I could count on was Rhys most of the time as Tormod became a healbot after promotion Edit: I think they wanted us to use Ilyana as thunder magic is the only one with a S rank weapon
  4. In awakening there is no reason to use any magic other than the thunder magic line, Celica's gale and the dark magic tomes, wind magic's niche is really only useful against wyverns because thunder magic does about the same damage against pegasus, and even then it doesn't matter because wyverns have bad res, fe9 was horrible with the whole anima trinity deal as well, mages became nerfed as hell and it took ages for them to get up a weapon rank so you kind of where forced to use 3 sages with you wanted to be able to use all the tomes, either way if it was implemented like fe10 I wouldn't have a problem with it returning
  5. I think Griffons where a one time thing, but I don't mind them returning as long as they don't use that weird screech
  6. Other metas are really cool I've been in that bandwagon by some time, I miss Averagemons... Thank god Almost All Abilities is cool regen cores and aerielate dragonite everywhere
  7. Ethlyn, she gives birth to Leif and is one of your best healbots if only she didn't go away mid game.
  8. Hoenn definitly had some of the best designs and some of the worst wtf castform. Masquerain needs to mega into a Bug-Water again, such a unique typing only used by its pre-evolution. Something like 70/60/82/110/92/100 with Speed boost, not good enough for speed boost to be broken but it's still good.
  9. Well at least I stopped lurking, I'm kind of new.
  10. You should click on them first, they are very different.
  11. Hello today I took this opportunity to introduce myself, even if I'm probably gonna change my name to something different since Hoenn isn't even my favoruite region. I was introduced to Fire Emblem by a pokemon youtuber called NBZ, I first got my hands on a copy of sacred stones and I loved it, them I emulated some of the other games(fe7,fe6,fe9,fe11,fe12,and i'm corrently playing fe4), I got into the Awakening hype but ended up hating it to pieces and I take any change to bash it. I hope you guy like me and I don't excpect to get lost.
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