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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Oh no I missed Dio and Pilot




    This counts as a "ForgottenMan" situation right

  2. i could tell her brother to poke her but meh

    i shouldn't apologize for something i have little to no intention of actively changing in the foreseeable future

    reminds me of superbus complaining about his concussions, and how his physician banned him from hockey but he kept doing it anyway or something

    you know you want to

    Exactly. As it should be.

    to be fair the guy is drunk so Yeah, I'd hate to be in that position. It'd be really tough to give it up. It's been pretty much my main outlet and activity.

  3. sent her a pm 3 weeks ago, no reply

    i am what i am


    You make no apologies for what you are. As it should be.

    You spent quite a while destroying that slot machine.

    Well, the level in the game IS endless, sooooo

    have you correctly sacrificed the children for the ritual

    Real talk, I'm honestly a bit out of the loop on the subject but I know Nashville got a long term steal with the defenseman trade. I was rather surprised that San Jose got that far last season but then again they didn't have much pressure. This said it should be harder on them and I think Nashville has a lot of tools to finally go really far, probably the Conference finals at least. Chicago's still a safe pick, probably LA also. Western Canada may be a bit less of a laughingstock, although if there's one team going way south it should probably be Vancouver. Not to say I think the Oilers are going to be amazing but with a decently healthy McDavid they can't be all that crappy. Minnesota's ok I guess, Dallas and St Louis should still be good and I wouldn't bet against Anaheim unless I missed something. Arizona's new GM is probably the most interesting aspect of the team, but I'd say results should be expected next year.

    In the East I'm not expecting much. I want Detroit to remain in the playoffs but I don't think that'll happen. New York and Boston seem shaky too, but then again I'm not expecting much from say Carolina, New Jersey or Buffalo. Tampa Bay should still be the dominant team with The Pens a bit behind. I guess I want the Flyers to progress perhaps, they usually have fun teams in Philly. Washington isn't going to do jack once the real games are going to be played.

    And then there's Montreal who needs Jesus Price to be anything higher than mediocre. Toronto's there too I guess. If Matthews can repeat that every game, that's a pretty decent 328 goal season right there.

    IT WORKED i assume sirius sent a message thanks sirius

    In the end, I agree with you. I think Subban is overrated star Montreal players tend to be that, but in the end it'd be worth the trade. I think this is the year LA starts to really fall off, especially with Quick injured already. Dallas is good, Anaheim will be slow then wake up halfway through the season as always, Sharks will be decent, Oilers will be okay, and I figure either Vancouver or Arizona is going to be the "weird team of the year" that ends up weirdly good for no real reason. I'd wouldn't be surprised if Calgary and LA were the bottom of the division. Probably just my dislike of the Kings speaking though. I figure Chicago only makes it in as a wild card, honestly, but we'll see.

    East, Atlantic is the "Panthers, Lightning, and one mediocre team for the playoffs" division. It'll be between the Panthers and Lightning for the division crown like last year. Lightning may get it due to early injuries, but who knows? I can't expect either New York to be any less than a wildcard each, and Pens and Caps will be their usual selves.

    Montreal has always been that. :rolleyes: Matthews had a great game, although there was a bit of puck luck for him. Great passes/going to the right place with the right bounce/etc. That second goal was beautiful though.

  4. same with marthur, incidentally

    so what's up

    That's too bad.

    Life goes on. Job stuff is same as always. Won another championship (higher level this time) in hockey this last season as goalie, and now captain a lower level one as a skater. Beyond that, not a whole ton.

  5. He doesn't browse this anymore and he's not online atm.

    At this point, what keeps this thread alive is TE getting people to play XSEED games

    you can find dio easily on steam, but he doesn't come here anymore

    Worth a shot.

  6. [spoiler=hoshido chapter 15 surprise]so basically unless kamui has an A support or higher with suzukaze he'll end up dying at the end of the chapter as he tries to save MU from falling off of a collapsing cliff or something.

    This along with Jill leaving in PoR if she talks to Shiharam in chapter 20 is one of the only two instances in the series where you can lose a character not in battle

    The best part was I had just spent the whole chapter feeding him exp to get him to 20 so I could promote him.

  7. What Chapter 15 Birthright surprise? I din't find much surprises myself.

    Maybe it depends on what constitues as "Surprise" for someone...

    Well, that's why I'm asking what surprise.

    maybe it's a difference on how you played it than me

  8. i guess the distance and the speed the ball was coming towards him were his demise

    More like overconfidence.

    Or rather, mind moving too quickly. I've given up goals due to the same thing (though not as bad as that). You don't consider it a threat and instead think of how to play the next few moments... and don't realize you've done something stupid until it's already passed you.

  9. I need a good gaming laptop.

    That almost sounds like a contradictory statement, Einhardt.

    My gaming laptop I got for ~200$ would like to disagree.

    ... Granted that's the benefit of working at an electronics store. :rolleyes:

  10. Doesn't stop further experiments. If people quitted at the first bad result, where would that put humanity, which has a history of centuries and millenia of experiment with the world around them?

    People forget Star Wars was only big BECAUSE of experiments. It wasn't the story that got people.

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