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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. hmph

    you're supposed to tell us what you've been up to every time you reappear

    Truly becoming the OldMan

    Work, in which I almost singlehandedly run a department and got passed over for a promotion for someone who doesn't know what he's doing simply because I can't work Saturdays and Home Office decided Saturdays were crucial to a job in which you cannot do any of the special work said promotion needs to do on Saturdays. Also split a season on a higher league in hockey with another goalie, got suddenly told they would be playing the other guy in the finals, and watched him give up 5 goals on 14 shots and us lose 5-4 in OT despite leading shots 41-14.

    So yeah. Business as usual.

    *eyes narrow*

  2. that's our pilot

    i've only seen smoke coming out of an old pata hd when i tried using it with a sata adapter

    I enjoyed one where a guy brought in his rig saying it wouldn't power on. I put it on our counter, flipped the switch, and the center of it lit up like a candle.

    "... Well there's the problem."

  3. Best priorities!

    Pilot needs to stop cursing me with his luck >:c

    I would say it's nothing personal

    But I have to maintain the image of a virus incarnate.


    My favorite was a power supply on a 3000$+ gaming rig that blew up. Not kidding when I say a puff of smoke came out of the back of it that looked like a fog machine.

  4. It seems Pilot's luck has some kind of aftereffect

    It only takes 20688 pages

    Go on

    I'm not amused.

    No wonder my bookmarks are messed up and lead to nothing interesting sometimes



  5. i see it's time for pilot's yearly visit

    and i also see saskules didn't see my post about the item drop plan

    I usually stick around for a few days on them, at least!

    why shhh


    quarterly visit

    I wonder if he made a search with his username.

    Because I wanted to be happy with being remembered

    Also just found out I'll have to go in to work on my other day off as well. Whooooo.

    More accurate

    I did. Apparently I got the top post of 10000. :rolleyes:

  6. champions! \o/

    you're the smallest one there


    I have small equipment, especially for a goalie, though I'm already really thin (average/slightly tall height wise, though).

    jenni approves of pilot's size

    ... Hmm. I don't hate this.

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