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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot


    Believe it or not I did not forget you but I've only seen you with like... two themes or something? So I figured I couldn't really comment on that~


    Sinistar, Amid (with and without Sirius goggles), Garnef, Zephyr, Tea, anddd......... anything else?

  2. You can literally feel when Pilot comes back here

    Pilot y ;n;

    I would feel a lot better if he ruined my luck in video games but when it comes to actual health... ;~~~;

    Aaaaand now after his ebay invoice my dad is going to only have $30 left over \o/ (and he needs to charge me for rides to work as well but I've got plenty of money still so I can easily provide)





    Ahh yeah there's one~

    So considerate

    [spoiler=But yeah...]I recognize Shirley as the one always using a feminine name and her name is just one word long (looks like there's only once she broke that pattern), her themes are always very very pretty looking and typically pretty girls and her avatar and signature are usually, but not always, the same image

    Kinumi and Koneko have cute yet simple themes (not always, I don't think...) and adorable art styles and sometimes they coordinate their looks too!

    Tontontontonton... I can't say I'm as familiar with his~ But I think he usually gets tiny icons

    Nightmare often has very MANLY and COOL themes, he doesn't venture toward girly sweet bubbly themes ^o^

    Integrity's used to be more animu but now he's gone to themes of irl people, Specta's usually about the same and they also usually coordinate their themes

    I think Dio's are usually spoopy or maybe even also manly themes, I definitely don't see him venturing toward anything girly

    Sask's I think I can just say tend to have a similar style to them... I think probably a lot of them are from around the same series, often. It helps that he hasn't changes his signature ^o^

    Jenni's are usually super super adorable and some of them can be incredibly simple and silly and some can look a bit more fancy

    Damian's... all I can say is that they seem to have a certain style about them, maybe they're also usually from the same series?

    I'm trying to remember more off the top of my head...

    Edit: GLASSES!

    I'd say ForgottenMan, but I've only had, like, what, 5 myself?

  3. I don't think i could get on

    "Find a shiny, system dies on me" levels

    I prefer running into a level 3 wild shiny Wishmur with 1 Pokeball in my inventory and only a level 16 Combusken.

    Or the obvious shiny Graveler with Self-Destruct.

  4. Suddenly Pilot

    THOUSANDS OF THE-- oh just one.

    Oh, Pilot.

    Hi Pilot.

    wow gone this long and this is the welcome i get psh come on guys

    Isn't Pilot the dude with the totally bogus luck?

    The man.

    The legend.

    idk but bogus luck is a very unfun trait to have


    You're telling me.

  5. Can I take your job.

    I'm doing essentially 3 people's jobs

    After driving an hour and back to get there

    for less than the pay of one person's job

    and end up taking the heat for other people not being able to do theirs.

    And now your avatar is all the more fitting. /patpat

    Indeed. *patted*

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