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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. I'm not sure if I like how at least in Pilot's fanart I actually seem tall, or if I prefer the roles to be reversed... ;u;

    Also hibye

    I partly made people larger based on how much they seemed to post to me.

    Also you're closer to the front.

  2. i don't know so far i think i have

    sirius : bottom right with visor O

    rei rei : next to him (i didn't have him in mind) O

    fruit : fruty O

    mumu : the guy standing next to her O

    rei? : 3ds O

    km64 : dude with the sword O

    marthur? : shades hipster X

    te/ntg : guy with girl in pocket O

    me : the guy straight from the 80's with a devious look on rei rei O

    idk : and why the hell is he tickling my arm X (Snapping his fingers to music)

    idk : number 1 guy X (Pun on name)

    freohr : dancing O

    idk : but that's a huge and old camera X (Reference to 'job' of the thread a while back)

    idk : painter in the corner X (Think 'fan art')

    and i have no idea who's the guy with the weird ears in the corner

    No ears, just a sweatdrop. :rolleyes:

  3. Nope! It had FE4 thread members doing various things. Maybe decorating or setting something up? lol. It was quite a while ago so it's tough to remember.

    Crap, you're right! It was so long ago, forgive me :(.

    I was going to make a Megaman sprite of 'ForgottenMan', but I'm too lazy?

    *Lands killing blow on Sonic 3 - Death Egg final boss phase (where he's holding the emerald and platforms are falling)*


    *Bounce back from the attack just barely misses the the next falling platform, falling to a bottomless pit and getting a game over*


    Infected by Pilot's Luck.

    Sadly, I've had this exact thing happen a few times.

  4. So how's work.

    Got yelled at by a guy who was returning something (that was opened and working fine despite his claims to the otherwise) and was told we were 'a bunch of f***ing thieves' and how he's going to sue us because even though we were refunding him and even waiving a restocking fee for him that we have to send him a check for his refund.

    So, about the usual.

  5. Am good.

    ...And it is annoying to have this happen before your going to work. Sucks to have it happen during your day off. Take some vitamin c. It helps.

    EDIT: Correcting myself, misunderstood. But yes, thank you.


    I'm not the one who made it forbidden though, I think it was Marthur and Dio. And some others. Saskules is in charge of cutting the things now.

    Indeed, Nightmare, indeed.

    Interesting. No surprise at the two who forbade it.

  7. ludt.jpg

    Mr. Amid/Pilot!!!!

    Good evening!!!! :D

    Goooood evening. How are you all?

    Also, I suppose you guys would appreciate the fact that I am feeling allergy/cold-like symptoms for the first time this week right as I enter one of my free days from work.

  8. Yeah, FE7 Luna is the reason I consider Canas the best unit in this game I'm feeding him all the stat boosters next time

    I can't let Uhai and Loyd attack, the only people that don't get doubled by Uhai are Raven, Lyn and Heath (Hector get doubled by 1 point) and Loyd can double Heath. Yes, I didn't know about the berserk Druid before and got Heath(who killed Athos) at 60~69 and Priscilla at 25~29, and I didn't have a Restore staff because I never really needed any through the entire game (nor in my FE8 run).

    I really should have planned for this more...

    Don't let them attack, just position all your units just outside of their range and let them come to you, then attack with everyone. And if you can't restart with giving someone a Restore staff, just retreat everyone as soon as the door to Nergal opens so no one gets Beserked.

  9. Doesn't guy have a max crit rate of like 105 or something so 89 isn't that farfetched if you do everything to max crit forever

    I know I was able to get Rutger up to 109 after luck deductions on the enemy end and Brendan doesn't have luck

    Could just be me getting RNG screwed (I tend to, as you can imagine)

    But I don't remember ever seeing one from Lyn that high.

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