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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Doubt a cookie could've changed your luck...

    Hi there.

    Well, a fortune doesn't necessarily mean it will do it, but that something would.



    Ha ha, just was funny.

  2. Great timing on my part~

    Bye Pilot!

    Luck of the Pilot

    Ehhhhh? Really? Tea hat would be awesome ♥


    it's okay...

    Don't worry, I'll kiss them better for you.

    Well here's that not-awaited very-short anecdote.

    Pilot's Luck strikes in England

    Me and my brother were trying out one of those coin pusher machines at the cinema. This one took 10p coins. We only gambled at most 80p or something, but hey, one of our tries managed to push one 10p coin out!

    We looked down in the dispenser...

    ...there was nothing there

    I'll consider it. Just need time to do it.

    "Maybe-cosplayers" since I might do it.


    Wow that sucks.



    of course.


  3. Pilotea?! :D

    Well like TheEnd said, you posted that at 8pm which is a perfectly good time for me to be on. I just happened not to be... unluckily for you

    I actually have a vest like that now, and have been considering covering my top hat and making it into a tea hat and taking a picture. Look at you, your artwork has maybe-cosplayers.

    See what I mean?

    And Jenni became a bully

    Look at what you have done.

  4. Meanwhile, I find ship/fighter combat boring as fuck


    you obviously haven't played any good ones D:

    besides, most shoot-em-up games don't count. I honestly almost despise those

    You depress everyone.

  5. And guess what

    I'll probably never play it because I don't like the genre

    You're a good Freohr.

    >: to be fair I grew up on Star Wars and the like so starship/fighter based combat is kinda a thing for me

    No wonder, she's been with you this whole time

    Tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea

    what what what what what what what what

    Aww I should've told my "Pilot's Luck" mini-anecdote when Pilot was here. Oh well, next time.

    You know I will never be online when you are now.

  6. Easy there pilot, not everybody will have the same experiences... indeed, though I didn't played SF, I did got to know Fox through Smash Bros, since my cousin had a N64. No, he didn't had Star Fox so I couldn't play it either way.

    you do realize I'm joking right

    Emulators, people

    They exist

    I thought you were all pirates anyways

    I might not have one either.


    If we're just coming out and saying it then, I uh, havent played anything on N64

    except smash bros and mario kart and mario party at friends houses

    N64 had the dumbest controller ever by the way, I could never understand it

    She is clearly the Freohr awakened by the suddenly ceased function of the tablet, borne of her negative emotions from not being able to do stuff...no longer Fre Fre...but Erf Erf!

    ...Which kinda sounds like a dog barking! Which has nothing to do with anything, actually!

    I would have thought of all people, Pride, you would appreciate greatness where it is.

    It's odd but I actually find it surprisingly comfortable. At least since 99% of games realized the pad and L-button were unusable and used the C-buttons and Z instead.

    did i enter bizzaro land or what

  7. I've never played Star Fox before and also only had a Sega as a child and for me it was all Sonic the Hedgehog and Streets of Rage II

    I am so so gloomy all the time


    who are you and what have you done with Fre

  8. Though it's TE, I wouldn't take that for granted.

    I told you not to vouch me on that...!


    Let me remind you of one thing

    I'm a Sega dude,


    I've never played Star Fox

    And there's your problem.

    No wonder you're so gloomy all the time.

  9. Not really. I'm just gullible enough to fall for this kind of thing often.

    You were here on May 24? Then I forgot... it's just that you're not here that often that it's kinda a forgettable matter. Though don't vouch me on that, I do have a bad memory after all.

    Well, TheEnd's kinda implied the same.

    ForgottenMan to the end.

  10. I'd punch you if I could for thinking you were serious... if not that I have to punch myself first for actually falling for that.


    Did people actually think I was serious?


    My days are not that exciting.

    Then again... dinnertime. Bye all!

    Hi and bye Pilot ;~;

    Hibye NTG

    In a month?

    And bye again, NTG.

    Well, May 24 was the last time


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