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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Hibye =o

    And also I was just about to go asleepy... It is getting late here D=

    So I guess I should get going... =<

    G'night, Fre. Sleep well.

    I decided to post once more.

    Don't create perversity where there is none!

    See? Lies.

    My apologies, I've been talking with Dio too much.

    Good bye.

  2. It is a monstrosity of a face.

    Don't worry, Fre. She just can't handle the cuteness.


    Why not hypobolic. What do you mean hypobolic isn't a word?

    I regret ever doing that. Not worth it when I can just use an AR or something to make the perfect Pokemon for tournaments.

    wha Sudden fruit attack.


    It's just so boring to me.

    Woah the place got lively all of a sudden...

    Totally just me.

    You shouldn't be surprised when I pop in.

    If you aren't expecting me at every moment then you are opening yourself up to attack, and it is your fault!

    She speaks the truth.

    For once.

  3. Did something start when you did?

    I've released hundreds thanks to breeding. So many Gibles let loose. You'd think they'd cause some havoc here and everywhere.

    It's just a regular FE4 Thread meme now, that's all. Just being hyperbolic.

    I'm not a breeder nor an IV/EV trainer. I did it twice, and I don't care to do it more.

  4. Expect this until I get an actual job.

    Build an actual chemistry within the team, hire good trainers/managers, make the game fun to play.

    Fair enough.

    Watch the Huberdeau/Mueller/Shore line if you want chemistry. I suppose I can't really speak for the trainers bit, but the team plays a quick transition style, which tends to be the most fun way to play.

    Again, what's killing them is the fact that they don't have the goaltending right now and they've lost 50% of their team to injury. Give them either of those and the team is up with Carolina in the standings.

  5. edmonton got a ton of those

    they still suck

    there's no guarantee that the player is going to be a superstar

    hell ovechkin is crapping out pretty bad these days

    Someone seems to be in a perpetual bad mood.

    How else would you prefer a team get better? Throw money at free agents that it can't afford? Just sit on their heels and deal with being bad? What?

  6. Is Dale Tallon still a genius.

    Yep. But he A.) Can't help the Panthers being the second most (and, if you consider how many people are gone for the season, most) injured team in the league B.) Make Theodore or Clemmensen be decent goalies (900 SV% what) C.) Get the rookies in the NHL any faster. The main move he made this season was Mueller, and look at his stats and tell me it was a mistake.

    I'll grant that Kuba was a huge mistake though. He sucks.

  7. Hmmm

    More Aiku~

    Pride got old on us

    Mention of steak that made me super super hungry ;n;


    I don't really remember that much =3

    Also I don't think this badge goes well with my theme at all ;A;

    I see. Glad to see Pride joining the oldie club.

    Steaaaak. Man, I'm hungry too.

    It doesn't seem too out of place on mine, but that might be because I'm using the red colored board.

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