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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. You probably have. You just don't remember them.

    I count non-remembered dreams as not happening.

    Since even if they happened, I'm the only one who'd know and I don't.

    i've got one

    the coyotes staying in phoenix while the league still tries to find a new owner


    Much better than the nightmare of moving them to Quebec.

    Or worse, Hamilton.

  2. Hi there Pilot. Shot down any slot machines lately?

    Hello. Not recently. Though fighters that look like: |o| , a few.

    Didn't you do this before?

    Oh well they're probably a new crowd anyway~

    I've done this like 3 times

    I'm not very original

  3. Hmmmm.... yeah I'm pretty clumsy....

    But usually in anime/games (idk what that character's from~) they exaggerate clumsiness a lot... So perhaps I am not as clumsy! =3

    (Character is Collete from Tales of Symphonia)

    Probably not as clumsy, but certainly a good comparison.

  4. Awww I like it when other people love because it makes them happy and it makes me happy ^~^

    And I love my own love too! It makes me happy and that makes me happy that I'm happy ^~^

    Oh and it makes my lover happy too and that makes me happiest of all~


    All I see here.

  5. New solution for consussion problems : everyone wears goalie masks!

    And oh wow, Ryane Clowe traded for 2 2nd rounders and a 3rd rounder. New York wanted a scoring forward and they got a dude with a single goal this season!

    Let's hope some of those Worcester Sharks are ready to graduate.

    Except they don't help against hits much. See: Smith, Mike.

    I wonder about that guy. He couldn't have dropped off so much so quickly, could he?

    There's not too much prospectwise, IIRC. Free agent time, methinks

    what a coincidence

    wait why am i not in bed


  6. Oh hey I summoned Pilot...

    Hello there!

    However, I am a fickle beast.


    But you still have your teeth.

    And your leg is probably not broken.

    I wouldn't if my mask wasn't great. One of these shots to the face is gonna give me a concussion.


  7. You can walk it.

    Clearly you don't understand how heavy goalie equipment is

    Although the 40 miles isn't the problem. I'm already going that far each time.

    It's the odd schedule restrictions I have that kill me.

  8. the fuck's a five guys

    i want a five guys

    Only the best burger place in America

    I bet it is something like Mc Donalds...

    That, my friend, is blasphemy and slander on the highest level.

    There's a Five Guys, Smashburger, and an In n Out next to my college.

    I honestly think Five Guys wasn't that good. I liked In n Out way better.

    Smashburger has its appeals when I'm in the mood for a specialty Sin City burger.

    Die monster, you don't belong in this world

  9. i'd just own the place, not be a real life version of spongebob squarepants

    i was just talking about being involved with the company at all

    Okay, all this food talk is going to kill me, so before that, good night Thread compatriots.

  10. I'm surprised people like In n Out so much.

    Then again I eat everything plain so maybe that's why I don't like it.

    I eat my stuff relatively plain as well.

    When it comes to cheaper burgers, In-N-Out can't really be beat though.

    it's almost four am and all i can think of is going for american burgers

    i'm not sure i can manage my own five guys franchise

    ughhhh foooood

    i'm pretty sure that requires twenty years of training under a master of the burger making arts in some secret location in a mountain range

  11. Inn n out will technically give you as much burger as you are prepared to handle

    just plug into the the equation mXc where m=meat patties and c=cheese slices

    ask and receive

    Five guys burgers are, as stated by dear Mr. Pilot, elegantly composed and masterfully prepared

    but theres a certain something in the style of the inn n out burger that just makes it better for me

    Five guys fries are elder god tier, though. Gimme Inn n out burger and shake with five guys fries and thats a meal of legend

    Sir, I must say, you have excellent taste in burger joints.

    why are we having this conversation at past midnight and making me hungry

    Apparently there's a bunch of Five Guys in my province.

    Sadly they're all in the Montreal area. Like plenty of other fast foods >_>

    find a way dio

    you can find a way

  12. I know how big those legendary Inn N Out burgers can get, but how big can those from Five Guys get?

    Or is it quality over quantity?

    The burgers from Five Guys are generally a hearty size, but not huge. Magnificently made, however. Plus they give you not only some of the best fries you can get anywhere (something In-N-Out really lacks in my opinion, as I don't find their fries particularly tasty), but they come in large serving cups and they dump another scoop of fries into your bag for free.

    I'd say 'quality over quantity' fits well.

  13. also wtf panthers

    Proper reaction to a Five Guys burger.

    Markstorm looks like he's finally settled down. It's helping a lot.

    I am not familiar with this one.

    Although Fuddruckers is pretty dang goooooooooooood.

    Probably just one of a kind thing Fuddruckers it is.

    Fuddruckers is quite good as well.

    My friend tells me to try it, just that it's pretty expensive to me.

    You must try it at least once before judging off of price.




    Five Guys is upscale In-N-Out.

    In price and value.

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