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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Just move north, never to come back. Seattle can't be a worse joke than Phoenix.

    Part of that was because a salary cap wasn't introduced. It also killed the Whalers and the old school Jets, both teams having a fairly good history and fanbase, for the profit of Carolina and Phoenix. I'd be a fool to agree that Denver's a bad market, though, but the move leaves a very sour taste when you consider what the franchise has been through. It was getting great too, though the Sundin trade was balls.

    They better fix the divisions too.

    I love the belief that the location of the place really matters. And yet teams like Tampa and Florida have more people attending than New Jersey, Boston, New York (Rangers and Islanders), Edmonton, and obviously Winnipeg.

    Holding a grudge because they took 'your team' is no reason to hide your eyes from successes and hold on to flaws (or perceived flaws) like a madman. That's why I tend to roll my eyes at a lot of the 'TEAMS SHOULD ONLY EXIST CHICAGO UPWARD' people.

    Not to mention if the NHL followed the logic people use now about which teams should move, no original six/original expansion team would exist. In case you've forgotten, Chicago averaged less than 10,000 pre-Towes. So did Pittsburgh pre-Crosby. And Boston just a few years ago.

    Winnipeg and Quebec weren't even filling their tiny arenas. It'll start happening again once the 'honeymoon' for the team is over, unless they win the Cup soon. Like 2 years soon. Give them a Florida-like playoff drought? Oooooh boy.

  2. Our own arena would be full EVERY GAME at over 15000 and it's considered to not have enough seats by NHL standards. Nevermind that the tickets would rival other Canadian teams in cost and beer would cost 11 bucks per glass.

    It was even full for some junior games, such as when big prospects like Crosby would be in town. I bet the game tickets cost even more than those for a few southern NHL teams in the south.

    Only a prideful cretin ready to destroy his sport would put an ice hockey team in the middle of the bloody desert and hope for success. He barely even tried to negotiate before starting the damn lock out.

    Relocation to Phoenix was based off of three things:

    - The lack of support to Winnipeg (despite whatever you might have heard, the Jets averaged less than the Coyotes now until the relocation talk started)

    - The lack of any owner due to the lack of financial sense to stay, especially with the Canadian dollar being weak

    - The existence of an owner ready to pay a large amount to be in one of the largest metropolitan areas in North America

    Pretending it's some evil scheme is easy. However expansion and relocation plans had already existed before Bettman. He was just there when it happened.

  3. I can understand a few California teams, Florida gets all the snowbirds and at least the Texas team was almost always successful.

    But for the love of hockey please let the Coyotes do like what the Thrashers and the Flames before them did.

    And who gets them? Quebec?

    The best thing that ever happened to that team was moving to Colorado. and not just because it let them get Roy

    The next expansion/relocation will be Seattle. Then mayyyybe Quebec. If it's a two team expansion for their realignment.

  4. It's not like you can tell what brands they are from the picture.

    Tour 550 Leg pads

    Mission Soldier blocker

    Tour 6000 Glove


    Poor Pilot. Nobody will believe him.


    could it take four more years

    who the hell is going to invest on a team that gets 8000 attendance for home games

    the junior team in my city gets more than that every night

    soon they're going to pay people to watch the games

    *~12500, with no owner and having a bad start in a bad arena location

  5. Hey, there's one good thing about this. Your negative luck stat hasn't killed you...yet. Hopefully it stays that way.


    I actually haven't broken a bone yet, either.

    A number of other painful injuries, though, such as shoulder dislocation a few times.


    >bring her here

    >become the new TheEnd x NTG


    >Something that probably isn't profit!

    Oh you :rolleyes:

    Who knows, with all that bad luck, it's bound to someday reach the cap and wrap-around back to positive values.

    Unless they are positively negative still.

    Reminds me of Marthur recommending that avatar for me.

    I notice many peoples' lack of activity =<

    Hi Fre.

  6. So romantic. Even if she doesn't stop his misfortune completely, they will suffer through his misfortune together and get through it.

    *Insert ship pic here*

    I'm too lazy to get it.

    We've joked about that quite often

    Will they?


  7. Ever heard of the pied piper of Hamelin?

    Indeed, but what does that tale have to do with anything?




    don't get me started on phoenix's sixteen goals allowed in four games

    Ridiculous indeed. Don't know how they managed to lose that game yesterday.

  8. Hey there.

    Good day.

    I should, your presence made me break some crystal glasses!

    Or was it a coincidence?

    Surely simply a coincidence, my good man.

    Just random chance.

    panthers suck

    dammit dio also stupid injuries and losing Garrison/Not having Kulikov till now

  9. Not even Stan Lee himself could save us now.

    He also can't get me out of jury duty


    Boo, jury duty.

    M-maybe this thread needs a party??

    Or another contest?

    Or another personality quiz?

    Or another something else??

    But... also I'm going asleepy but hopefully this place gets less boring soon anyway! ;A;

    Find something for us to do, Fre!

  10. Lovely.

    I'm finally starting to get used to everything in the department I work in and actually like my coworkers so far. And now I hear that my brother will probably be moving over as the main supervisor to that department and I'll have to be switched.

  11. So how about a concussion?

    The helmet was used in college and has puck marks

    If I get a concussion from pick-up games/eventual adult league play that's going to be ridiculous

    Nothing shall get in your way!!!


    Rather I'll be getting in everything's way.


    haha yess Pilot

    Thank you.

    Looks like fun.


    Throwing yourself in front of ~80 mph pieces of frozen rubber.


    Your body may be ready, but does your luck...?

    That's what the pads are for

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