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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. What is this destiny you speak of?

    Of having your programming corrupted by the thread. We're overcoming your ability to fight off the virus.

    Hmmmmmmmmm I can imagine the taste

    Best burger joint ever made. Bar none.

    Trust me, the idea of gangbang target Pilot was definitely in my mind but I decided something that a few of us would agree on would be a better post.

    Good Dio, be creative.

    Their everything is pretty good, I have a soft spot for the fries in particular.

    I could eat there every day of my life.

    Of course my life would only be a year long then


  2. Five guys, yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh


    Five girls : heaven

    I wondered what you'd post in response.

    "Rydia's boobs have magic so powerful it captivates even pre-defined forum software"

    ... What have I done.

    You're fulfilling your destiny.

  3. My feeeet

    It's a work of art.

    Take care.

    Why thank you.


    I approve.

    I thought you might.

    Forgotten as usual. *shrugs*

    Not necessarily, but you haven't been around too much recently. I purposefully went with people who were around fairly usual recently.

    The original idea had photos hanging on the wall with the subtitles "First Generation" (Maybe the FE4 Crews pic), "Second Generation", and "Third Generation", each with the usual people from them.

    Heehee yaaaaay I like it~

    I am filled with so much joy that you think of me as being that tall, Pilot ^~^

    Glad to hear it Fre. :3

    I.... I'm actually drawn?

    *sob* Pilot, oh you

    Ha ha, I thought while making it, "Hey, for once Rei Rei isn't underrated. :awesome:"

    Wow! But your effort makes up for anything! I like it :D

    Waaaaah I wanna guess first :D *mutters to self*

    Thanks, NTG!

    Sorry, I would have gladly done a guessing game if I didn't have to leave right after.

    Soluna's game is up.

    Oh you.

    Chalis is so small.

    I can only get two people.


    I know.

    I only recognized TE, NTG, Sirius, Musashi, and Tangerine.

    I'm still surprised I'm notable enough.....

    No Dio? Or KM64?

    You're active quite often.

    >Pilot's picture

    Let's seeee I overheard/saw posts about it so I didn't quite guess Chalis or Nightmare or Fre or Rey but I think I would have guessed Chalis and Fre! I could also recognize/guess NTG, TheEnd, Sirius, Mumu, Tangy, KM64, Fre, Pilot, Marthur.

    And TheEnd there reminds me SO much of Shiro from Fate haha!!!

    Not bad.


    Too cute! i could only guess rei rei and sirius

    Glad you like it! Not even NTG?

  4. ;n;

    Getting up early is always too horriblllleeeee


    Not sleeping is worse.

    Only getting two hours of sleep on an 8 hour shift on Black Friday that starts at 4 AM is worse.

    Thankfully don't have that this time.

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