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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. I wonder if truly... it may be one of those types that once you sever the head it all come down.

    Would you sacrifice yourself for the good of humanity...?

    Uh... I'd rather not find out


    Oops =<

    Well, this is awkward.

  2. I think I have a feeling I got to experience 1 hour of a Pilot day.

    [9:07:00 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): 1. You trolling me. In class no less.

    [9:07:02 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): XD

    [9:07:17 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): 2. I walk up to my dad's car. I point out that his left headlight isn't working.

    [9:07:27 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): 3. Someone nearly hits us when their light was red.

    [9:07:46 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): 4. When we get to autozone, the guy who helps us get the bulb installed takes about half an hour.

    [9:08:00 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): 5. We get to Vons, get my mom flowers (for THEIR Valentine's Day, which is today.)

    [9:08:02 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): At the line.

    [9:08:06 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): It takes forever.

    [9:08:09 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): guy has an issue with his card.

    [9:08:16 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): I tell my dad, "DON'T DO IT"

    [9:08:19 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): he switches to another line

    [9:08:23 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): he says go with him.

    [9:08:40 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): We get there.

    [9:08:43 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Line starts moving.

    [9:08:45 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): AND GUESS WHAT.

    [9:08:51 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): There's an issue with the guy in front of us.

    [9:08:57 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): The OTHER line starts moving.

    [9:09:04 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): We were there for about 20 minutes.

    [9:09:15 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): So on our way home.

    [9:09:32 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): 6. I get crit by a short axe bandit with 23% chance to hit and 3% chance to crit.

    [9:10:11 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): 7. We get home. Open up the KFC order my mom got. Turns out that instead of "No thighs" like it says on the receipt, it was ALL thighs.

    Reminds me of the last 'BadLuck' foldered moment.

    Wow, Pilot sure knows how to left a shadow of his bad luck when not around. lol

    That he does

    The infection

    it spreads

  3. Hello Pilot!


    Gotta go now though.

    Your luck is changing!

    lol j/k, not really.

    Right, getting cut down to 12 hours a week of work :awesome:

    Since it's only supposed to be a week or two, though, I don't mind so much and will enjoy the free time

  4. Your avi makes it look like you should always be feeling sore =<

    From now on, I probably will!

    Maybe he's sore because he looked at his ava.

    But I had this avi even when I haven't been sore..!

    Or wait

    Maybe that's when I switched to Sinistar

    I wouldn't be surprised, considering he plays hockey.

    Goalie, no less, so I'm constantly getting pelted with pucks. :rolleyes:

  5. Hi there. Ventured out of Unlucky Airlines lately?

    "Unlucky Airlines"

    *name is Pilot*

    I see what you did there

    Besides that hockey practice Tuesday there hasn't exactly been too many interesting occurrences, sooo

  6. I'm looking at top ten team attendance and the only oddity I see is Tampa, likely triggered by northerners going south for winter. How is that shifting interest south when a team like Dallas is under average?

    It's been under the league's responsability for years, it has over 3000 people less in attendance on average than the closest team, and the owner still didn't finish up his transaction after all that's been said and done? I don't remember the Thrashers agonizing this badly.

    Are you certain it's this unanimous?

    We're talking about the bad owner of an Original Six who alienated the fanbase however.

    As for Pittsburgh and Boston, I should probably go see a few more sources about those, though I do remember they both had a few bad years within the last 15 years or so that likely took a part of the fanbase away. I mean, this happened.

    Interest in general has grown. Look at the attendance numbers overall. But if you look at purely the numbers, as you'd expect the ratio of southern to northern people is larger.

    Besides, the 'oh it's just snowbirds' is not really a fair comment. You could say that for any kind of increase.

    It's also had about as many things as could go wrong, go wrong. Like Goldwater.

    If it wasn't at least very close, there wouldn't have been any southern teams.

    Sure, not as bad, but it's still a factor.

    Neither had the 10-year playoff drought of Florida, yes? And yet both were significantly worse. Pittsburgh doesn't even have anyone but the Steelers to really compete with. They were even as bad/worse than any southern team with crazy ticket giveaways.

    The HP pavillion is almost always sold out or close to, but it is fairly small.

    Not so much about Anaheim, even in their Cup run.

    Besides San Jose is in the middle of Silicon Valley, which I figure attracts a lot of people from other regions to work for whatever computer companies around.

    Wait... What? Yes it was. Anaheim was 95% capacity average on the year of the run, and filled entirely over the course of the next season. They just have a small arena.

    And they're the only (decent) sports team around, it helps a lot.

  7. It's January. There's snowbirds from up north. Hockey is cheap. Fairly easy to do the math.

    It's perfectly fine to relocate teams in historic hockey areas southward during the Nineties but it's fucking impossible to relocate southern teams a decade later when the Canadian dollar finally rose up to American level and beyond while interest is massively growing in many northern markets. How does that even make sense?

    Yep, Canadian dollar has risen. Thus the Jets came back.

    And since when is it 'massively growing in northern markets'? If anything the interest in the sport has shifted south recently, not north.

    And look, I'm not anti-Southern relocation,

    I'm anti-relocation in general.

    I wouldn't have wanted Winnipeg or Quebec to move back when. I don't want Phoenix or anyone else to move now. And I especially don't like the feeling of 'Oh, we deserve them because we live in a colder location.'

    I'm saying that relocation should only be used as a last-ditch measure only to be used when the only other option is folding. For the Coyotes, it's not.

    Do you at least admit that Gary Bettman does not want to admit defeat with his southern plan that didn't quite met his expectations?

    Chicago had its issues coming from one of the worst sports team owners ever, not allowing games to be shown on TV. When the owner's son took his place, the crowd booed his father's name when it was mentionned. Pittsburgh had one of the shittiest arenas until recently and typically had bad teams until Mario Lemieux did something about it. I'm not sure about Boston, but I figure it's a combination of glory days far behind and generally good teams in NBA, NFL and MLB in a city that isn't that big. It would be fun to have tickets for all four leagues but I don't think many can afford that.

    There's plenty of factors in there. Of course, I'm not entirely sure Quebec is going to fill out its arena if the tickets and such cost just as much as Montreal.

    It's not "his" plan. It never was his more than anyone else's. If anything, it was every single owner's plan. Yes, even people like the ones in Montreal and Toronto and Chicago and wherever else you want to say. The NHL wants them there. Bettman is only the mouthpiece.

    They don't want to admit defeat, and they shouldn't. The sport has grown, in athletic ability, in interest, in money making. Maybe it's not as dramatic as some would like to believe, but it is working. Taking teams away would only undo that interest.

    Sure, there are factors like bad owners that come into play. Frankly that's what has happened with a lot of the expansion teams. Pittsburgh has nothing to complain about since even when Phoenix was playing at American West Arena they nearly filled their building (it was a Winnipeg about sized one, though, thus them getting the newer one) when it was a dump the level of Nassau Colosseum, and even when they moved to Glendale (a good 1 1/2 away from the majority of the city) and were the worst team in the league for years, they never were as bad attendance-wise as Pittsburgh. And Arizona has had the Cardinals who went to the Super Bowl in 2009, the Suns with Steve Nash, and the Diamondbacks who were consistently a strong team. How is that not competition? Sure, they may not be as strong as the Patriots, Celtics, and Red Sox, but shouldn't their status as an Original Six team be considered instead of a team that never made it out of the first round until this past year and has only had about 15% of the time to establish themselves?

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