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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Asking for money and gifts that I'm not deserving of makes me feel bad.

    True FE4 Thread dating sim... There's nothing much else to it.

    But accepting money and gifts that are freely offered should not make you feel bad. Which is what all donations have really been.

    Cool. Would be awesome to actually get going.

    TheEnd and Musashi as Politics and economics teachers!

    That's about it...

    Just throw random ideas if you like.

    Oh lol


    I'm the forgotten janitor

    Dio as anatomy teacher.....

    Redundant with above..?

    Dio as the school's nurse.

    And this is how this game was never made. Again.

    What would you want to be.


  2. No, I don't think so...?

    A silly project everyone's worked up about that will probably never get done.

    I remember you not liking it/not wanting to do it, and then when convinced it was used much. At any rate, take that as encouragement for the idea.

    Do tell?

  3. Can't make a game with myself as the protagonist. It would make me look narcissistic.

    And nobody would want to play as me.

    And I don't want it.

    Didn't you say the same thing with the 'donate' button and then

    Hi there Pilot...


    Hi Pilot

    'sup Pilot

    Not much, just work and maybe getting an in to actually joining an adult hockey league for the next season (June, I believe).

    What's this game talk

  4. So busy at work can't keep up with the threaaaad

    Nah. You were only victim to Pilot's luck.



    Bad Pilot!! D=

    Hey wait-!

    It's not his fault :<


    Is anyone immune to Pilot's luck?


    Just a sad Pilot? ;~;

    Yeah! ;.;

    You say that but he takes pride in the number of people he has infected!

    Shush you..!

    Shame on him!

    ... that was quick

    Pilot's being victimized!! D=

    Always! D:

    No we are by him!

    But I wasn't even here..!

    I accept your apology!

    But does Pilot?


    Surely! but he will probably jokingly pretend he doesn't!


    Yes most certainly~


    But that super power's reserved for me and Pilot.

    Excuse me?

    Did you just claim your luck is comparable to mine

    My superpower is to block everyone else's superpowers if they're standing in a five feet radius from me.

    except mine.

    Yes I know I'm replying to really old posts but hey.

  5. Hi Pilot

    Going to watch even more of that socialized ass kicking?

    This will end up being one of the biggest days of the year (3 teams playing for 2 remaining playoff spots), all of which start at 4 pm my time.


  6. /pat

    Have fun... getting paid!

    And totally unrelated: I have some Pilot gel pens.

    Thank ya hopefully more than before if stuff went well last time

    Saw them and thought of me I see. YOU DO CAREEEE

    okay really gone now

  7. Get in the DeLorean! We're going back to a better time!

    A time where there weren't many NHL teams in the South!

    So instead we can just watch the Flyers try to murder people on the ice and the Islanders whoop everyones' backside?

  8. I very much doubt I'll get 100% completion

    For instance, I'm already not doing the tea route
    B-But there's a prize for those who get 100%

    It's easy to accidentally get endings from the Tea route. Also, my Pilot description is fitting then.

    I should hack your game then
    Right... :')


  9. It amuses me one way how that ending can be interpreted with the wrong context...

    Happy version is far superior.


    I had about six to post but people beat me to most of them.



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