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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. You may see it that way. You gotta see it like in your updated adventure, with those acid-trip Warps from Meteo to Katina and Sector X to Sector Z ones...

    After all, you could end up on the Hard Route once you get out of the Black Hole. That wouldn't be quite exactly cheating...

    Skipping Hard-Corneria and Sector X, the hardest level of the games? With free bombs and hyper lasers?

    About as close to cheatiing as you can come in-game.


    Hiya Pilot

    Good day Fre.

  2. You're better off getting stuck in the "Black Hole". At least you can get out of that... eventually... and changing routes and such.

    With the Black Hole I could go anywhere I want with full laser power. It's like cheating.

  3. To be honest, I've seen you being referred more to your bad luck than being forgotten.

    Pilot's Luck occurs more often, so yes, but it is enough that I wrote (i.e: changed a few words in Rocket Man) a song about being ForgottenMan

    One of these days I may just sing it

  4. Don't worry, I have something planned that will definitely please you.

    That's doable too.

    Ooo, I'm intrigued.

    Heh, so no hockey for the school? Imagine all the brawling that would happen...

    Sure there could be still.

    I was the team's star until a shot broke through my pads and injured me. :awesome:

  5. You silly people

    The new rule FE4 THREAD uses is that activity gets picked up only because of girls and this time activity picked up because of you (and the school dating sim~)



    This is amusing. Good Freohr.

    Bad Fia!

    Aww ^~^ Would Pilot be forgotten less often if he's a she?

    Probably at least a little less.

    Awwww the poor wittle piwot x3


    O-of course I have a text file! ...W-well, that is to say...I made one just now...

    Don't worry Marthur, you won't be thought of as narcissistic. We'll just credit you in special thanks, and voila! No more narcissism for Mr. Marthur. Brilliant, right? Now you get to be the protagonist!

    But has the illustrious myself been called upon? Then I shall illlustrate for you:

    The students:

    -Marthur (obv.)
    -GO (aka Generic Student)
    -Other people


    -TheEnd (politics)
    -Mumu (economics)
    -Jenni (mathematics)
    -Some others I dunno

    Other staff:

    -Dio (nurse)
    -Pilot (janitor)

    Not complaining but I was joking about the janitor bit

    The school's hockey coach =D

    I need to remember how to post

  6. gosh you're ancient

    how does it feel to be so


    My bones creak like an old mansion

    But Pilot there's like only 3 active 4th gen users.

    I'm sorry. ;__;

    ... The avatar just likes older men/women!

    Make up for it

    By making the game

    Also sleep since I need to get up in 4 hours for an 8 hour shift and 2 hour drive back and forth oh lovely

  7. Oh oh then I should be a student

    wait no

    no am I

    am I too old for that? I'm darn near 20 I can't be fooling around a high school

    actually pilot's idea works, yeah lets go with that



    I can't be older than you can I

    Why the hell everything has to be about context.........

    Context is important.

  8. There's more staff in this school than there are students.

    It's just to keep the activity going.

    Don't expect much.

    Wouldn't it make sense to make the 4th gens students and vets staff?

    oh you don't tease us

    Why not one more?

    so all staff are 'anatomy' ones huh

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