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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Posts posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. "Okay day at work, got off a little early, things looking pretty good."

    "NHL has cancelled games through Dec. 31st!"

    "... blast it."

    And to think I paid a small amount before all this lockout stuff to get NHL Network until that point. Figures.

  2. If we're going to list Sonic music that's decent or better, we might as well copypaste the OST tracklist already

    Did you have a 32x, Pilot

    Fair point

    Nah, just knew the Chaotix characters from things like the old comic books me and my brother used to get.

  3. Talking about Sonic 1 music... dat final zone.

    Yeah, I've heard. Apparently, the only post-Adventure games worth playing were basically Colors and Generations.

    Scrap Brain was decent too.

    ... Heroes was odd but okay I guess also maybe because of my like of the Chaotix

  4. I don't understand that. I love the speed in sonic games, specially Sonic Adventure 1 but the Casino level has the most slowdowns between playing the silly Pinball games, the fan lifting you upwards or waiting for the machinery to deposit enough rings for you to grab the Emerald.

    It's funny, I completely agree with you, but

    Marble Zone is my favorite Sonic 1 level. Must be the music

    I still have to play those Adventure games. Probably after Segagaga... and maybe Lodoss.

    The Adventure games were simultaneously decent and were obviously leading the franchise to what it is now.

  5. No, Tangerine is my archnemesis. Marth LXIV is a minor comic relief villain. :Knoll:

    Then why are your attacks on KM much more violent than the affectionate pinches for Tangerine?

  6. I dunno about the other since I only had one kid but still... you should send him back he probably misses me now =<

    Okay, I'll ship them both to Brazil. I only know TheEnd's address, though... oh well, I'm sure they can find their way.

    *ships NTG back to the UK*

    Too late, you're under arrest for human trafficking.

  7. Oooooooooops, sorry guess that's what I get making Rei Rei's timeout a box that had your address on it D=

    You can send him back if you want, his timeout's over

    ... wait, now there's a bigger one here. And it reeks of ALLCAPS.

    This one's definitely Rei Rei, but what's this other one?

  8. Too cheap?

    Very difficult platformer put on top of ridiculous requirements for continues/extra lives and YOUR HEALTH DOESN'T REGENERATE BETWEEN LEVELS


    Nobody can replace TheEnd. At least, not in that sense~





    *points at member title*

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