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Posts posted by Reganis

  1. So, I've decided to completely change the story of my hack, as I felt the old plot was a bit boring. As a result, I won't have anything to show by the time FEE3 rolls around, so I'm withdrawing my submission.

  2. The only drinks I can take are girly ones that are sweet. The taste of alcohol is simply repulsive, and I honestly can't believe everyone is tasting the same thing I am when they down this stuff. I wonder if I would get as much shit and looks from others if I were to just act stereotypically gay when ordering.

    Fuck every single one of you that loves hard liquor alone. You are the reason I can't enjoy myself getting drunk.

    Hey, chill bud, "girl drinks" are still good. Where I live, kryptonites and MITs are considered girl's drinks, yet I'd consider them to be 2 of my favorites.

    So tonight I've discovered Canadian Club. Really good shit. Y'all should try it

  3. Hello again, thread that I always end up in after a night out.

    Have any of you tried a "cointreau bomb?" It may be called something different where you live. Up here, most people I know call it a "skittle bomb", despite the fact it tastes nothing like skittles, and most clubs call it a cointreau bomb. Except for this one place called Society, which calls it a "Society bomb." Despite the fact that almost every bar up here will serve this drink upon request, these guys seem to think its exclusive to their bar and insist on naming it after themselves, but I digress.

    Basically, the drink is just cointreau and mother, drunk the same way as a jagerbomb. Anybody else had one before? I'm quite fond of them, personally

  4. Pretty much just my favorites,







    Maybe swap Kingler for Feraligatr, and Alakazam for Mewtwo.

    Honourable mention to Rhydon as well. I couldnt decide between Rhydon and Aggron so I flipped a coin.

  5. Jagerbombs are delicious. From what I remember of a certain night, it was all I drank in one club. I downed four in a row after already having a substantial amount of alcohol and never looked back. Or forward, for that matter.

    This guy here is my new best mate.

    I would love to only drink jagerbombs, but they're like 15 bucks each, and not even I can afford that continuously. In this cesspit I live in, people mostly drink shithouse quality beer so anything good costs a fortune.

    Still, I applaud you on your good taste

  6. Have had a few bad moments in life. Having depression through most of high school, mostly because of bullying, etc, when my girlfriend cheated on me, when my cousin was in a car crash and we had no idea whether or not he was going to pull through (he did, thank god)

    The worst would probably be hearing that both my parents have cancer, and reaslising that I'm very likely going to lose them both within the next few years.

  7. So, just one quick question, how do I stop the game loading the default events before mine. To elaborate, at the very start of the original chapter 1, that 'ships and homes' song starts playing. Now, when I put in my custom events, the 'ships and homes'song starts playing for a couple of seconds, then my events play. Is there a way to stop this from happening?

  8. I hated the rum and coke I had, then again I made it and loaded it up with 40% rum lmao.

    This. Although I've never tried Captain Morgan, most bars and clubs where I live only serve Bundaberg rum, which imo is pretty crap. Scotch all the way, for me.

  9. Might as well post my shit here

    Fire Emblem Hacked: FE7

    Name of Hack: Fire Emblem Reganis (Working Title)

    Creator: Reganis

    What You'll Submit: Trailer, live playable demo, and possibly an interview.

    Anything Else?: Nope

  10. I understand the logic and I fully agree with it, however this is not FE5, and that would also require getting someone to sprite a full sword animation of high quality, and my spriter already has a sizable wiorkload. Should an animation become available, I may consider this and I will rebalance the class too.

    I actually started making a mage knight w/ sword animation not long ago for my hack. Plan on making it public though, so help yourself when its done

  11. Hey there, person who must be a James Bond fan, as, iirc, Scaramanga is the Man with the Golden Gun from the movie of the same name.

    Yep, that's the one. You'd be right about me being a fan as well. :lol:

    I feel like I remember you, but I don't think I remember you being anybody I've spoken to =o

    I remember the name from around when I started here. Welcome back!

    I think I remember you guys as well, although I don't remember where from. Spriting board, maybe? Ah well.

  12. Hey there. Not sure if anybody would remember me, but I used to haunt this forum a couple of years back, mostly hacking, spriting and shit. Well, after getting my internet back and lurking for a bit, I figured I'd come back to the community. In short, hello again, Serenes Forest, hows things?

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