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Everything posted by Gamer7625

  1. Thanks for the birthday wish :)

  2. Brom is good on the team and really can help Boyd with his Water Support, while at the same time Brom gets some extra strength from Boyd. As for Gamble, it has helped Zihark open up some walls in the opponent's line and let my Palidin's break through. If a skill can help Zihark get an even better chance at taking out a General, without having to use an Armorslayer, then isn't it possibly worth it? Especially since, like I've said, he has Adept which gives him more chances to hit. Zihark has ALWAYS taken any enemy out the few times I've used Gamble.
  3. I really only use Gamble with a weapon like a Killing Edge or the Vague Katti, since those weapons have high critical chances already Gamble just helps them and I still have a nice accuracy and, like I said before, Adept can give me more chances to hit
  4. I know the Occult skills aren't required, I just don't like to waste them. Furthermore, can you give me good reasons to remove the skill from Marcia, someone who could appreciate the strength, and give it to someone who gets a move that heals him and lowers the opponents defense? If so, then what should I give to Marcia in return? Zihark's accuracy is still above 50% even after Gamble and thank you for the back-up
  5. You don't sound like a douche and I do appreciate the replies. I know Zihark isn't assured a hit with Gamble, and this could just be my stubborness, but wouldnt his Adept skill help suppliment this and give him an even better chance to hit? I'm mostly speaking out of experience (and I know PEMN) but he has always finished any enemy I happen to use Gamble on, the rare occasion I do use it.
  6. I know Resolve is a very good skill, I will always agree with you there. But if I were to take Aether from Ike and give him Resolve, then where would that Occult skill go? And while having more hit is better, what if Zihark has no way of finishing someone off and I want to be assured he will get a critical? Because believe it or not he doesn't crit everyone even with a 50% critical hit score. And what should I do with those skills then? Seems peple think I am using Gamble every turn, I'm not! I'm using it very rarely. Also what skill should Brom get? I don't like giving him nothing. I know Mist would like Sol but I need alternatives. I've not been given any really.
  7. Only problem with only using 10 people is idk who I'd remove to keep my Support groups good. Also I have found Gamble a useful skill on Zihark. I don't use it often but it can help in certain circumstances, since he will still usually have over 50% accuracy and 100% critical
  8. I was wanting to do a normal play of PoR since it had been awhile and just wanted some/any opinions on the team I am planning on using. I am planning on doing Random growths and on Normal mode. 1)Ike Skill: Aether Main Band:Knight Band Support(s): Soren-A; Oscar-B Stat Booster(s):None Some people may say to use Vantage/Wrath/Resolve/Adept in any combination, the thing is I like those skills on other people, and besides Aether is a classic Ike skill that I think is more useful than the others above for him. Since Ike is Soren's only good Support (and the only worthwile one for Soren) and I like Soren too much not to use him, I decided to give them the A Support. While Oscar is a mounted unit and Ike is, obviously, not it might be a bad idea to support them. However, Ike and Oscar only have a 2 move difference so they will still be close enough to get their boost, which makes it worthwhile 2)Oscar Skill:Sol Main Band:Fighter Band Support(s): Kieran-A; Ike-B Stat Booster(s):None Sol is good for any of the Palidin since it can increase their longevity. The same is true for Oscar and turns him into an effective tank with his Lances and Axes (once he promotes). I give him Kieran Support because Kieran can use the Avoid boost and Oscar and Ike can dodge even easier, plus who doesn't love two Earth supports? 3)Boyd Skills:Vantage, Wrath Main Band:Sword Band Support(s): Mist-A; Brom-B Stat Booster(s): Talisman x1, Skill Book x1 Vantage and Wrath are the perfect combination for Boyd in my opinion. If Boyd stacks up damage, which is lessened thanks to his two Water Support buddies, he can tear tremendous holes in the opponent with Vantage, letting attack first all the time, and with Wrath. Mist and Brom are both Water supports who will boost Boyd's slightly troublesome defense and boost his already massive attack. 4)Soren Skill:Adept Main Band:Laguzband Support(s):Ike-A Stat Booster(s):None Pretty straightforward Soren. May seem unneeded but Soren has never needed much to be great. He gets a good bit of training early on and once he starts doubling, and once Adept activates more, he becomes very good. I do, however, give him one of my Laguzbands to help him survive the Laguz we fight on certain chapters, and most noteably the ending two. 5)Mist Skill:Miracle Main Band:Laguzguard Support(s):Boyd-A; Jill-B Stat Booster(s): Ashera Icon x2, Arms Scroll x2, Spirit Drop x1 Mist may have low magic at the start and an E rank in staves, but she its not too difficult to solve that. I give her the Mage Band for a few chapters, till she catches up in levels usually, and make sure to train a bit of my characters and let Mist heal even the smallest wounds and she will quickly catch up. In Chapter 9 I've gotten her staves to a C Rank, which is a huge approvement from an E. Mist keeps Boyd alive and proves to even be a good person with Jill, along with stopping her form going with her father who I am just enough of an ass to have her face. Giving Mist the Arms Scrolls lets her use the Sonic Sword as soon as she class changes, which is a HUGE plus to her. 6)Marcia Skills: Adept, Resolve Main Band: Knight Band Support(s):Tanith-A; Kieran-B Stat Booster(s):Seraph Robe x1, Energy Drop x1 Marcia has proved herself the times I have used her in the game. Yeah she takes a little work, but just look at someone like Nephene, who also needs some work before becoming very strong. Marcia can also support Tanith fantasticly, giving each other an attack and avoid boost they both need, while she supports Kieran and makes the Axe user a little bit stronger. I use Adept to help her slight attack problem even more and with Resolve if she does get hit enough she will deal even more damage. 7)Brom Skill:Luna Main Band:Knight Ward Support(s): Zihark-A; Boyd-B Stat Booster(s):Boots Brom might not be the best Knight, but he definately has the best Support element that can be used very well, also gaining two of the best support elements back in return. Luna is sort of a filler, as there isn't many other skills I can think of giving Brom and it can give him a nice boost sometimes. Brom and Zihark work greatly together and if Boyd is around the three of them can handle the entire Weapon Triangle together. 8)Kieran Skill:Sol Main Band-Archer Band Support(s): Oscar-A; Marcia-B Stat Booster(s): Speedwing x1, Skill Book x1, Talisman x1 Kieran is a really good character if you give him a little extra treatment. He may have some trouble with accuracy in the beginning, but that is quickly and easily fixed. The fact he gets two really good supports really help him out too and can make him even better. While Wind isn't the best element, Kieran still fits in the team very well. 9)Zihark Skills:Adept, Gamble Main Band: Wyvern Band Support(s): Brom-A Stat Booster(s): Dracoshield x2 Zihark is my favorite Swordmaster in the game and is a very good one to use. Brom and the Dracoshields fix his Defense, which is only needed if he actually gets hit. With Gamble Zihard has a high possibility of having a 100% critical chance and a hit % still above 50, add in Adept and there is very little chance the enemy will get away from him. 10)Jill Skill(s): Guard, Savior Main Band: Thief Band Support(s): Haar-A; Mist-B Stat Booster(s):None Jill really only has problems when she first joins if she fights the Birds, which may make it difficult but it still isn't real hard to use her. Jill can take some arrow hits without worrying, for one or two hits that is, and she can still dodge hits, while maybe not as much as Marcia or Tanith but it can happen nicely. Guard and Savior are filler Skills, but they can be useful. Guard can stop an enemt from trying to attack her and save her from the little damage she may have received, while Savior lets her protect someone who needs it without being hampered, if only Ike had that skill during chapter 17... 11)Muraim Skill(s):Smite, Nihil Main Band:Demi Band Support(s): Zihark-B Stat Booster(s):None Muraim may be the only character who isn't needed, however, he is my favorite of the Laguz and does fit in the chain. His skills are filler ones, but ones that are useful. Not much to say about him since he is a Laguz and pretty explanatory. 12)Tanith Skill(s): Reinforce, Miracle Main Band:Full Guard Support(s): Marcia-A Stat Booster(s):Seraph Robe x1, Energy Drop x1, Spirit Drop x1 Tanith has always been a good character to me and with Marcia boosting her attack more Tanith can accomplish even more than she could before. Since Tanith does have the lowest HP of my fliers I give her the Full Guard. The Spirit Dust helps the Runesword and Flame Lance become more powerful and help her take out enemies quicker, while the other two boosters should be obvious. 13)Haar Skill(s):Guard Main Band:Paladin Band Support(s): Jill-A Stat Booster(s): Speedwing My final character, Haar. He may have some accuracy issues, which never seemed to be 100% solved, but he still is good and can hit like a truck. Give him a forged Axe and the accuracy problem is lessened majorly, even if he might not double a good bit of people it still works.
  9. Ha yeah speaking of checking Serenes more often I just now checked it in over a year XD but I am glad you know the reason of my name lol

  10. Lol thanks it is awsome XD

  11. It has been awhile since I've been here and I do apologize for that things have been interesting but I am gonna try to at least show up here to talk to people at the very least. I know I have been a member of this site and all so if any Mods are pissed at me then they may delete this Topic I just wanted people to know I was back and stuff and to let people on my friends list know I do want to talk to them again and even make new friends.
  12. Hey Killer, in case you don't remember this is Gamer from Gamefaqs, I know it may take awhile for you to respond but I just wanted to get back in touch somehow

  13. It did that time, I found it odd too and never thought it could happen either, trust me I was wondering how that could happen. It's not like I use Gamble a lot just when he needs to get someone out of his way and I have a good base crit chance.
  14. If I give Vantage to Boyd then who would get Resolve? Haar and Marcia are the only two people I can even imagine would make use of it. I could add Provoke to Brom as he does have 5 Capacity left with Luna, however I am planning on giving him Boots to fix his movement so he may not need something like that. Gamble has been a good skill on Zihark before, I remember in a past play I was on Ena's Chapter and he attacked someone had a 100% hit chance and a 50% Crit chance with his Killing Edge, I used Gamble he had a 60% Hit chance and a 100% Crit chance afterwords and destroyed the guy.
  15. That was a mistake on my part Oscar's B Support is Ike, since they can only have two supports I believe. I do normally randomly switch the bands around to certain people so I'll try out some of those different combinations and Mist will probably get the Laguzguard. Thanks for saying my team is good, I love every character here but Brom really, he just happened to fit in well so I'm gonna use him.
  16. I wanted to do a Playthrough using some characters I have rarely used mixed with some more common characters for me. Any help with Supports and Skills would be helpfull. I am doing Normal mode so that doesn't have to be asked. 1)Ike-Aether Skill doesn't need any description... 2)Oscar-Sol Sol to help his durability, which he normally doesn't have any trouble with but it can make sure he never dies. 3)Boyd-Wrath Resolve Wrath+Resolve combo, I thought that would fit Boyd as his HP will get low at times, and sice Mist should be around him most of the time for Support he shouldn't have to worry about HP being TOO low. 4)Soren-Adept, Vantage Vantage allows him to take even better advantage of his Adpet skill, it also helps his lower HP too as he will attack everything (lacking a Longbow or Long range magic)first which can really help him. 5)Mist-Miracle Skill she starts with...no explenation needed... 6)Marcia-Adept, Counter Adept is to help fix her Attack problems, and Counter? Well I decided to give her Counter 'cause 1) I don't like her having 1 Skill, and 2) it can help her kill easier if it activates since her dodge is good but not the best. 7)Kieran-Sol Helps him survive with his meh-ish defense, no real explenation can be used. 8)Brom-Luna Really this was the only thing I could think of, it can help his offense a bit since he may have trouble with some kills later on in the game. 9)Zihark-Adept, Gamble Adept since it is an amazing Skill for him, Gamble because he has good enough Skill that he can hit with it, unlike most units, and thanks to Adept he can get more chances to hit with it. 10)Jill-Guard, Savior Guard can help her stop opponents attacks (and I've always loved it on her for some reason) while Savior eliminates penalties if she has to save someone. 11)Muraim-Smite, Nihil I really just gave him left over skills that are somewhat useful... 12)Tanith-Reinforce The best skill for her hands down 13)Haar-Guard I couldn't think of anything else to pass out so I left him with his Base Skill, which is good for him still. Supports Ike-Soren A, Oscar B Oscar-Kieran A, Tanith B Boyd-Brom A, Mist-B Soren-Ike A Mist-Jill A, Boyd B Marcia-Tanith A, Kieran B Kieran-Oscar A, Marcia B Brom-Boyd A, Zihark B Zihark-Muraim A, Brom B Jill-Mist A, Haar B Muraim-Zihark A Tanith-Marcia A Haar-Jill B Bands: Ike-Knights Ring, before anything I want to give Oscar-Knight Band Boyd-Soldier Band Soren-Laguzguard Mist-Mage Band so her Magic gets a little beter then Paladen Band Marcia-Fighter Band Kieran-Archer Band Brom-Knights Ward Zihark-Laguz Guard Jill-Wyveren Band Muraim-Demi Band Tanith-Full Guard Haar-Theif Band
  17. lol it's alright and I apologize for it taking so long to respond, I've found myself busy lately.

  18. Didn't spoil the whole show though.

  19. hmm idk about theme somgs for people though i would like to know what people would pick for me. i'll think about at least one song for someone.
  20. lol that's from a show called Code Geass

  21. No United States

  22. Oh hm never would've guessed that lol

  23. Nice haha I got done with Sophomore year! Lol 2 more years of high school then college...

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