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Everything posted by Gamer7625

  1. Gamer7625


    Hey Zetsu finaly shows a power!
  2. Happy Birthday!!!

  3. All Hail Britannia, All Hail Emperor Lelouch!

  4. Gamer7625


    With the whole is Grimmjow and Nnoirta Vasto Lordes I don't think so. I don't think Kenpachi could have beaten a Vasto Lorde. Also wouldn't he have automaticly been made an Espada if he was a Vasto Lorde instead of have to fight to get that spot. Also wouldn't he have been able to beat Nel, who to my knowledge isn't a Vasto Lorde, easily. With Grimmjow I just don't think he is he doesn't seem like he would be. I do think Ulquiora is a Vasto Lorde we always see him when they talk about them. I really hope Starrk isn't dead that would suck. He needs some other huge power with his whole split soul thing his Ressurection form is his main form so he has to have something else. I really want to see Halibel fight though.
  5. I get my characters, skills, and Supports ready and depending on what I change I tweak my strategies as well.
  6. As people have been wondering I do mean two people who are 15, 16 or 17. I did not mean 13 or 14. I'm even stretching it with 15.
  7. Gamer7625


    Objection! I think it was Urahara! His blade is also kind of black.
  8. I want to see what you think about certain things and why. I am a bit bored and just want to see what people think of these. 1)Underage sex. 2)Underage drinking. 3)Smoking pot.
  9. Gamer7625


    Nice Chapter. Is it just me or does Sasuke have. Susano cause of his barrier type thing. I loved how Amatarasu was used and Raikage is using everything now isn't he.
  10. I was wondering who that was. Lol then I saw the green and figured it out instantly.
  11. Sorry I have't been very active in the last few weeks/months. I've had a lot og family stuff. One of my grandmothers has a form of Dementia and is seeing people in her house, car, etc. We had to get a big plan set up so the state doesn't get controll of her and everyhing she owns. Also I very recently got back in touch with an old friend (yes a female friend) and we both realized there were feelings and we've fallen extremely hard over each other. I mean EXTREMELY hard over each other. Anyway that's about it. I don;t know some stuff that happened but I got that Red Fox resigned which sucks.
  12. Gamer7625


    Barragan hated Aizen this whole time. Not really expected. My question is if he was the "King of Hueco Mundo" why is Stark stronger? And I expected Halibel to die before him... Stark never cared for Baragan apparently but I can't wait to see his battle.
  13. Gamer7625


    Yeah it did look like Fox Naruto. I wonder what Tobi wants to say to Naruto?? I can't wait to see Zetsu pop up again and surprise everyone. Oh right. FIGHT!!!!! Sasuke vs Raikage=AWSOME!!!
  14. Gamer7625


    Well when they show the Vasto Lordes they always show a figure that lookes like Ulquiora. I doubt Nnorita was one though. Or else he would have been an Espada from the start not have to work his way up.
  15. Didn't get to say this on the topic. You were a great mod have a great time on college. Hope you'll stay somewhat active though.

  16. Nothing. Just relaxing with what little summer I have left.

  17. Didn't look like it. He didn't use it he just had it drawn to protect Gaara cause he saw a threat. I hope it was Sasori though. That would be AWSOME!!

  18. Happy Birthday!!

  19. Gamer7625


    White Zetsu does seem like he has a lot of energy while the Black Zetsu seems to be smarter and calculitive. I also noticed with this chapter that the Venus Fly Trap shell has been split and followed each section of Zetsu. It looked like when they split it was left fully in the ground. I'm just happy to see Zetsu fight. Anyone else wonder where Kisame is?? Again I don;t think Danzo is Tobi with his stolen Sharingan eye and all. Also the fact he only had one that we saw was too strange if it was Madara he would have two as that is how we always see him. The guy with the Byakugan said he got his eye from a battle with a Hyuga so I think his was given to him more out of respect cause he may have beaten that Hyuga and before he died gave him his eye to replace the one he may have destroyed or noticed was lost.
  20. Gamer7625


    I know poor Hinata. You would think Naruto would've said something to Hinata after that. I mean she saved his life...
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