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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. 11. Forgettable (see what i did there) 12. Chikorita 13. Dr. octopus 14. Tom Holland!Spiderman 15. Sigurd is dumb 1. Because I fuckin won lol 2. Lattes count, right? Raspberry iced latte (first); regular iced latte (this morning) 3). who are you x4 x5, wait no you're chen glorious master of MUHENU HENUNU also why do you like xavier renegade angel so much 4: Chen 5: Dating
  2. kek wait what thought you account-jisatsu'd tbh impression: wow i used to mix you up with BLS tbh (also one time in 2009 I was happy i passed your 300 post count so i posted on your wall but then you were like yeah i don't care and then I was like "oh, maybe he doesn't like me. :C" 1. Big Bang 5evr, but I'm kind of on the BTS hype train right now. 2. I'm a man with manly tastes and a manly sense of manliness. 3. Yes 3a. Sunkern 4. No edit: impartial. I actually had jellyfish soup once in china and it was like okay
  3. 1. Yes, very much so. 2. Yang and Yun lel (and the occasional Abel) 3. No, leeg is the only moba for me (ALSO AREN'T THERE LIKE NO ITEMS LOL WHAT) 4. for like 5 minutes i did one RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU and walked away also y u keep nominating me
  4. Pour 4 beers into a jug toss 1 can of frozen lemonade into the jug fill 2/3 of one of the empty beer cans with vodka and pour into the jug toss 1 can of frozen pink lemonade into the jug fill another empty beer can with green apple vodka and pour into the jug mix the jug and let it chill overnight (or at least for a couple of hours)
  5. because they're fat and dumb kind of like you me 6. Who are you lol 7. CHON 8. A lot, favorite would probably be the 15 minutes in the new Captain America movie that had Tom Holland!Spiderman in it 9. I luuuuuuuv Pokémon. Favorites by gen are probsss I: Eevee, II: Teddiursa, III: Skitty, IV: Cherrim, V: Minccino, and VI: Pancham 10. The Secret History by Donna Tartt 1. Probably putting a paper into submission for the journal of natural products chemistry & research w e w l a d 2. Summer Beer: 4 cans of beer (12 oz.) 1 can of frozen lemonade, fill 2/3 that can with vodka, 1 can frozen pink lemonade, fill that can with green apple vodka, mix, chill overnight. SO FUCKING GOOD. 3. I love the sound of my own voice 4. The exact opposite side of the world from the east coast in the states is like some middle of nowhere point in the ocean next to western australia, so I guess Taiwan is the closest I've been to that point 5. mega cinccino omg 1. Who are you lol x2 2. I collect pieces of my broken heart left to rust by my own ex-lovers 3. I've been to five! My favorite was probably Otakon in Baltimore (also the only one i've been to for more than a day lol) 4. cheese and crackers. always 5. The sheer size of the game really makes you feel like you're doing things like battling armies and kingdoms and going all out with your ADMIRABLE CONQUEST (somebody get this reference pls) because fuck you thats why forever and a day Patere tua consilia non sentis, constrictam iam horum omnium scientia teneri coniurationem tuam non vides?????????? 1. Inglourious Basterds 2. Ken Jeong, David Henry Hwang, Natalie Dormer 3. idk pooping for the first time 4. Nami > Braum > Sona > Tahm Kench >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else tbh I mix you up with Lettuce all the time Who are you lol x3
  6. Sorry guys I'm working 9-5 rn I'll be sure to get to these when I can. :D
  7. I went on a tinder date and fell in love with an amazing girl who makes us the most loving and supportive relationship I've ever been in.Edit: also got laid
  8. 3/10 probably couldve done that better mumu
  9. OMG LET'S FUCKING GO BOYS THIS IS MY MOMENT Too late; already have. 1. Camilla Macaulay from The Secret History by Donna Tartt 2. Dagda leaf is smol bb birb who needs to be protected 3. Ishtar 4. Pie, but I've been known to enjoy the occasional cake. 5. inglourious basterds 4 days 1. idk you tried to hand my shota title to somebody else man that's not cool 2. h e a r t a t t a c k (followed by cherry pop because i'm a dirty hipster like that) 1. Yaaaas. Probably doing a Himouto cosplay with my girlfriend. Just not sure if i want to do a genderbend Sylphyn (fun + expensive) or just Taihei (boring + cheap) 2. You old/used to mix you up with DLV all the time; you old 3. I don't know I was playing fe8 in 8th grade and i was like w o w who do i promote into what omg help me internet 1. I drink 2. The first 3. unfortunately 4. only with a dative of agent 5. no who the fuck is that
  10. lol but you've been here about as long as I have and tbh I don't really participate with a bunch of people in a variety of topics we kind of just do our own things kek
  11. wait is the forum time in the future again
  12. 30,000 posts in fftf over 8 years is probably enuf tho
  13. Sirius nominating me every week actually makes me really happy idk why he's too cool for me ;~; Sirius
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