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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. esse est vivere... vita est edens... quod edis es... too lazy to translate this into english smh
  2. latin senpai does not approve latin looks cooler and more confusing when you start substituting in random j's for i's
  3. ceterum autem equestrem argenti censeo esse delendam
  4. you recommended it to be last season and i still haven't started lol
  5. I meant the last time I took a recommendation from the FE4THREAD I ended up watching boku no pico
  6. Roxas


    regardless of the original sprite, the cheek puff is just too adorable omg
  7. You know I'm trying to stay huius you fuck
  8. is it good Barakamon, Shirobako, and Rakugo are still on my backlog where do I start @_@
  9. is chen a guy or a girl the answer to this question will determine the amount of attention i show this topic
  10. http://archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/wordz.pl?keyword=esse dang you're not wrong
  11. 2013 was the last time i talked to her lol
  12. lingua latine? sine scientia hujus linguae pulcherrimae, juvenes hujus aetatis deficiunt structuram omnium linguarum intellegere, et sine cura linguas suas erroribus redditis polluunt.
  13. hah riggity riggity riggity rekt m8
  14. Happy birthday, Ray!

  15. can I, too, be a part of this circle of middle cocks
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